The grain offering
1 If anyone offers Yahweh a grain offering, his offering is to be fine flour on which he is to pour wine and put incense.
2 He shall bring it to the sons of Aa ron, the priests; he is to take a handful of the fine flour and oil and all the incense, and the priest shall burn it on the altar as a memorial, a burnt offering whose sweet-smelling odor will please Yah weh.
3 The remainder of the grain offering be longs to Aaron and his sons; this is a most holy share for it comes from the burnt offerings of Yahweh.
4 When you are going to offer a grain offering of bread baked in the oven, the fine flour is to be prepared either in the form of unleavened cakes mixed with oil, or in the form of unleavened wafers spread with oil.
5 If your offering is a grain offering fried on the griddle, the fine flour mixed with oil is to have no leavening.
6 You must break it in pieces and pour oil over it. It is a grain offering.
7 If your offering is a grain offering cooked in the pan, the fine flour is to be prepared in oil.
8 You must bring to Yahweh the grain offering that has been thus prepared, presenting it to the priest, who is to bring it to the altar.
9 The priest shall take part of this offering and burn it on the altar to recall before Yahweh the person who is offering it. And it will be an offering whose sweet-smelling odor will please Yahweh.
10 The remainder of the grain offering belongs to Aaron and his sons; this is a most holy share of Yahweh’s burnt offering.
11 None of the grain offering that you offer to Yahweh is to be prepared with yeast for you must never burn yeast or honey as a burnt offering for Yahweh.
12 You may offer them up to Yahweh, as an offering of first fruits, but they must not go up as a sweet-smelling odor to please Yahweh.
13 You must salt every grain offering that you offer, and you must never fail to put on your grain offering the salt of the Covenant with your God: to every offering you are to join an offering of salt to Yahweh your God.
14 If you offer Yahweh a grain offering of firstfruits, it may be from either roasted corn or bread made from ground corn.
15 You are to add oil to it and put incense on it; it is a grain offering
16 and the priest is to burn part of the bread and oil (together with all the incense) as a burnt offering for Yahweh.