Psalm 62 (61)
My soul rests in God alone. God has revealed two of his dominant qualities: power and goodness. Would we like them to be active? Let us believe and open our hearts.
2 My soul finds rest in God alone;
from him comes my salvation.
3 He alone is my rock and salvation;
with him as my stronghold,
I shall not be overcome.
4 How long will you assail with your threats,
all of you, to bring someone down –
as you would pull a wall or smash a fence?
5 Indeed they plan to topple me.
They take pleasure in telling lies;
with their mouths they bless,
but in their hearts they curse.
6 Find rest in God alone, O my soul;
from him comes my hope.
7 He alone is my rock and my salvation;
with him as my stronghold,
I shall not be overcome.
8 On God rests my salvation and my honor;
he is my refuge, my mighty rock.
9 Trust in him at all times, my people;
pour out your hearts before him;
God is our refuge.
10 People of low rank are only a breath,
important people, merely an illusion.
If weighed together they are nothing,
even lighter than a puff of wind.
11 Do not set your heart on extortion,
nor your hopes upon corrupt gain.
Even if wealth accumulates,
keep your heart detached.
12 God has spoken one word,
and I have heard two things:
that power belongs to God,
13 and yours, O God, is also mercy:
you reward each one according to his deeds.