Micah Chapter 2
Against the rich

1 Woe to those who plot wicked ness and plan evil even on their beds! When morning comes they do it, as soon as it is within their reach.

2 If they covet fields, they seize them. Do they like houses? They take them. They seize the owner and his household, both the man and his property.

3 This is why Yahweh speaks, “I am plotting evil against this whole brood, from which your necks cannot escape. No more shall you walk with head held high for it will be an evil time.”

4 On that day they will sing a taunt ing song against you and a bitter lamentation will be heard, “We have been stripped of our property in our homeland. Who will free us from the wicked who allots our fields.”

5 Truly, no one will be found in the assembly of Yahweh to keep a field for you.

6 What will you say to that? For there is no reply. Disgrace will not pass away; these words will strike the nation of Jacob.

7 They answer, “Is the might of Yahweh weakened? Is this his way of working things out? Has he not good words for his people of Israel?”

8 But it is you who oppress my people and are his enemies. You strip off the garments of those who pass by con fi dently;

9 you drive the women of my people from the home they love; you rob my blessing from their children forever.

10 Get up! Away with you! There is no resting place for you here! Be cause of this uncleanness of yours, you will go roped up.

11 If a deceiver were to come and say, “I will preach to you of wine and strong drink,” he would be the pro phet for this people.

A comforting word

12 I shall assemble you, nation of Jacob, and gather the remnant of Israel. I will bring them together like sheep in a fold, like a flock in its pasture.

13 They have a leader in their midst. See: their king goes before them, Yahweh is heading them!


Comments Micah, Chapter 2

• 2.1 He denounces the exploiters, those who always have legal means to despoil little people. We must not forget that the Bible had a code of laws – far ahead of any other nation – to defend the rights and the lives of the poor, the widows, etc. See Deuteronomy 23:16.

Everyone, naturally, is furious with the pro phet who disturbs the established injustice.

Verses 12-13 probably do not come from Micah’s hand. They may have been added here later (see Ezk 34).