Haggai is the first of the postexilic prophets. These three: Haggai, Zechariah and Malachi proclaim the word of God in an entirely new age. The former prophets denounced Israel’s sins and announced the imminent Judgment. Now, after the trial of the destruction of Jerusalem and the Exile in Babylon, the Jewish community must rebuild the nation, and this is when the prophets demand that first, the Temple must be rebuilt. It is a fact that the Jews (and this is true for us, too) had to serve God before asking him for the solution to their problems.
Haggai’s message is prophetic in another sense: it initiates a new stage in Sacred History in which the growth of the Jewish people will depend on their faithfulness to the Law and on their worship. The Temple is already the Dwelling place of God among his people. They have to wait also for a mysterious coming of God: that day when he will come to visit his people.