Prayer of Jesus, son of Sirach
1 I will give thanks to you, O Lord and King; I praise you, my God and Savior, I give thanks to your Name.
2 For you are my protector and helper, you have delivered my body from destruction, from the snare of the wicked tongue and from lips that speak lies.
In the presence of those who stood against me, you were my helper, my deliverer.
3 In the fullness of mercy and the glory of your Name, you delivered me from the teeth of those ready to devour me, from the hand of those wanting to take my life and from my many trials.
4 You rescued me from choking fire on every side; you saved me from a fire I had not kindled.
5 You delivered me from the depths of the netherworld, from an impure tongue and lying words,
6 from vicious slander reported to the king. I was near to death, I was already at the gates of the nether world.
7 They surrounded me on every side with no one to help me. I looked for human comfort and there was none.
8 Then, Lord, I remembered your mercy and your deeds from all eternity, knowing that you deliver those who hope in you and save them from the hands of their enemies.
9 I sent up my prayer from the earth, begging to be delivered from death.
10 I called on the Lord, the Father of my Lord: “Do not forsake me in the day of my affliction, when I am helpless against arrogant enemies; I will praise your name continually and sing to you my thanksgiving.”
11 And my prayer was heard, you saved me from destruction and delivered me from an evil plight.
12 That is why I will give you thanks and praise and bless the Name of the Lord.
13 In my youth, before I set out on my tra v els, I openly sought wisdom in prayer;
14 before the Temple I asked for her and I will pursue her to the end of my days.
15 While she blossomed like a ripening cluster, my heart was delighted in her; my feet followed the right path, because from my youth I searched for her.
16 As soon as I began listening to her she was given to me, and with her, much instruction.
17 With her help I made progress and I will glorify him who gives me wisdom,
18 for I decided to put it into practice and ardently seek what is good. I shall not regret it.
19 My soul has struggled to possess her. I have been attentive to observe the Law, and after my faults I have stretched out my hands to heaven and lamented my ignorance of her.
20 My love of her increased and I found her in repentance. It was through her from the beginning that I learned to possess my heart. She will not forsake me.
21 With my whole being I sought her; that is why I won what is best.
22 In return for this, the Lord has given me words to praise him.
23 come near, you who are without understanding and join her school.
24 Why do you say you are de prived of all this and that your souls are thirsty?
25 This is what I say: Buy this without money;
26 put your neck under her yoke and let your minds receive instruction; it is very near and within your reach.
27 See for yourselves: my toil has been slight and I found deep rest.
28 Be instructed, whatever the cost, and you will gain what is better than gold.
29 Let your soul find joy in the mercy of the Lord, and do not be ashamed to praise him.
30 Do your work within the ap pointed time, and the Lord in his time will give you your reward.
Comments Sirach, Chapter 51
• 51.1 This thanksgiving for liberation is a complement to the book of Ben Sira. The listing of the dangers from which God can free people, recalls for us the heroes of the Old Testament: Daniel in the lions’ den, Daniel and his friends in the furnace, Joseph imprisoned, Susanna, David.
This is used for the feasts of martyrs in the liturgy of the Church. Their death (see Wis 3:1) was libera tion from evil. Like Jesus, martyrs did not escape from evil and death, but they conquered both, overcoming natural fear and forgiving their enemies.