一. 在旧约中,圣神一般来说,是「非位格的」,只指「上主的德能」(创11:2);但在新约中,圣神是「有位格的」:「我要求父,祂要赐给你们一位护慰者,使祂永远与你们同在」(若14:16)。这里我们看到三个位格:「我 - 父 - 祂」。
二. 在旧约中,圣神常是独立地被提及的;但在新约中,每次提及圣神,都同耶稣基督有关。
我们就在这框子里,谈谈新约中的圣神。这圣神在新约中又有其他的称号,如:天主自己儿子的圣神(迦4:6)、耶稣的神(宗16:7)、基督的圣神(伯前1:11)、耶稣基督的圣神(斐1:19)、光荣的神(伯前4:14)、天主的神(伯前4:14)、天主的七神(默3:1; 4:15; 5:6)。
1. 圣神与耶稣基督个体
1.1 圣神与耶稣的童年生活
1.2 圣神与耶稣的公开生活
1.2.1 与耶稣的关系
1.2.2 耶稣有关圣神的启示
若望福音对耶稣有关圣神的启示,却有相当详尽的记录。在若望福音里耶稣告诉我们:圣神从永恒就发自圣父(若15:26;参阅默11:11),但在时间里,却是祂由父那里所派遣(若14:15.26; 16:18)。这圣神是有位格的(若14:16),是耶稣自己的接班人(16:12-14);祂是「真理之神」(14:17; 15:26; 16:13),是「护慰者」(14:16.17.26; 15:26; 16:7);这两个身份,是耶稣所非常强调的。这由三翻四覆的提及,可见一斑。
1.2.3 圣神与耶稣的逾越
2. 圣神与基督奥体
2.1 宗徒大事录
耶稣升天时曾授命宗徒们走遍普世传扬福音,可是初期的教会仍是死气沉沉的一群,没有生气。但是,圣神降临给教会行了一个隆重的开幕礼(2:1-13),更把新的气息给了教会,使宗徒们先后如出两人,勇敢大胆地走出晚餐厅宣讲被钉死的耶稣基督(2:14-47; 3:11-26等),虽死不辞(4:1-22等)。立时,隐匿在晚餐厅里的小教会(若20:19),成了一个世界性的信仰团体(宗2:9-11)。
教会藉圣神的降临向世界大开中门后,圣神就成了教会的最高领导者和有力的支柱。祂充满了要服务教会的执事的心灵(6:3.10; 7:55),藉宗徒们的覆手坚固刚领洗的信友(8:15-17; 19:1-6),叫斐理伯开导厄提约丕雅的太监(8:29),认可保禄的回头(7:19),训示伯多禄向外教人开放(10:19),也降到外教人身上,诱导他们信仰耶稣(10:44-47; 11:15-16),认可巴尔纳伯(11:24)和阿加波先知(宗11:28),给保禄禁止(16:6-7)或指示传教的路线(13:3.4.9; 20:22-23),决定宗徒会议的议案(15:28),选立教会牧者(20:28),鼓励教会的发展(9:31),在信仰考验中支持殉道者(6:10)……。
2.2 保禄书信
保禄提及圣神的经句不少,大致可综合为两点,就是(1)圣神是教会合一的基础,因为谈及圣神时,除了罗8:2; 9:1;格前7:40关乎他个人外,都是指向团体,指向「我们」(格前12:13)、「你们」(格后3:3;迦3:3)「你们众人」(格后13:13)或所有人「凡……」(罗8:14)。因此他非常强调彼此的合一:「所以我……恳求你们……凡事要谦逊、温和、忍耐,在爱德中彼此担待,尽力以和平的联系,保持心神的合一,因为只有一个身体和一个圣神,正如你们蒙召,同有一个希望一样;只有一个主、一个信德、一个洗礼;只有一个天主和众人之父……」(弗4:1-6)。
2.3 其他书卷
若望的其他着作相当强调「圣神是真理」(若一5:6)。他以相当形像化的字眼称圣神为「傅油」(若一2:27)。油有渗透、滋润、防腐、治疗、发热、温暖等作用。这正好是「圣神是护慰者」形像化的表达。可是若望却特别强调真理那一面。他说:「至于你们,你们由祂所领受的傅油,常存在你们内,你们就不需要谁教训你们,而是有祂的傅油教训你们。这傅油是真实的,决不虚假。所以,这傅油怎样教训你们,你们就怎样存留在祂内」(若一2:27)。经文中所说的「祂」,就是那「圣者」(若一2:20;参阅格后1:22)。因此圣神的特别使命就是「教训」教会,祂是「预言之神」(默19:10;参阅伯后1:21),即「代言之神」(参阅若16:14-15),祂要「作证」(若一5:6),为真理(=耶稣)作证(默19:10)。这圣神是非常富有的,祂是「天主的七神」(默3:1; 4:5; 5:6; 1:4)。因此教会必须「听圣神向各教会说的话」(默2:; 3:6.13. 22)。值得注意的是默示录一连七次反覆这同一句说话,可见「听圣神的话」的重要性。(这句话也叫我们看见保禄所强调的同一思想,即在同一圣神领导下,教会是至一的,却同时是多元化的:整个教会或地区教会得听圣神向「各」教会说的话)。圣神不但在现世教导教会,祂更领导教会迈向永生,因为,正如初期教会与圣母一起热切祈祷,期待圣神降临(宗1:13-14);同样,圣神也与教会一起热切期待耶稣基督的再来:「你来吧!」(默22:17)。可见圣神实在是教会的最高领导人,必须听从祂。正因如此,若望郑重提醒我们要明智:「不要凡神就信,但要考验那些神是否出于天主,因为有许多假先知来到了世界上」(若一4:1),更给我们提供分辨「真理的神」和「欺诈的神」的原则(若一4:2-6)。
3. 圣神与基督肢体
3.1 圣神对教友
3.1.1 天主的恩赐
身为教友,我们是「受圣神祝圣的」一群(伯前1:1)。这圣神是天主给人最好的恩赐(路11:13;参阅玛7:11)。这是「恩赐」,不是应得的,而是白白施与的。新约虽然也说天父给我们「派遣」祂的圣神(若14:25; 16:7;迦4:6;伯前1:12),但更多用「赐与」的字眼(若14:16;格后1:22; 5:5;迦3:5;得前4:8;若一3:34; 4:13),而且这赐与是慷慨大方的,是「倾注」下来的(宗2:17.18.33;罗5:5;铎3:6「丰富地倾注」),使人可以拥有(罗8:9;格前7:40),甚至整个人「充满圣神」(若7:38-39;宗:很多例子),而且由充满而涌溢(若7:38-39);圣神还居住在人内(罗8:9;格前3:16),使人成为祂的宫殿(格前6:19; 3:16-17)。
3.1.2 生命之神
3.1.3 真理之神
天主藉圣神给我们启示一切(格前2:10;若16:13),因为祂认识天主的一切(格前2:11);祂教我们称天主为「阿爸」(迦4:6;罗6:16),教我们正确地认识基督(格前12:3),在教难时教我们说话(玛10:20),祂更作我们的「抵押」(格后1:22; 5:5)。
3.2 教友对圣神
3.2.1 消极一面
不可欺骗圣神(宗5:3),不可使圣神忧郁(弗4:30),不可成「没有圣神的人」,分党分派(犹19;参阅格前3:1-3),不可由圣神开始由肉结束(迦3:3;格前2:14)。希伯来书的这段经文,很值得我们细嚼:「那些曾一次被光照,尝过天上的恩赐,成了有份于圣神,并尝过天主甘美的言语及未来世代德能的人,如果背弃了正道,再叫他们自新悔改,是不可能的,因为他们亲自又把天主子钉在十字架上,公开加以凌辱……如果我们认识真理之后,还故意犯背信的罪,就再没有另一个赎罪祭了,只有一种等待审判的怕情,和势将吞灭叛逆者的烈火。谁若废除梅瑟法律,只要有两三个证人,他就该死,必不得怜恤。那么,你们想一想,那践踏了天主子,拿自己藉以成圣的盟约的血当作了俗物,而又轻视了赐恩宠的圣神的人,应当受怎样更严厉的惩罚啊!……落在永生天主手中,真是可怕!」(希6:4-8, 10:26-29)。
3.2.2 积极一面
香港教区这个夏季由于公教报一些文章而引起某些神学问题的争论,使得本来已经酷热的天气,因为争论的热切而再升温。这篇文字的产生,(1) 非为趁热闹,加入论战行列,因为实在看不到有此需要,而是因为是次争论的主题牵涉到研究神学的方法,但从参与讨论的文章之内容看,发现似乎多数都未能把握到要点,只在问题的边缘绕圈。结果是越多人讨论,意见也跟着多起来,众说纷云之下,不少人看了那些文字后,觉得比前更加无所适从。
此文之目的,是希望根据历代教父与圣师的训示,和教会教授神学的缘因,握要地解释什么是教会的信仰,及为这信仰服务的神学。包括神学之内容、目的、方法,教会对从事神学研究者:神学家、神学教授和神学生有何要求,并为什么有这些要求。让对教会的信仰和为这信仰服务的神学,及其相关问题有兴趣的人士,能够有更清晰的观念。另外,本文所讨论的信仰和神学,专指天主教会,即英语所称The Roman Catholic Church的信仰及神学。其他的,一概不在本文讨论范围,谨此声明。
全文除前言和结论外,共分七点:一. 神学要求方法,二. 奥思定的神学方法,三. 信德作前导,四. 神学方法的内容,五. 信仰的托管,六. 托管的方式,七. 没有训导,便没有「圣事的团体」。(2)
1. 这篇文章曾以「信仰、神学和教会训导」为题,以普及形式自本年9月26日起,一连七周,刊载于《公教报》。又「信仰、神学和教会训导」这题目及文中之小标题乃《公教报》编辑所改。
2. 本文之主要参考资料计有:教会训导文献:Encyclical Letter Fides et Ratio of the Supreme Pontiff John Paul II To the Bishops of the Catholic Church on the Relationship between Faith and Reason, 14, September 1998, Vatican; 其他资料:中文:方奉天着、陈继容编译「信仰小引导」,《神学年刊》n17 (1996) 1-103;蔡元培着,《中国伦理学史》,台北,中央文物供应社1950;外文:B? GUERIE Philippe-DUCHESNEAU Claude, How to Understand the Sacraments, London, SCM Press Ltd. 1991; CAPPELETTI Lorenzo, “O Timoteo, custodisci il deposito”, in 30 Giorni, n. 1 (1998), 68-75; CORALLO Gino, Il lavoro scientifico. Fondamenti e metodi, Bari 1966; Dizionario di Spiritualita‘ biblico-patristica. I grandi temi della S. Scrittura per la “Lectio Divina”- l:Abba’-Padre, diretto da Salvatore A. Panimolle, Roma, Borla 1992; DULLES Avery, “Orthodoxy and Social Change”, in America, Vol. 178, No. 21 (1998), 8-17; FARINA Raffaelo, Metodologia. Avviamento alla tecnica del lavoro scientifico = Biblioteca di scienze religiose 71, Roma, LAS 19944; FISHER George Park, History of Christian Doctrine = The International Theological Library, Edinburgh, T. & T. Clark 1949; Handbuch der Dogmengeschichte, hrsg. von Michael Schmaus, Leo Scheffczyk, Aloys Grillmeier, 5 vol., Freiburg Br. 1956ss; KAVANAGH Aidan, “Liturgical inculturation: Looking to the Future”, in Studia Liturgica, Volume 20, Number 1 (1990), 95-106; SPICQ Ceslas, Saint Paul. Les Epitres pastorales, Paris, Ed. Gabalda 1947; TIXERONT Josef, Histoire des dogmes, 3 vol., Paris 193011; TRAPE‘ A., “Agostino di Ippona”, in Dizionario patristico e di antichita‘ cristiane, diretto da Angelo Di Berardino, Volume I, Casale Monferrato, Marietti 1994, I Ristampa, 91-103.
另外,本文所用之略语如下列:ACO = SCHWARZ E., Leonis Papae I Epistularum Collectione: ACO II, IV, Berling-Leipzig 1932; CCL = Corpus Christianorum, series latina; PL = MIGNE Jean Paul, Patrologiae cursus completus, series latina; TD = SILVA-TAROUCA, Textus et Documenta, series theologica 9, 15, Roma 1932-1934.
一. 神学要求方法
『天下从事者不可以无法仪,无法仪而其事能成者,无有。虽至士之为将相者皆有法,虽至百工从事者亦皆有法,百工为方以矩,为圆以规,直以绳,正以县,无巧工不巧工,皆以此五者为法,巧者能中之,不巧这虽不能中,放依以从事,犹逾已。故百工从事皆有法所度,今大者治天下,其次治大国,而无法所度,此不若百工办也。然则吾人之所可以为法者何在?墨子曰,当皆法其母奚若,天下之为父母者众而仁者寡,若皆法其父母,此法不仁也。当皆法其学奚若,天下之为学者众,而仁者寡,若皆法其学,此法 不仁也,当皆法其君奚若,天下之为君者众,而仁者寡,若皆法其学,此法不仁也,法不仁不可以为法。夫父母者,彝伦之基本,学者,知识之原泉,君者,于现实界有绝对之威力,然而均不免于不仁,而不可以为法。既在此世界中,势不能有保其绝对之尊严者也。而吾人之所法,要非有全知全能永保其绝对之尊严,而不与时地为推移者,不足以当之,然则非天而谁?故曰,莫若法天。天之行广而无私,其施侯而不德,其明久而不衰,故圣王法之。既以天为法,动作有为,必度于天,天之所欲则为之,天所不欲则止。由是观之,墨子之于天,直以神灵视之,而不仅如儒家之视为理法矣』(3)
说,却是「某一位」- Someone。这「某一位」就是降生成人的天主子 - 耶稣基督。而耶稣督和祂的父及圣神,今天不但仍然生活着,而且通过祂自己创立的教会,以一种目前我们无从理解的方式,与祂的信徒一起生活,为全人类的得救,继续不停地在世上工作。
对于这一点,两位国际着名的神学家Philippe B? guerie和Claude Duchesneau在他们合着的一部讲论圣事的书中清楚指出“Christianity is first and foremost a way of life, an ethic, before it is a philosophy or a theology”.
并且进一步澄清他们所说的a practical exercise, 并非指一种宗教、礼仪或圣事行动,而是指「与其他人类生活在一起时的一种生活方式和态度」:
“When we say‘a practical exercise’, we do not just mean a religious, liturgical or sacramental practice, but a type of behaviour, a way of living amongst other human beings”.(4)
3. 蔡元培著,《中国伦理学史》,34-35。
4. B? GUERIE-DUCHESNEAU, How to Understand the Sacraments, xiii.
二. 圣奥思定的神学方法
神学所用的方法有别于哲学和数学,不以明显的逻辑为根据,即一般所指的Metodo teorico-deduttivo -「理论演绎法」;亦不同于其他实验科学,例如化学、物理、生物等所用的,以经验或实验为基础的Metodo sperimentale「实验方法」。神学所用的方法跟历史学一样,称为Metodo storico -「历史方法」以「原泉的权威」- Autorita‘ delle fonti 为基础,「原泉」(fonti,即英语 sources) 主要指圣经、教父和训导。(5)
教会采用「历史方法」来研究神学,始于一千五百多年前。这方法由圣奥思定 (354-430) 提倡。圣奥思定自己的整个神学思想,和他在神学方面的成就,(6) 便是根据这方法研究所得的成果,奥思定之后至今这十多个世纪的神学研究,基本上都是采用这方法。
读过教会史的人都知道,公元四至五世纪时,教会如何因为异端的影响而埋伏着分裂的危机。当时最重要的异端有好几派,譬如亚略派(Arianism)、多拿狄派(Donatism)、摩尼派(Manichaeism),特别是白拉奇派 (Pelagianism)等。正是在如此纷乱扰嚷,一片嘶杀声的喧闹叫嚣中,圣奥思定为了保持教会信仰之完整和纯净,加入反驳这些异端的行列。他以圣经为凭藉,尤其是以保禄的思想为导引,开始认真和深入地探究一些重要的神学问题,例如圣三、原罪、恩宠等。结果不但给教会留下宝贵的神学作品,奠定教会的神学基础,更以其反省、深思所得,为教会的神学研究,提供了一套模式。
幸好他终于发现自己的错误,明白怀疑论的方法并不适用于信仰和神学研究。即是说,在处理教会的信仰与神学问题时,他不能采用怀疑论的方法,在信德与理性之间选择其一,却是信德与理性兼容并用,(7) 而且该以信德作前导。这发现最后更成为他研究神学的第一守则:「为了要明白先要相信」:“Credo ut intelligam”。(8) 奥思定这思想对后世影响之大,可能连他自己都估计不到。例如中世纪的士林神学家,都是依着这守则,从事他们的神学研究,其中的表表者有被誉为「士林学派之父」的圣安瑟莫(St. Anselm of Canterbury 1033-1109)。(9)
5. 参看CORALLO, Il lavoro scientifico, 84-85. 180-195; FARINA, Metodologia, 41.
6. 圣奥思定是西方教父中最重要的一位,其神学上的成就,可以说后无来者。他给教会和整个西方思想界带来的贡献,一直流传到现在。教会大部份教义的神学依据及灵修传统,均来自圣奥思定,例如圣三、创造、原罪、基督学、教会学、救恩论、末世论、祈祷等。
7. 说到信德与理性的关系,现任教宗若望保禄二世最新的一篇通谕《信仰与理性》当然不可不读。参看:Encyclical Letter Fides et Ratio of the Supreme Pontiff John Paul II To the Bishops of the Catholic Church on the Relationship between Faith and Reason.
8. 圣奥思定,Sermo CCXII,1=PL XXXVIII,1059: “Credite, ut intelligatis, Nisi enim credideritis, non intelligetis”. 同样思想见于圣人的另一篇讲道,Sermo CCIV,10=PL XXXVIII,1071: “Hoc audiendo credite, ut intelligatis; ut quod creditis, intelligere proficiendo valeatis”.
9. 参看圣安瑟莫著,Proslogion。
三. 信德作前导
四. 神学方法的内容
现在让我们回头看看圣奥思定的神学方法,究竟这方法内容如何?这方法包括以下各点:1. 依附着基督的训导权,(10) 2. 热爱所接受的信仰,3. 明白奥迹的意义,4. 对基督宗教之创新的信服 。即是说,研究神学的人,他们要意识到,自己有责任和义务保守传统所称的「信仰的托管」,必要时甚至加以捍卫。
1.依附着基督的训导权。由于在形体上,我们现在无法见到基督。因此,基督的训导权,是透过以下这几处显示出来:在圣经中,圣经不但是神学的灵魂,更是第一处把基督的训导权显示给世人的地方。圣奥思定更声明并非任何圣经,而是教会所传授和诠释的圣经。关于这一点,圣奥思定曾说过,如果要他相信一部福音,除非该部福音能够把他带引到天主教会的权柄那里(The Authority of the Catholic Church),他不会相信该部福音;“Ego vero Evangelio non crederem, nisi me catholicae Ecclesiae commoverent auctorias”.(11) 在传统内,即是从宗徒传下,那个来自远古,并且是普世性的传统;(12) 在教会内,即是由基督亲自创立,订定圣经「正典」,(13) 和把承接自宗徒的传统,向千秋万代的后世传下去的教会。教会更同时肩负起解释两者,即圣经和传统的责任。
2.热爱所接受的信仰。(14) 这点比较简单,意思也很清楚,无需要再解释。
3.明白奥迹的意义。(15) 然而,奥迹是什么?我们试以圣人的「教会学」为例,解说一下何谓奥迹。圣奥思定把这个属于基督、由基督亲自创立并显示的教会,分成若干团体:a)以宗徒为基础的信友团体,b)自亚伯尔直到天地终穷时,生活于世上的义人团体,c)现今已活在永生福乐中的真福者团体。
a. 以宗徒为基础,尤其是以伯多禄这盘石为基础(玛16:18)的信友团体。奥思定称它作「圣事的团体」(communio sacramentorum)。如我们的圣人所说,这团体的成员虽然良莠不齐,大家一起在主教、(16) 公议会(Councils)(17)和伯多禄的继承人(18) 的带领下,一起生活在世上。不过,好信友的圣德并不会受到坏信友的玷污。此外,由于教会的圣事在本质上是基督和圣神的工作。因此,后者所领受的圣事都有效,但不带来应有的效果。
b. 自亚伯尔直到天地终穷时,生活于世上的义人团体。这团体虽然在基督降生成人之前已经存在,并指向末世,这并不代表基督不在这团体内。因为作为圣言,基督自始就与这团体一起生活。
c. 现今已活在永生福乐中的真福者团体,即是圣奥思定所称的,蒙甄选者的团体。这团体由那些在世时忠信地为基督和祂的教会作证的信友组成,代表天主光荣的国度。
10. 此处所指的训导权,英语可译作 Teaching Authority。
11. 参看圣奥思定,Contra epistolam Manichaeum 5,6 = PL XLII,176; 另请参看Contra Faustum 28,2 = PL XLII,486.
12. 参看圣奥思定,De baptismo contra Donatistas IV,XXIV,31 = PL XLIII,174.
13. 参看圣奥思定,Contra epistolam Manichaeum 5,6 = PL XLII,176; Contra Faustum 28,2 = PL XLII,486.
14. 圣奥思定,Epistola CXX,III,13 = PL XXXIII, 459: “Intellectum vero valde ama”。
15. 圣奥思定,Sermo XXVII,III,4 = PL XXXVIII,179:“Melior est enim fidelis ignorantia, quam temeraria scientia”。
16. 参看圣奥思定,Sermo CXLVI,1 = PL XXXVIII,796.
17. 圣奥思定,Epistola LIV, 1 = PL XXXIII,200: “Primo itaque tenere te volo, quod est hujus disputationis caput, Dominum nostrum Jesum Christum, sicut ipse in Evangelio loquitur, leni jugo suo nos subdidisse et sacrinae levi (Matth. XI,30): unde Sacramentis numero paucissimis, observatione facillimis, significatione praestantissimis, societatem novi populi colligavit, sicuti est Baptismus Trinitatis nomine consecratus, communicatio corporis et sanguinis ipsius, et si quid aliud in Scripturis canonicis commendatur, exceptis iis quae servitutem populi veteris pro congruentia cordis illorum et prophetici temporis onerabant, quae et in quinque libris Moysi leguntur. Illa autem quae non scripta, sed tradita custodimus, quae quidem toto terrarum orbe servantur, datur intelligi vel ab ipsis Apostolis, vel plenariis conciliis, quorum est in Ecclesia saluberrima auctoritas, commendata atque statuta retineri, sicuti quod Domini passio et resurrectio et ascensio in coelum, et adventus de coelo Spiritus sancti, anniversaria solemnitate celebrantur, et si quid aliud tale occurrit quod servatur ab universa, quacumque se diffundit, Ecclesia“.
18. 圣奥思定,Epistola XLIII,7 = PL XXXIII,163: “Cum se videret et Romanae Ecclesiae, in qua semper apostolicae cathedrae viguit principatus”.
19. 参看TRAPE‘, “Agostino di Ippona” , 100.
五. 信仰的托管
这最后一点的关键,完全涵容在「信仰的托管」这句话内。何谓「信仰的托管」?「信仰的托管」译自拉丁文Depositum Fidei,这句话通常译成「信德的宝藏」或「信德的宝库」。其实最好译作「信仰的托管」,因为最贴近Depositum Fidei完来的意思。
「信仰的托管」这词有段长远的历史,这词并非出自别人,却是出自圣保禄宗徒。在保禄的书信中,有两封写给弟茂德,他的爱徒,就是我们熟悉的《弟茂德前后书》。在这两封书信中,保禄先后两次勉励弟茂德要「保管所受的托管」。第一次出现在《弟茂德前书》的结语,(20)第二次在《弟茂德后书》的信首。(21) 在这之前,保禄从未用过这词。事实上,其他新约经书的作者,也一次都未用过。
要明白「保管所受的托管」这句话的意义,先要理解这句话里面所说的「托管」到底是何所指。「托管」之原文是拉丁文depositum (思高圣经译作「寄托」)。保禄在写给弟茂德的两封信中,将depositum译成希腊文。(22) 在保禄所生活的罗马社会,depositum是法律词汇,意思是一个人把一些物品交托另一位看管。答应代人看管物品者,于物主要求时,会无条件地原物奉还物主。换言之,所谓depositum即是中文的「托管」:一人答应暂时替另一人保管一些物品,而非物权的转移。代人保管物品者,并不拥有托管物之主权,物品仍然百份之一百属于托物者。为了这缘故,托管之事一般都是请相熟的友好代劳。由于托管时,托物的一方只是简单地将物品traditio -「交给」代保管者,完全不用签署任何文件,或经过任何法律程序、形式。所以整个托管事件并不受任何法律的管制,也不具有任何法律效能。(23)
保禄在罗马居住期间,当时社会上正流行此种托管物品方式,虽然算不上是个新兴事物,历史却也不长。据史家研究,这种方式大概始于罗马皇帝奥古斯都在位期间,即公元前30至公元14年之间。(24) 其最新颖之处,是这种无法律约束力的托物方式,实际上可以说是非正式合约的滥觞。因而引起保禄的注意,并把他深深地吸引起保禄的注意,并把他深深地吸着。最后,令到他在信仰处于考验、危险之时,将这方法应用到信仰的保管上。(25)
事实上,在这之前,保禄一直执着的,是对本身所接受之职务的忠心,和对自己门人的诚信。可是现在,他眼见有些异端开始出现,于是担心这些异端会危害到教会所相信之「健全道理」(弟后4:3)的完整,而他自己正是被立作传授这真道的先锋、宗徒及导师。(26) 当年基督亲自在往大马士革途中,把这信仰交给他,正是要他把这信仰传留下去。这信仰并非他所有、并不属于他。于是保禄开始意识到,他对这信仰其实有一个很重要的责任:他一定要好好捍卫这信仰的完整、他要把这信仰完好地保管着,不能让其丝毫受损。换句话说,直到天主所定之时刻来到前,他一定要好好保管这-「信仰的话」(弟前4:6),不让这话受到任何错误或腐败的损害。
保禄会有这种心态,其实很容易理解。自从于往大马士革的路上相遇后,在主基督和保禄师徒之间产生了一份默契。什么默契呢?是主和保禄师徒二人心灵上的一个共识。而这共识,正是保禄对自己在传授福音,即主交给他的托管物时,应有之责任的根源:他对这托管物没有任何权力。因为通常在一个类似的托管行为中,非特别立约,书写清楚,否则保管人不得随意处理任何交他保管之物。所以,面对基督交托他保管和传授的信仰,保禄一向都只把自己看作一位uJphrevth"-管理人,和oijkovnomo" - 分施者。(27) 因此,有别于一个学派的创始人,将自己所发明的新学说教给自己的门生,保禄晓得他只不过是个受委托者。他所传受的,并非他自己发明,却是接受自另一位。所以,为了不负所托,他有责任将这托管之物 - 信仰 - 完整地传给别人。
另一个使保禄有这种思想的缘因,是保禄知道自己离世的日子已不远。再过不久,他便会见到天上那位把信仰交托他保管的主,向祂交待一切。有如保禄自己说的,他的仗已打完,赛跑已跑到终点。(28) 因此,保禄迫切感到有需要提示弟茂德,勉励他在自己离开世界后,好好地保管所接受的托管物。(29)
10. 此处所指的训导权,英语可译作 Teaching Authority。
11. 参看圣奥思定,Contra epistolam Manichaeum 5,6 = PL XLII,176; 另请参看Contra Faustum 28,2 = PL XLII,486.
12. 参看圣奥思定,De baptismo contra Donatistas IV,XXIV,31 = PL XLIII,174.
13. 参看圣奥思定,Contra epistolam Manichaeum 5,6 = PL XLII,176; Contra Faustum 28,2 = PL XLII,486.
14.圣奥思定,Epistola CXX,III,13 = PL XXXIII, 459: “Intellectum vero valde ama”。
15. 圣奥思定,Sermo XXVII,III,4 = PL XXXVIII,179:“Melior est enim fidelis ignorantia, quam temeraria scientia”。
16.参看圣奥思定,Sermo CXLVI,1 = PL XXXVIII,796.
17. 圣奥思定,Epistola LIV, 1 = PL XXXIII,200: “Primo itaque tenere te volo, quod est hujus disputationis caput, Dominum nostrum Jesum Christum, sicut ipse in Evangelio loquitur, leni jugo suo nos subdidisse et sacrinae levi (Matth. XI,30): unde Sacramentis numero paucissimis, observatione facillimis, significatione praestantissimis, societatem novi populi colligavit, sicuti est Baptismus Trinitatis nomine consecratus, communicatio corporis et sanguinis ipsius, et si quid aliud in Scripturis canonicis commendatur, exceptis iis quae servitutem populi veteris pro congruentia cordis illorum et prophetici temporis onerabant, quae et in quinque libris Moysi leguntur. Illa autem quae non scripta, sed tradita custodimus, quae quidem toto terrarum orbe servantur, datur intelligi vel ab ipsis Apostolis, vel plenariis conciliis, quorum est in Ecclesia saluberrima auctoritas, commendata atque statuta retineri, sicuti quod Domini passio et resurrectio et ascensio in coelum, et adventus de coelo Spiritus sancti, anniversaria solemnitate celebrantur, et si quid aliud tale occurrit quod servatur ab universa, quacumque se diffundit, Ecclesia“.
18. 圣奥思定,Epistola XLIII,7 = PL XXXIII,163: “Cum se videret et Romanae Ecclesiae, in qua semper apostolicae cathedrae viguit principatus”.
19. 参看TRAPE‘, “Agostino di Ippona” , 100.
20. 保禄给弟茂德写道:『弟茂德啊!要保守所受的托管,要躲避凡俗的空谈,和似是而非的知识之名的反论。有些人自充有这知识,但终于失落了信德』(6:20)。
21. 保禄勉励弟茂德说:『你要以信德及在耶稣基督内的爱德,把从我所听的健全道理奉为模范,且依赖那住在我们内的圣神,保管你所受的美好托管』(1:13-14)。
22. 弟前1:14『且依赖那住在我们内的圣神,保管你所受的美好寄托』的原文是:
23. 参看 SPICQ, Saint Paul, 331.
24. 此处所说的罗马皇,即是路加福音第二章有关耶稣出生在白冷的记载中,所提到的那位出了一度上谕的凯撒奥古斯都 (Augustus),参看路2:1。
25. 参看SPICQ, Saint Paul, 329.
26. 弟后1:11:『为这福音,我被立为宣讲者,为宗徒,为导师』。
27. 参看格前4:1
28. 弟后4:6-7:『因为我已被奠祭,我离世的日期已经近了。这场好仗我已打完;这场赛跑,我已跑到终点。这信仰我已保持了』。
29. 参看SPICQ, Saint Paul, 332-333.
六. 托管的方式
然而,对年轻及羞怯内向的弟茂德来说,保禄几句激励的话,是否就已足够帮助他保管所受的托管物呢?答案当然是否定的。所以保禄除了鼓励弟茂德好好保管所接受的信仰外,更指点、教导他忠于职务的方法。保禄首先告诉弟茂德这差事并不好办,(30) 加上有很多人放弃信仰,(31) 保禄自己又快要离开此世。可是,保禄依然充满信心地告诉他的爱徒,圣神居住在教会内,祂自会光照及坚强祂的圣职人员。让我们听听保禄怎样跟弟茂德说:
『为了这个缘故,我提醒你把天主藉我的覆手所赋予你的恩赐,再炽 燃起来,因为天主所赐给我们的,并非怯懦之神,而是大能、爱德和慎重之神』(弟后1:6-7)。
从保禄的话,可以见到他非常清楚,这个保管和忠诚地传授教会信仰的工作,只靠人力是绝对办不到,唯有圣神才能负起这个责任。因为实际上,是圣神一直在教会内工作,避免让这真理遭受到任何更易或替代。或更正确点说,根据上面所引载第7节经文的意思,圣神这个保管信仰的行动,在教会的圣职人员身上,即是在那些藉着覆手礼领受了牧职的人身上,特别显着和有效。(32) 也就是说,为了要做好保管所接受的「托管」,弟茂德一定要,并且应该依靠那份来自保禄藉着覆手礼授予他牧职的神恩。事实上,保禄这样告诉弟茂德:
『为了这个缘故,我提醒你把天主藉我的覆手所赋予你的神恩,再炽 燃起来,因为天主所赐给我们的,并非怯懦之神,而是大能、爱德和慎重之神。所以,你不要以给我们的主作证为耻,也不要以我这为主被囚的人为耻,但要依赖天主的大能,为福音同我共受劳苦。天主拯救了我们,以圣召召叫了我们,并不是按照我们的行为,而是按照祂的决意和恩宠:这恩宠是万世以前,在基督耶稣内赐予我们的,如今藉着我们的救主基督耶稣的出现,显示了出来;祂毁灭了死亡,藉着福音彰显了不朽的生命。为这福音,我被立为宣讲者,为宗徒,为导师。为了这个原故,我现在受这些苦难,但我并不以此为耻,因为我知道我所信赖的是谁,也深信祂有能力保管我所受的托管,直至那一日。你要以信德及在耶稣基督内的爱德,把从我所听的健全道理,奉为模范;且依赖那住在我们内的圣神,保管你所受的美好托管』(弟后1:6-14)。
在这两封写给弟茂德的信中,保禄两次向弟茂德提到覆手礼,即上面第六节和弟前4:14。33 保禄称天主藉着覆手礼赋予牧者的礼物为 - 神恩,(34) 而这两段经文都与牧职(或铎职)有关。为了这缘故,圣经学界都同意保禄选择这字一定别有用意。根据圣保禄,是一种特别的 - 恩宠(grace)。而保禄要突显的,是天主白白把这赐给一位牧者的缘因:非为领受者个人之用,却是为了团体的益处 - l'utilit? comune (格前12:4-11),和为建立教会 - per edificare la Chiesa (格前14:12)。(35)
弟茂德因为领受了这成为教会内一个具有公职的人物,即英语所称的official。这等如说,教会的神职在圣秩圣事中,藉着覆手礼所领受的正是此圣事的「圣事印记」- il carattere sacramentale。换言之,教会的圣统制乃来自一种超自然的,即是神的权力和能力。(36)
尚有一点不能忽略,保禄在弟茂德后书1:6-7节所说:『天主... 赋予你的神恩;天主所赐给我们的...神』这两句话,(37) 其实和我们一直所提的托管 παραθ?κη有相当密切的关系。因为如前面所说,这托管工作正是由『那住在我们内的圣神』完成:“δι? Πνευματο? ?γ?ουτο? ?νικο?υτο? ?υ ?μ?ν“ (弟前1:14),这表示是圣神在教会内,确保教会正统教义之永恒性。(38)
当然,没有人会否认,在保存教会教义的完整一事上,如保禄告诉弟茂德,部份实有赖神职们『不要教授异端道理』﹣﹣ mh; eJterodidaskalei'n (弟前1:3)。然而,说到底,最重要和首席保管者还是圣神自己,亦只有祂能够保护教会的神职免陷于错误。因此,在某程度上,可以把藉着覆手礼给予的神恩,等同圣神那份内在的,保护教会接受自基督的「托管」- 信仰 - 避免损毁和被别的事物取代的行动。综结上述,可以肯定地说,教会的牧者,藉着从圣秩圣事所获得的神恩,在宣扬和保管福音真理一事上,享受着圣神的特别帮助。所以保禄称教会为『永生天主的教会,真理的柱石和基础』:“Ekkhlsiva qeou' zw'nto", stu'lo" kaiv eJdraivwma th'" ajlhqeiva"“(弟前3:15)。正是基于这份肯定和信心,弟茂德既然领受了覆手礼,保禄知道圣神一定会赋予他这个徒儿力量和才能,让他妥善地完成其牧职。(39)
换句话说,神职因圣秩圣事的神恩而得的力量,并非他们个人苦修而得的成果,却是他们对天主藉着此圣事赋予他们的神恩的忠贞 (弟后1:6-8, 12)。在这事上,保禄的思想非常清楚,并把这思想向弟茂德解释。保禄告诉弟茂德,虽然明知在履行自己的牧职时,免不了要辛劳受苦,但他一点都不用胆怯和担心,他只要尽己所能,好好地运用天主藉着圣秩圣事赐给他的神恩和力量,他一定能够保管所接受的托管,并且忠诚无误地把这托管传递下去。(40)
圣保禄这两封牧函除了指出教会信仰的保管,是受到教会建制 (l'istituzione ecclesiastica) 中之圣事印记(il carattere sacramentale) 的保证外,尚让我们看到另一点,亦是最重要的一点:保禄以他这些牧函为基础所构成的「建制教会」(Chiesa-istituzione),并非为把教会自俗世中孤立起来。相反地,是要以一种鲜明和强烈的乐观和肯定,将教会植根于俗世中。因为教会的存在,正是为邀请每一个人于入教成为信友后,回到社会上,继续和他们那些依然耽搁于罪恶或歧途中的旧伙伴生活在一起,不是为攻击或向他们显示不屑,而是为了让他们看到,天主的恩宠如何改变一个人。因此,可以说,保禄这些牧函是教会大公精神的一个最极致表现,一如他在弟前2:1-5所写的:(41)
30. 参看弟后1:8。
32. 参看SPICQ, Saint Paul, 320; CAPPELETTI, “O Timoteo, custodisci il deposito”, 70.
34. 思高版圣经这两节经文用两种不同译法,弟前4:14译作「神恩」,弟后1:6则译成「恩赐」,但希腊文圣经则两处都用
35. 参阅SPICQ, Saint Paul, 325; CAPPELETTI, “O Timoteo, custodisci il deposito”, 71.
36.“La gerarchia sacra e‘ fatta di autorita’ e di capacita‘ ugualmente soprannaturali”: CAPPELETTI, “O Timoteo, custodisci il deposito”, 71.
37. 原文:“τοχ ?ρισμα το? θ?ο?...?υ σο?...: ?δωκ?υ ?μ?υ οθ?? ? πυ??μα“.
38. 参看SPICQ, Saint Paul, 325-326; CAPPELETTI, “O Timoteo, custodisci il deposito”, 72.
39. 参看SPICQ, Saint Paul, 325-326; CAPPELETTI, “O Timoteo, custodisci il deposito”, 72.
40. 参看SPICQ, Saint Paul, 340; CAPPELETTI, “O Timoteo, custodisci il deposito”, 72.
41. 参看CAPPELETTI, “O Timoteo, custodisci il deposito”, 72.
七. 没有训导,便没有「圣事的团体」
可是,明白一件事,并不代表就可以同意,甚至甘心情愿地接受该事。尤其是关于教会的训导这一点,或许有人仍然觉得教会这种训导方式,实在低估,甚至莫视今日信友,尤其是神学生的智慧。事实却恰好相反,正因为教会肯定和信任自己的子女,有足够的智慧明白自己的用心,她才会向他们作这要求。而教会之所以如此肯定,是因为她对自己所事奉的主有信心,晓得祂一定会以祂的恩宠帮助信友,圣神亦会光照扶助他们。教会尤其肯定的,是圣父对人的情与爱。(42) 教会知道天主正是因为爱人,才会到来救人,才会定下一个救人计划,并且以种种方法,帮助人通过个人的生活,切实参与这计划而获救。天主对人的爱,才是教会全部希望的所在。教会永远不会把自己的希望放在任何人身上,包括教宗、神职、神学家和神学生。
首先,打从教会正式开始工作的第一天:圣神降临节翌日,宗徒们作什么呢?他们不是坐下来撰写一篇洋洋大观的神学论文、一本教理书,或一部神学手册。他们有一个使命:他们要向人宣讲一个讯息。于是他们走到街上,向人传报喜讯。一如保禄在致格临多人前书中说的:把「从主那儿领受到」的传给别人 (11:23)。(43)
所以,学术研究成果并非教会的神学家从事神学研究的目标。自第二世纪神学出现到现在,可以说教会的神学研究都是为解决信仰,或教义上的问题,而非为获得或提升个人的学术成就。(44)所以,正如B? guerie及Duchesneau这两位神学家所说,在处理神学问题时,「从主那儿领受到」这基础,比一切其他的理性解释和神学反省都更为坚固。(45)
“Augustine is the most influential of all the teachers of the Church since the Apostolic age. Pre? minent in the West, as Origen was among the theologians of the East, his sway was not like that of Origen, disputed and broken. It was of far longer continuance. This unrivalled influence grew out of the depth and variety of his powers, and the sincerity, energy, and fervor of his religious character. In him the dialectical and mystical elements. He was at once a philosopher and a saint. At the same time he was a man of letters and an orator. His Confessions are an outpouring of his heart in the form of a converse of his soul with God. Yet among devotional expressions full of ardor we find him interweaving distinctions respecting the divine attributes. The subtilty of his genius and his dialectical turn, together with his doctrine respecting faith and knowledge, not to speak now of others parts of his teaching, made him the founder of the mediaeval theology“.(46)
复次,教会从来没有要求任何人作她的传声筒。教会永远不会、亦不能这样做,她没有这个权。因为教会本身也只是个工具而矣。(47)教会是从天上来的恩典,是天主所肇始的。教会是基督为了在自己升天后,通过训导,即是福传,和礼仪行动,在世上继续其救世工作,特别「生产」- generate - 的工具,而且正如教宗圣理奥一世所说的,生产过程非常痛苦:在十字架上。(48)
根据教宗圣理奥一世的教会观,教会的出生分两个阶段。第一阶段在基督降生时:Incarnation,由于基督是教会的头(或元首),所以当基督出生时,理所当然的,其肢体 - 教会 - 已在基督内潜在性出生:potential birth;(49)教会实际的出生:effective birth,是在第二阶段,在加尔瓦略山上;而教会正式投入救世的行动,则是在圣神降临节开始。(50)
从以上的分析,可以理解为何教会没有权更改任何基督决定的事。她唯一能做的,就是服从基督,听祂的话行事,如同基督服从圣父一样。(51) 所以,教会的训导来自基督。换言之,基督是教会整个福传工作,及导师身份的基础:『天上地下的一切权柄都交给了我,所以你们要去使万民成为们徒,因父、及子、及圣神之名给他们授洗,教训他们遵守我所吩咐你们的一切。看!我同你们天天在一起,直到今世的终结』(玛28:18-20)。这正是圣奥思定所说的,依附着基督的训导权之意。而自宗徒时代开始,教会内每一位传信者都非常清楚自己的身份,知道他们所传的是谁的信息:
为什么我们说教会的训导,即是教会的福传呢?相信大家不难从以上引载的两段经文找到答案。实际上,所谓福传,即是向人,包括非信友和信友,(52) 介绍、讲解、教导教会的信仰。这信仰的内容是耶稣基督和祂的福音。目的则为了让一切相信耶稣基督,并接祂为主的人,依照福音所要求的方式生活,以获得救恩。
如果是这样的话,我们可以作出另一个推断,一如美藉神学家达拉思 (Avery Dulles, SJ) 神父在最近一篇以《正统与社会改变》为题的文章中指出,教会的训导永远不会投大众所好,只教导人们爱听的话。因为如此一来,这训导会丧失其全部可信性:“The Magisterium was never intended to seek popularity. It would forfeit all credibitlty if it taught only what people wanted to hear”.(53)
然而,为何相信耶稣基督,并接受祂为主的人,一定要依照福音的要求生活,才可以得救?因为所有相信耶稣基督,接受祂为主的人,藉着所领受的入门圣事,不但成为信友,成为教会的一份子,基督奥体的一个肢体。他们同时成为天主圣父的子女。即是说,这些人的身份,有了一个本质上的改变:是人,亦是圣父 - 神 - 的子女。而福音的要求,正是要这些同时是圣父子女的人,不但跟普通人一样过活。他们的生活方式,更应该与他们天主子女的身份相称。
可是,信友从何得知要怎样生活,才算与自己的天主子女的身份相称呢?答案是藉着教会的训导,即是教导。所以,训导其实就是前面,圣奥思定所说的「圣事的团体」之存在,其中的一个主要缘因。(54) 保禄写给厄弗所人书中的一段,对这问题有很清楚的解释,兹引载于后供各位参考:
所以你们应该效法天主,如同蒙宠爱的儿女一样;又应该在爱德中生活,就如基督爱了我们,且为我们把自己交出,献于天主在为馨香的供物和祭品。至于邪淫,一切不洁和贪婪之事,在你们中间连提也不要提:如此才合乎圣徒的身份。同样,猥亵、放荡和轻薄的戏言,都不相宜;反要说感恩的话,因为你们应该清楚知道:不论是犯邪淫的,行不洁的,或是贪婪的 - 即崇拜偶像的 - 再天主和基督的国内,都不得承受产业』(弗4:17-24; 5:1-5)。
可是谁若被基督看上,又真的愿意接受祂的「拣选」,作祂的「器皿」的话。那最好能谨记自己的身份,明白自己只是基督手中的一件工具而矣,传声筒也好,录音机可能更贴切。因为他们的工作,就如他们的前辈 - 十二位宗徒、保禄、弟茂德等曾经做过的一样:依照基督所那所吩咐的,教训其他人:『教训他们遵守我所吩咐你们的一切』(玛28:20)。他们这样作,并非如有些人所想的,为了维护某种权力或权势,却是他们的责任感所催迫。被基督和天主圣父选作祂们的教会的牧者的,都自觉到本身面对universam fraternitatem - 普世弟兄 - 的责任。一如教宗圣理奥一世所直言,他们所讲授的,都是他们学自历代教父的教导。(56)
42.著名义藉神学家方奉天神父 (Bruno Forte) 称圣父为「永恒的爱人」,圣父爱人是绝对出于自发和自动,完全不受任何外界事物的牵制或引发。圣父从一开始便爱人,并会一直爱下去。圣父在爱中是全能的,祂永远忠贞不二:『我的救恩永远常存,我的正义永不会废除』(依51:6),参阅方奉天着、陈继容编译「信仰小引导」21-31。此外,有关圣经及历代教父对天主圣三的第一位:圣父的训导、介绍和理解,请参看:Dizionario di Spiritualita‘ biblico-patristica. I grandi temi della S. Scrittura per la “Lectio Divina”, 1: Abba’-Padre.
43. B? GUERIE-DUCHESNEAU, How to Understand the Sacraments, xiii.
44. 请参看有关天主教会教义的历史:Handbuch der Dogmengeschichte, hrsg. von Michael Schmaus, Leo Scheffczyk, Aloys Grillmeier, 5 vol.; TIXERONT, Histoire des dogmes, 3 vol.
45. “But receiving them from the Lord has always had a much more solid basis than rational explanation or theological reasoning” : B? GUERIE-DUCHESNEAU, How to Understand the Sacraments, xiii.
46. FISHER, History of Christian Doctrine, 176.
47. 有关基督与教会的关系,可参看保禄的书信,例如致厄弗所人书5:21-33,见常年期第三十周,星期二,双数年读经一。
48.“De Spose carne prodiit quando ex latere crucifixi manante sanguine et aqua sacramentum redemptionis et regenerationis accepit”: ACO II, IV p. 36; TD 15 15b, p. 45. 基于主基督生产教会的缘因,教宗圣理奥一世称经历降生、苦难、死亡、复活、升天的基督为「历史基督」,称教会为「奥秘基督」。而紧随着教会 3/4 「奥秘基督」的出现,圣神亦开始其圣化使命。
49. 教宗圣理奥一世,Tractatus 26,2 = CCL 138, 126 = “Generatio enim Christi erigo est populi christiani et natalis capitis natalis est corporis”.
50. 教宗圣理奥一世,Tractatus 78,1 = CCL 138A,494 : “Principibus nascentis Ecclesiae tota Patris Filiique Diuinitas in praesentia sancti Spiritus Praesidebat”.
51. 有关教会的本质,请另参看参阅方奉天着、陈继容编译「信仰小引导」,62-70。
52. 注意以上所引载经文的内容,『教训他们遵守我所吩咐你们的一切』这句话的对像主要是指已受洗的信友。说真的,若非信友,根本没有义务要听从福音的要求生活。
53. DULLES,“Orthodoxy and Social Change”, 8.
54. 另一个主因当然是举行圣事等礼仪行动,玛28:19-20:『你们要去使万民成为们徒,因父、及子、及圣神之名给他们授洗,教训他们遵守我所吩咐你们的一切』。
55. 事实上,主耶稣一早已说过,跟随祂的人都会受迫害:『你们自己要谨慎!人要把你们解送到公议会,你们在会堂里要受鞭打,并且也要为我的原故,站在总督和君王面前,对他们作证』(谷13:9)。
56.“Non aliud nos praedicare repperies quam quod sancti patres nostri toto orbe docuerunt” = TD, 9,3, p.57.
着名美藉礼仪学家贾蕴能 (Aidan Kavanagh, OSB) 神父,多年前在一次国际会议中,曾就礼仪本地化一事,向与会的学者提出几项忠告。由于礼仪学是神学的一门,所以贾神父的忠告对任何从事神学工作者都适用,特别是其中一点。谨节译于下,供各位参考,并作为这篇文字的结语。
贾神父提醒大家,不要忽略中产阶层给今日社会带来的影响,特别是中产阶层基督徒给教会做成的影响。从实质上说,中产阶层基督徒之宗教生活,或宗教热诚的动力来自「文明宗教」,即英语所称的civil religion,而非来自福音。可以说,这些中产阶层基督徒把福音「再次本地化」到他们的中产阶层价值观内。这些价值观的特性包括:要有足够的舒适和方便,只参与自己认可的团体,消费主义,只注重现实。
因此,虽然你是天主,主,也拜托你,请别再唱如此「和寡」的「高曲」,说甚么信友的婚姻是圣事。如果你不想你的信友徨徨恐恐、凄凄、惨惨、戚戚地,带着沉重的罪恶感进入第三个千年的话,主,请你最好也学学我们特区政府,懂得听取民意。最近香港因为经济低迷,特区政府马上作出回应,减了好些税项,以纾缓民困。请你也学习听取「人意」,赶快给你那个宝贝教会下一度命令(闻说教会不能改变任何你决定的事),叫她up date 一下自己的mentality (对不起,香港人讲话,总是这样子,半中半英的),修改修改她的训导。不但准许信友离婚,其他诸如人工避孕,安乐死,甚至堕胎等,最好通通都准许人可以随自己意思,选择做或不做。
可是,福音记载伯多禄回答主说:『主,是的,你知道我爱你』(若21:15)。并且重覆回答三次 (若21:16-17)。
57. 参看KAVANAGH, “Liturgical inculturation: Looking to the Future”, 102-103.
注下结谊与交谈的光辉史实-- 六宗教的脉膊互动
一. 导言:香港六宗教的共识与认同
二. 香港六宗教结谊与交谈的缘起
香港天主教在六十年代的末期,已深深感到有随着时代变迁的需要,加上梵蒂岗第二届大公会议后的更新指示,便落实地执行《教会对非基督宗教态度宣言》的内容 --
2. 天主教香港教区会议的强调和落实
i. 我们提议当地的教会,尽力与这些(不同)宗教人士,在社会福利方面合作,共同研究,寻找东方社会神学的表达方式,希望藉着本地人民的文化传统,而将基督的喜讯清楚和简易地表露无遗。
ii. 我们建议香港的教会能与非基督徒的团体共同商讨、策划、厘定一些在信仰表达上所通用的礼仪,为使所有崇拜上主的人能合而为一。(《香港教区会议文宪》之一、建议)
为能实现梵二精神和教区会议的建议,香港教区主教(已故徐诚斌主教)便在一九七二年初成立了「天主教教区非基督宗教联络委员会」(现称「天主教教区宗教联络委员会」),委员们随即「拜访」香港其他的宗教团体,更邀请各宗教来访及参加天主教的重要庆典;各宗教的反应都很积极和主动,就在「拜访 -- 回拜」的互相联系中组织了「教际」的不同活动和聚会交谈;渐渐地,六宗教团体便交上了朋友,互相推动了「宗教思想交谈会」,也组织了「六宗教领袖座谈会」。
三. 宗教思想交谈会
从一九七二年至一九七六年的四年间,香港的六宗教团体透过「拜访 -- 回拜」的交往,互相的接触逐渐频密,互相间的开放亦较宽大,便有相同的感觉和意见:倘若六宗教只着重在社交的接触,便会流于表面的交谈,不能有深入的对话和认识;如要深入交谈,非从教理与心灵持修的思想上开始不可。因此,在一九七七年初,六宗教选派代表:天主教的杜逸文神父和冼梓林先生、佛教的源慧法师和永惺法师、道教的梁省松道长、基督教的李景雄牧师、回教的脱维善先生和羽智云先生,以及孔教的梁隐盦先生。天主教还邀请了田英杰神父和周景勋修士等在中环公教进行社的会议室开会,着手筹备宗教思想交谈会,商讨「思想交谈」的可能性及推行方法;期间合共举行了四次会议,确定了宗教思想交谈会的组织、目的和举办方法。
一九七七年 「祈祷」、「修持」与「祷告」
一九七八年 「礼拜」
一九七九年 「七件圣事」、「三位一体」、「成道三法」、「佛之三身」、「伊斯兰教之五功」与「三达德五达道」
一九八○年 「教育」
一九八一年 「灵修与修身之道」
一九八二年 「教会办福利事业 -- 其原则及哲学或教理背景」
一九八三年 「成圣之道」
一九八四年 「宗教自由」
一九八五年 「鬼神」
一九八六年 「来生」
一九八七年 「命运」
一九八八年 「苦与乐」
一九八九年 「神与偶像」
一九九○年 「心灵的环保」
一九九三年 「生命何价」
一九九五年 「宽容」
一九九八年 「宗教同步迈向二十一世纪」
四. 宗教领袖座谈会的成立及其发展
天主教 李亮神父、冼梓林先生
基督教协进会 郭乃弘牧师
佛教及孔教 区洁名先生
道教 梁省松道长
伊斯兰教 羽智云先生
香港佛教联合会 (Hong Kong Buddhist Association)
香港基督教协进会 (Hong Kong Christian Council)
香港孔教团体联会 (Hong Kong Confucian Association) (现为:香港孔教学院)
香港中华回教博爱社 (Hong Kong Chinese Cultural Fraternal Association)
香港天主教教会 (Roman Catholic Church of Hong Kong)
香港道教联合会 (Hong Kong Taoist Association)
六宗教领袖座谈会自一九七八年开始至今,已有二十年了。二十年所建立的「友谊」已经根深蒂固,且扎根于真诚的尊重与信任的精神上,更确定了共同目标-- 为社会的安定和福利作出贡献,更为了消除教与教之间的障碍作出了努力的改善。香港六宗教领袖能跳出自己宗教的框框,以宽容与开放的心与其他宗教领袖交谈结谊,实是历史上罕有的事实。
五. 结语:六宗教同步迈向二十一世纪的新纪元
一. 导言
二. 同脉相连的中港台两岸三地
至于台湾,在地理上乃一海岛,但在经营开发中,几乎都是闽南漳泉人与粤省客家人,皆由中原迁徙而至的。在历史上说,自远古至第十七世纪,台湾与中国已成为一体的关系。我们可从追溯到尚书中所言的「禹贡」中所提及的「岛夷卉服,厥篚织具,厥包橘柚,锡贡」的记事中作引证;又从陈寿的「三国志」及范晔的「后汉书」东夷传中所记载的「夷洲」可明之为现今的台湾。再者,自隋唐至元朝的「流求」时代,期间亦有留仇、流 、 求、或琉球之称。到了明朝,台湾的地位逐渐开朗,不再以「琉球」称之,另以「小琉球」述之,以别于琉球群岛的「大琉球」。期间亦出现过不同的名称:鸡笼山、大鸡笼、北港、东番、台员、大湾、大冤、台湾等不同的名字。最值得一提的乃荷兰侵入台湾,台湾初次沦陷,时为一六二二年(天启二年)的七月。荷兰占据台湾达三十八年,到一六六○年六月十七日(永历十四年),郑成功初次光复台湾,便更清晰地证实台湾乃属于中国的领土。其后,台湾这块美丽的土地受到列强的侵扰,尤其在十九世纪鸦片战争以后,台湾的危机逐渐地升级,如一八五八年的天津条约已直接地涉及台湾,此时英美法俄四国要求与台湾通商;一八六一年以后,德、荷、丹麦、西班牙等国相继与中国订约,均享有通商之权。由此,台湾与外国的纠纷愈来愈频,如一八六七年的美国商船罗发(Rover)在红头屿冲礁击碎,船长与十三人驾划逃生,在琅 登陆,被龟仔角生番戕害事件等。最忍痛的一次乃是甲午战争中,北洋海军大败,而与日本签订「马关条约」,便将台湾割让给日本,时为一八九四年四月十七日,自此,台湾乃受日本统治达五十一年,至一九四五年日本在第二次世界大战中失败投降为止;台湾在中华民国政府于一九四五年十月二十五日在台北接纳日本的投降,于是台湾又回祖国怀抱。(5)现时的台湾,在中华民国政府的治理下,已是亚洲经济富裕,人民生活稳定的地方。在这块土地上居住的都是中华民族的子孙,也是中华文化的保存地,除了一部份人要求台湾独立自治外,大部份人都盼望着中国能统一。
三. 从历史悲剧中栽种了同根护动的机缘
1. 中国历史中悲剧的序幕
一八四○年一月,英国政府因林则徐禁烟事件,认为这是破坏了通商的法律,故决定对中国用兵;经过二次的北犯,战胜了中国,于一八四二年八月廿九日在英舰高华丽号上签了中国的第一条不平等之南京条约,将香港割让给英国,从始香港的中国人便生活在殖民主义权威下的统治。然而,事实上,英国军队早在一八四一年一月二十六日,已在香港岛西北部登陆,举行了隆重的升旗仪式,宣布占领香港;当时,满清政府向英国宣战,却战败,所以不能有所作为;英国政府更在一八四一年二月一日以统治的姿态,张贴第一张告示:「准许居民有宗教信仰或集会结社的自由」,又在当年六月七日,正式宣布香港为远东第一个自由港,以吸引更多外来的居民,带来资金和劳动力,以凑成香港宝贵的资源;「南京条约」签订后,在一八四三年六月七日砵甸乍爵士(Sir Henry Pottinger Batt)乘炮艇「女王号」抵港,宣誓就职成为第一任香港总督,此时便正式宣布港岛为「香港殖民地」(The Colony of Hong Kong)。(6)
2. 香港成为辛亥革命成功的护动踏板
3. 香港扮演国共两岸分治的中介与收容所
4. 两岸三地的三通问题在香港的中途站上产生护动
四. 二岸三地历史脉络的另类反思
--以中国近代历史(1842-1980年)中所引 发的护动所看到的影响为焦点
从一九一九年「五四」运动到一九二一年「七一」中国共产党在上海成立,以及一九二七年四月十二日蒋介石取得中国国民党之绝对领导权,发起「清党」命令,在上海发动政变,逮捕和杀死共产党人和工农群众五千多人等,国共便形成决绝关系。其后,一九二七年八月朱德之「南昌起义」,到建立江西井岗山根据地;其后数年,蒋介石发动五次围剿江西井岗山,而导致在一九三四年十月中央红军被迫退出中央革命根据地,实行战略大转移,开始了中外闻名的二万五千里长征,至一九三五年十月到达陕西的吴起镇,中共便另外开辟了陕甘宁边区根据地;直至一九三六年十二月十二日的「西安事变」为契机,国共双方再度合作全面投入抗日战争,期间虽有多次的摩擦和斗争,(如一九四一年一月四日的「皖南事变」,国民党发动第二次反共高潮,在皖南地区包围九千余新四军,大部份的军民牺牲),但抗日终可获得胜利。抗日战争刚刚结束,国共双方又马不停蹄地进行备战,由东北之争夺 ??辽沉战役开始,便爆发了全面的内战,最后结果便是二岸的分治。
近廿年来大陆奉行之改革开放政策,及台湾开放;中、港、台三地在刻划护动的历史意识,以及在经济意识和文化交流的意识上的互动和渗透是明显的。首先是大陆不断地从香港和台湾吸收自由经济的精髓,以及其附属之上层建筑 ??文化、教育和民主、自由的思想体系。香港和台湾也逐渐地了解曾经封闭了卅年的大陆社会之政制架构,及其社会、文化、教育的面貌,特别是其独特的社会主义思想体系之意识型态。加上台湾及香港所保存的传统儒家思想渐渐被大陆的文化智识界所接纳,而且唤醒学术界的文化前辈的重新反省思索,这对于在大陆社会中千千万万被历次政治运动(特别是文化大革命)所扭曲或吓怕了的人性之矫正,肯定发挥了正面的影响。
五. 结论
然而,在「变」中,究竟是产生「相合」的变,抑或是「分散」的变;「统一」的变,抑或是「分裂」的变。中国谚语有云:「合久必分,分久必合」,这是一个大道理吧!现今的中国正处于国共的「分」治情况,这个「分」算是「久」抑或「不久」?也有一句话笼括着中国今后动向,也宣扬着继蒋介石、毛泽东后中国长期革命中第三阶段的主题,那就是:「只有改革才是大道理」(8)。 美国记者白修德(Theodore White)在他的书中提出:「中国若不改革,只有灭亡」(9), 不改革就是不变,不变就不能生生,不能生生,就只有灭亡,实在也是易经的大道理。
因此,在历史的反省中,我们要分辨清楚:「脓头要根除」的意思。也肯定了:若不是脓头,就不必根除,而要好好地护理,不使它受伤而含脓。(10)现今中港台二岸三地的分歧实是共产主义与资本主义的分歧,这些分歧能否截长补短呢?或者,是重要的不在于截长补短,而是要正视背后的真正问题呢?于是,我们可以简单地说:「资本主义为了利润,利用一切价值包装人的欲望;共产主义为了权力,利用一切价值包装人的理想。一个是经济性的异化,一个是政治性的异化。」(11) 如此,人心会失调、历史也会因人心的失调而失调;社会文化也会失调。人心便没有希望,历史也没有希望了。
从历史中吸取经验,保护传统文化的优良点,开创现代化的动力;同时也接收历史的仲裁,使传统与现代化产生互动关系,其内发挥纠正(修正)作用与续程作用,发展互信、自由与开放;就是说,传统可以帮助现代化的发展,现代化可以促成一些传统的复兴。(13) 所以,千万不要破坏历史中的传统文化,让传统文化本身可以再发展下去,吸纳现代化的精华,作出一种互动的交谈。
黄仁宇,《新时代的历史观 ??西学为体,中学为团》,台湾 商务 1998年初版 71-74, 58。
王逢吉,《人生之旅 ??绿川随笔精选》,叶强出版社 1988年初版 「历史的心」92-95。
周景勋,《让自己成为自己 ??心灵的追索》,台北 上智 1994年初版三印 128-131。
所谓「意识型态」(ideology),其意义异常混杂,纷歧含混,扑朔迷离,学者对它的定义和主张很多。故国内有以译名说明之,如译作「主义」、或「意理」、或「观念丛」,亦有音译为「意底牢结」。因为「意识型态」影响了廿世纪人类的思潮,一般以为意识型态是国际间政治对抗的因素;实际上,它的影响广及人类生活的各个层面,他不只存在于政治层面指导政治斗争,甚至跨过界指导人的经济活动,即使在纯学术活动中,也能发挥巨大的影响力。其实,意识型态理论的产生和发展的时间并不很长;首先提出意识型态这个字的人是十八世纪法国唯物论哲学家德拉西(Antvine Claude Destutt de Tracy)。他在一八○二年创用这一名词时,原意是用来表示一种对哲学思想的研究方法,要求以自然科学严密实证的方式,来研究人类的思维活动。他更依据洛克(John Lock)和康第拉克(EB de Condillac)的感觉论观点,说明意识型态(思想、观念、科学)是由三部份组成:一是合理的意识型态、二是生理的意识型态、三是比较的意识型态。然而,在廿世纪,意识型态此一名词又和极权主义信仰相结合,使此名词令人望而生反感。这种视意识型态为可恶反感的情形,在民主国家中,尤其普遍。若就政治层面来说,政治意识型态是一信仰的体系,它为既存的或构想中的社会,解释与辩护为人所喜好的政治秩序,并且为其实提供策略(过程、制度、计划)。政治意识型态包括一套与人性、与社会有关的规范性与经验性的基本命题。这些命题用来解释与辩护人类的情况,及指导与维护人们所喜好的政治秩序之发展。因为它是一种信仰,所以它能引起信仰者的狂热,为了维护其主张,为它牺牲、为它奉献,使他们的生活行动,对反对者予以反击,或设法使之同化。现代学者一般认为:意识型态含有四种组成系统。现以日本学者高桥彻和田中义久两人的说法作介绍:
参阅(1) 陈明仁撰,《先秦儒家价值思想中天人观念和演变》,1991年5月 辅仁大学哲学研究所博士论文 罗光教授指导。
(2) 斐鲁佝(Lucian W. Pye),《中共的改革与方励之》,台湾联合报 民77年11月21日三版。
(3) 巨克毅,《意识型态传播与国家发展》,台湾 正中书局 民76年5月初版 31。
(4) 思格尔等着(张明贵译),《意识型态与现代政治》,台湾 桂冠图书公司 民75年 5。
郭廷以,《台湾史事概说》,台湾 正中书局 民43年三月初版。
张月爱,「香港一八四一至一九八○」,《香港与中国》历史文献资料汇编,广角镜出版社 1981年12月版 82-88。
《中国近百年历史图集》,香港天地图书有限公司出版 1979年二版 第八章 辛亥革命 153-201, 687-688
黄仁宇,《新时代的历史观 ??西学为体,中学为团》,台湾 商务 1998年初版 54。
王镇华,《百年中国的反省 ??源头既清,波澜自阔》德简文集(1),德简书院.觉觉出版社 1992年11月出版 3。
王镇华等,《两岸文化的关怀》,德简书院.觉觉出版社 1993年九月初版 15。
王镇华等,《两岸文化的关怀》,德简书院.觉觉出版社 1993年九月初版 18。
林生传,《新教学理论与策略》,五南图书出版公司 民77年 30-37。
by Fr. Lionel GOH O.F.M.(吴岳清)
“... The Holy Spirit came to an end in Israel... ”
Some Aspects of the Holy Spirit in early Judaism
The author analyzes the attitude to the Holy Spirit in the Hebrew Bible, with particular attention to the differences in Pre-exilic and Post-Exilic Israel. Before the exile the doctrine of the Holy Spirit was richer and more extensive, for there were the Prophets who spoke on behalf of God. After the Exile, given the absence of prophecy, there was a difference in attitude to the Holy Spirit but a greater theological openness.
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In Israel’s history, the Second Temple Period (c.515 BCE-70 AD) and after marked an interesting development in the understanding of the Holy Spirit. Once considered the divine inspiring force behind the ministry of the prophets, the Spirit was active and common among the Jewish community. In Second Temple Judaism (till the end of the Tannaitic period, i.e. c.300 CE) a flourishing of various ideas regarding the Holy Spirit occured.
The common view is that the Holy Spirit during this period was said to cease. This cessation of the Spirit of prophecy occurred because prophecy had fallen badly into disrepute. The prophet Zechariah in 13:2-6 speaks of the Day of Yahweh when the prophetic ministry will end, possibly because of the abuses of false prophets. Such abuses are recorded as early as the time of Jeremiah (23:11-40). In the Second Temple period, 1Macc 9:27 affirmed the belief that prophecy had ceased. Hence the Holy Spirit, the source of prophecy, is said to have ceased to be active. The tractate Sotah 13:3a in the Tosefta.(1) reiterates this belief: When the latter prophets died, that is, Haggai, Zechariah and Malachi, then Holy Spirit came to an end in Israel. Interestingly, however, it also adds: ”but even so, they made them (Israel) hear [God] through an echo.
This “echo” or mysterious voice was identified in earliest Judaism as the Bat Kol or “daughter of a voice”. God’s communication with Israel was not totally severed by the absence of the Holy Spirit after the end of prophecy. This Bat Kol was a substitute means of communication. It was a disembodied voice and was so called probably to “avoid saying that men heard the actual voice of God”.(2) A Second Temple period example of the working of the Bat Kol is found in Dan 4:28-29, when a voice from heaven rebuked Nebuchadnezzar. Ancient records preserved in the Tosefta Sotah also tell of the time when the High Priest Yohanan (John Hyrcanus 135-104 BC) heard a Bat Kol in the Holy of Holies announcing the victory of the Jewish young men warring against Antiochus (13.5a). It also tells of a time in 41 AD when the High Priest Simon heard in Aramaic a Bat Kol announcing the death of the Emperor Caligula (13.6).
It is interesting to note that the Gospels record a voice from heaven during the baptism of Jesus (Mt 3:13-17; Mk 1:9-11; Lk 3:21-22) as well as during the Transfiguration (Mt 17:1-8; Mk 9:2-8; Lk 9:28-36). What is striking about the Baptismal scene is that the Holy Spirit descends and then the voice speaks. Traditional Judaic belief, on the other hand, is that the Bat Kol speaks only because there is no Holy Spirit. The voice from heaven in Jn 12:28 is inferred from the context to be that of the Father, although in v. 30 Jesus refers to it as simply “this voice” and not “my Father’s voice”, as would have been expected. Judeo-christians accept this voice in the Gospels to be Bat Kol.(3) Acts 9:4 also records a disembodied voice speaking, but this time it is identified with Jesus.
After the destruction of the Second Temple in 70 CE, the Bat Kol was noted to continue to function on several occasions in Judaic history. A gathering of sages in Jamnia to settle a halakhic dispute between the followers of Hillel and Shammai was ultimately settled in favour of the former by the intervention of a Bat Kol. In Jericho, a Bat Kol declared Hillel the Elder to be worthy of receiving the Holy Spirit.(4)
But contrary to this idea that “the Spirit ceased in Israel”, other alternative views of the Holy Spirit of prophecy also exist. These views maintain that the Spirit never really ceased in activity but existed or functioned differently from that of prophecy with which it is traditionally associated.
One such view holds that the Spirit of prophecy was given to a group of persons other than the prophets. This is tersely pronounced by Rabbi Yohanan ben Nappaha (Babylonian Talmud, tractate Baba Bathra 121b) in the late 3rd century CE: Since the destruction of the Temple, the gift of prophecy has been taken away from the prophets and given to fools and children.
No doubt the “Temple” here refers to the Second Temple. That the gift of prophecy was taken away from the prophets was no doubt due to the reasons spelled out above. There is no Bat Kol. The Holy Spirit of prophecy does not cease but is said to be given to fools and children. No doubt this concept drew its inspiration partly from Joel 3:1 and perhaps also from Jeremiah as the “madman” who was the true prophet (Jer 29:26).
Lest it be said that this pronouncement regarding the Spirit of prohecy is dated to the late 3rd century CE, it should be noted that a parallel idea is found in Mt 11:25: I bless you Father, Lord of heaven and earth, for hiding these things from the learned and the clever and revealing them to mere children. We may also elicit 1Cor 1:26, where Paul explains the role of the foolish in God’s plans. The essence of the Spirit of prophecy as inherited by fools and children is hence an ancient concept developed before the destruction of the Second Temple.
Yet another Second Temple concept of the Holy Spirit holds that while prophecy is ended, the Holy Spirit now is given to only the virtuous. This seems to be a reaction against unworthy persons who claimed to be prophets. In Wis 1:4-5, we hear of the Holy Spirit of instruction as shunning deceit, and disassociating itself from reckless purpose and iniquity. An interesting fact suggested by the Book of Wisdom is worthy of note: the Spirit is now identified with Wisdom (1:4.6). It does not reside in crafty souls “nor stay in a body that is in debt to sin” (1:4). Wisdom is a spirit and a friend to man (1:6), i.e. the virtuous man. It refuses to pardon the blasphemer. In 7:22-23, Wisdom is described as a spirit with 21 positive attributes. Taking up the concept of spirit as ruah, 7:25 says that Wisdom is a breath of the power of God.
This identification of Wisdom with the Spirit continued after the destructuion of the temple in 70 AD. It functions primarily as an instructor, as the Canticle of Canticle Rabbah (5) notes in 1.8: Rabbi Judan said: It is to teach you that whoever preaches on the Torah in public merits that the Holy Spirit should rest on him. From whom do you learn this? From Solomon; for, because he discoursed on the Torah in public, he earned the privilege that the Holy Spirit rested on him and he composed three books, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes and the Songs of Songs.
The virtuous here are said to be those who preached or taught the Torah publicly, and the reward for such an act was the gift of the Holy Spirit. In keeping with tradition, the Spirit here is understood to be the inspirer of Holy Scriptures.
This concept of the Holy Spirit as gift is found also in the synoptic Gospels and especially in John’s Gospel. However a major difference is immediately noted. While in the gospels the gift of the Holy Spirit is totally gratuitous, in Judaic literature it is a reward to be merited by virtuous persons. A virtuous life hence is a prerequisite to the attainment of the Holy Spirit.
Rabbi Phinehas ben Jair (2nd century CE) adds an interesting note in his famous “steps of holiness” (Sotah 9.15): (6) Heedfulness leads to cleanliness, and cleanliness leads to purity, and purity leads to abstinence, and abstinence leads to holiness, and holiness leads to humility, and humility leads to the shunning of sin, and the shunning of sin leads to saintliness, and saintliness leads to the gift of the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Spirit leads to the resurrection of the dead. And the resurrection of the dead shall come through Elijah of blessed memory. Amen.
The Holy Spirit is seen as a gift but based on the requisite of saintliness, of a virtuous life wihtout sin. But in turn this Spirit leads to the resurrection of the dead. That the Spirit is life-giving is nothing new in ancient Judaism. Genesis presents the creative, life-giving power of the ruah of God. In Ezekiel 37, the role of the Spirit to revive the dry bones is noted, albeit a metaphor for the restoration of the House of Israel. These texts have not been explicit in associating the role of the Holy Spirit with the resurrection. R. Phinehas’ dictum spells out in no uncertain terms the direct relationship between the resurrection of the dead and the gift of the Holy Spirit.
Frederic Manns *10* has done extensive research on another view of the Holy Spirit. No longer a gift to prophets, this Spirit is described through the image of water. Based on ancient biblical texts, e.g. Isaiah 32:15-20; 44:3-4; Joel 3:1 etc., it can be seen that, from the Second Temple period onwards, this Spirit-Water functioned to purify people (Qumran), and acted to bring about a virtuous life (not the reward) of justice and integrity. *11* An interesting aspect of the Holy Spirit is associated with the Water Libation Ritual celebrated on the last day of Sukkot (Sukkah 5.4). According to the Jerusalem Talmud (Sukkah 5.1, 55a) the joy of the participants during this festival was the result of the Holy Spirit. Such joy was possible only when one was inspired by the Spirit. The Spirit-Water image also assumes the other various views of the Holy Spirit mentioned above but always in terms of water.
This cursory look at the many aspects of the Holy Spirit as understood during the Second Temple period and beyond has merely scraped the surface of the prolific literature that merits greater study on this topic: from the Deuterocanonicals and the Apocrypha to the Jewish legends of the Tannaitic period. To those who were disillusioned with the abuses of the false prophets, the Spirit ceased in Israel. No one was found worthy of this gift. To others, more optimistic of God’s fidelity and love for his Chosen People, the Spirit continued to exist though no longer for the purpose of prophecy. Prophecy ceased but the Spirit of joy, wisdom and life continued to be active.
*10* Le Symbole Eau-Esprit dans le Judaisme Ancien. Jerusalem: Franciscan Printing Press, 1983.
*11* Josephus, Jewish Antiquities 18, 116-117.
Neusner, The Tosefta translated from the Hebrew: Third Division Nashim. New York: Ktav, 1979. All quotations from the Tosefta are taken from this series by Neusner.
G. F. Moore, Judaism, vol. 1. Peabody, Mass: Hendrickson, 1960. p. 422.
D. H. Stern, Jewish New Testament Commentary. Maryland: Jewish New Testament Publications, 1992.
Tosefta Sotah 13:3c
Midrash Rabbah. Song of Songs. (H. Freedman & M. Simon eds., M. Simon trans.). London / New York: Soncino, 1983.
The Midrash (H. Danby ed.). London: Oxford Uni.versity Press, 1933.
by Gianni Criveller (柯毅霖)
Trinitarian and Christological Bases for a Christian Theology of Inter-religious Dialogue
This article discusses the modern attitude of the Church towards inter-religious dialogue. Especially in the 1980s, the Church had a more open attitude, perceiving the advantages of inter-religious dialogue. Nowadays the attitude tends to be more conservative, stressing rather the dangers in inter-religious dialogue. For this reason, The author approaches a discussion of inter-religious dialogue from the perspectives of a theology of Trinitarian communion and a theology of the Cross of Christ. He hopes that this consideration will facilitate a more open attitude within inter-religious dialogue. He stresses that those engaged in inter-religious need to remember several things. Part of the meaning of the suffering encountered in inter-religious dialogue stems from the fact that, within the dialogue, Christians cannot forfeit their Christian identity. From the perspective of faith, the reason for religious suffering lies in the fact that Christ suffered for us. On a human level, human beings suffer, and therefore there is a need for a liberation of life, and a need to suffer on behalf of those who suffer and are oppressed.
本篇以天主教圣三论基督论观点来讨论宗教交谈的论文,内容分析了现今教会对宗教交谈的观念,尤其在八十年代,教会的态度比较开放,注意到宗教交谈的好处。现今的教会则比较保守,强调在宗教交谈上的危险。 因此,作者从圣三共融神学和基督十字架神学与宗教交谈上立论,希望为宗教交谈打开一个解放性的态度,也强调在交谈中使人了解到:宗教受苦的意义,故基督徒在宗教交谈上不可失去自己的身份,在信仰上也要明白宗教受苦的原因,因为基督为人受苦,从人的现象上看,人也受苦,因此,需要有生命的解放,也具体地为穷苦者,受迫害者受苦......。
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Part I: The Theological Problem of Inter-religious Dialogue
1. The present-day debate on inter-religious dialogue
Inter-religious dialogue arouses a certain amount of interest in the Church as a whole and in the missionary world in particular. At the same time, it sparks off widely diverse reactions, which can be loosely synthesized in two opposing views. The first sees in dialogue a royal road to relativism, with the risk of undermining not only the absolute value of Christianity but also the need for missionary work and conversion to Christ. A leading Protestant theologian of the present day, E. Jungel, states significantly with regard to dialogue: “I believe that there are many roads which lead to Rome, but few which lead to God. The New Testament tells us there is just one: ‘I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”(2)
The second attitude grants to dialogue an enthusiastic reception, not only as a solution but also as a substitute for all missionary endeavors. Those who hold this view include Catholic and Protestant authors such as P. Knitter, R. Pannikar, J. Hick, D. Cupitt, W. C. Smith and others. These authors affirm, though in different ways, the urgency of replacing traditional Christ-centred theology with God-centred or Salvation-centred theology.
P. Knitter states in direct opposition to Jungel: “There are therefore, not just various paths leading to the summit of Mount Fuji, but these paths must criss-cross and learn from one another, if they want to continue on their journey.”(3)Other authors, while taking care not to distance themselves from New Testament Christological positions, propose a thorough revision of traditional Christology. These include among others, H. Kung, A. Pieris, T. Balasuriva, G. M. Soares Prabhu, I. Puthiadam. Catholic Theologians who are from the Asiatic region propose a clear-cut distinction between the Christ of History and the Cosmic Christ. The first is the founder of Christianity and, insofar as he was a historic personage, just one of the many religious prophets, while the second is the ultimate fulfillment of religions, of humanity and of the cosmos.
From what we have briefly mentioned above, it is evident that the Christological question is the central and determining one in this debate. Here it follows the two apparently opposite aspects of the Christological dilemma. On one hand we have the absolute value of the Paschal Kerygma, the impossibility of evincing the mystery of Christ from the collective hopes of humankind and the unique salvific mediation of Christ. On the other hand we have the great esteem and trust in the human religious experience that reveals and mediates the Absolute to human beings.
2. The Church takes an active part in inter-religious dialogue
The Catholic Magisterium has issued several strong pronouncements in favor of dialogue, in particular two documents from the Pontifical Council for Inter-religious Dialogue. The first, issued in 1984, is entitled The attitude of the Church towards the followers of other religions. Reflections and guidelines on Dialogue and Mission. In this document, dialogue is seen, together with evangelization, as a constituent part of the mission of the Church.
The second document, published in 1991, Dialogue and proclamation, Reflections and Guidelines on inter-religious dialogue and the Proclamation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, offers mostly explanations of technical terminology. Mission and Evangelization are seen as synonyms embracing the whole ambit of the Church’s action in the world.
According to this second document the Church’s mission of evangelization comprises various activities, including dialogue and proclamation. These two activities are distinct, each possessing its own status and enjoying its own value. Proclamation naturally constitutes the foundation, the center and summit of evangelizing, since the knowledge of Jesus Christ is the aim at which the entire evangelizing mission of the Church is directed. Other religions are viewed in this document with great open-mindedness: their adherents are saved by Christ, not in spite of their religion but through the faithful practice of that religion, and in some wondrous manner, precisely by virtue of that religion (n. 29). According to J. Dupuis, this last affirmation is a theological novelty in the official teaching of the Church.(4)
There were also extraordinary events which one would have deemed impossible of realization until a few years ago, events which marked memorable moments in the field of official dialogue. Let us mention here only some of the most important. The Prayer Meeting at Assisi in 1986; the meeting at Trastevere in October 1996 marking the 10th anniversary of the Assisi meeting; the meeting “Buddhism and Christianity: Points of agreement and disagreement” held at the monastery of Fo Kuang Shan in Kaohsiung, Taiwan, in the summer of 1995, which was organized by Cardinal F. Arinze and the venerable Hsing Yun, the Abbot of the monastery.
The 1986 meeting in Assisi attracted world-wide attention because of its strong symbolic significance and evocative appeal. Through its emotional impact, John Paul II gave a powerful boost to inter-religious dialogue. On 22 December 1986, the Holy Father spoke to the Roman Curia about the Assisi meeting and its spirit, replying to criticisms and quandaries which had arisen within the Church. He expressed himself in words which, in my opinion, are amongst the most significant he has ever spoken on the subject of inter-religious dialogue: “The Church is called upon to work, to the limits of its strength, (including Evangelization, Prayer and Dialogue) to settle the divisions and partitions among men (¼ ). What took place at Assisi can be seen as a clear illustration, a factual lesson, a catechesis understood by all, of what the ecumenical concern and the concern for inter-religious dialogue, both recommended and championed by the Vatican Council, presuppose and signify. The very identity of the Catholic Church and the Church’s knowledge of herself were both strengthened at Assisi. Indeed, the Church, and all of us in the light of that happening, came to understand more clearly the real meaning of the mystery of unity and reconciliation that the Lord has entrusted to us, and which he himself was the first to practice when he offered his life ‘not only for the nation, but also to gather into one the dispersed children of God’ (Jn 11:52).”(5)
In this statement of the Holy Father, in his symbolic gestures, and also in the documents of the Secretariat for Dialogue, we notice that an emphasis is now placed on the need for the dialogue, and that dialogue is also defended against criticism and proposed for general practice.
3. Recent misgivings about inter-religious dialogue
Recent expressions of theological opinion on dialogue seem to have slightly changed their tone, becoming more thoughtful and more subdued.(6) See the series of editorials in La Civilta Cattolica under the title “Christianity and other religions,”(7) an article of H. Waldenfels which also appeared in La Civilta Cattolica,(8) and an exacting article of Cardinal Ratzinger.(9) While affirming the good points of inter-religious dialogue, these articles mention also the risks, the difficulties, the dangers and the limits of dialogue, especially when it is motivated by theological suppositions which are a betrayal of the fundamental beliefs of the Christian faith.
In the worst of the scenarios described by critics, inter-religious dialogue is depicted as a constituent element of religious pluralism and modern syncretist tendencies, a form of modern relativism and the product of the failure of ideological certainties.
4. The theological question of inter-religious dialogue
Is inter-religious dialogue indeed a species of relativism spawned by extreme forms of syncretism such as the New Age? To put this problem in its proper perspective it is necessary to make various distinctions. First of all, we must distinguish between inter-religious dialogue and the theology of religions. Though they are in a certain sense inter-related, they are two entirely different matters. The theology of religions consists in a theological interpretation of other religions; it explains the role they play in the Catholic outlook of the world and its salvation. It is also necessary to distinguish the theological question of the salvation of non-Christians from the theology of inter-religious dialogue.
The theology of inter-religious dialogue must in turn be carefully distinguished from the problems raised by liberation theology, even though some promoters of inter-religious dialogue (such as P. Knitter,(10) A. Pieris and T. Balasuriya) are also proponents of the Asian version of liberation theology. Moreover, the evolution of contemporary Church-consciousness towards inter-religious dialogue is totally unrelated to the collapse of formerly widely held ideologies and the consequent rise of modern day relativism. This evolution commenced, if we wish to fix a date, with the Encyclical Ecclesiam Suam of Paul VI (1964) - the encyclical of dialogue. Most certainly, it was not the aim of this encyclical to establish inter-religious dialogue. From that very moment, however, this new attitude towards other religions, which then developed and matured with the Council, “acquired the name of Dialogue, and from that moment this word, as a name and an ideal, began to be used frequently in the Council and in ecclesiastical speech.”(11)
In order to appreciate the value of inter-religious dialogue it is quite important keep in mind the Church’s first steps in this direction, such as the encyclical Ecclesiam Suam. It is also important to keep alive the memory of the pioneers of dialogue, such as Paul VI and other prominent figures of the Council Vatican II. One should also properly distinguish the specific problems of inter-religious dialogue from those of the theology of non-Christian religions, liberation theology, religious pluralism, and contemporary religious syncretism and relativism. Only after such clear distinctions will one avoid lumbering inter-religious dialogue with problems that are not its own, or accusing it of defects it does not have.
5. Two distinct directions and objectives
Inter-religious dialogue, I think, proceeds simultaneously in two directions, to which correspond two distinct yet complementary aims.
The first aim is fundamental: it takes faith as the starting point and reflects, according to theological principles, on the legitimacy or otherwise of dialogue. This method can be called deductive since it starts from the principles of Christian theology and must remain faithful to these principles. The second aim has to do with content, and has to do with the direct encounter of religions. The theology of dialogue is the arena where Christianity is directly confronted and compared with other religious traditions, and their correspondences, similarities, differences and contrasts are reflected upon. One can also choose one particular aspect of the doctrine of Christian life (such as the transcendence and the uniqueness of God, the doctrine of the Trinity, the Commandment of Love, morality, rites, monastic life etc.) and, in a comparative study, investigate its affinities with and diversities from other religions.
This second concern of the theology of dialogue evidently requires a certain competence in both areas of reference, Christianity and other religions. It also requires inter-disciplinary work. Hence, the contribution given by sciences such as phenomenology, the philosophy of religious, and cultural anthropology, can offer great help. This last mentioned theological procedure is quite stimulating since it calls for both team-work and field-work and a sharing of concrete experiences. It is a process that may be described as inductive, since it proceeds from the particular, arguing from the plurality of religious experiences.
Both of these procedures have their legitimacy and validity but, as is to be expected, their limits also. The first runs the risk of remaining no more than a premise failing to reach the concrete religions. The second faces the danger of becoming so disperse that it would be incapable of reaching a theological conclusion in accordance with Christian doctrine.
It is in this sphere, then, that missionaries can make a valid contribution, formulating from their experience a global theology, which would have as its method both the praxis of dialogue and reflection upon it.
6. The charism and ministry of dialogue
Although there is much talk about dialogue, some of it alarmist and some favorable, it is my opinion that in reality dialogue is little practiced. My own limited experience in a Taiwan Buddhist monastery is, to the best of my knowledge, almost unique in that island.(12) Yet Taiwan is ideally suited as a place for dialogue, especially with Buddhists. Among the many missionaries with whom I am acquainted in Asia, in areas where almost the whole of the population belongs to other religions, the number of those who have undertaken any significant projects in dialogue is minimal.
While we do not lack good theological and missiological magisterial documents, still there are several open questions for the theology of dialogue. In the first place there is the problem of the relationship between dialogue and mission, and between dialogue and proclamation. In this regard, I believe that the most urgent problem is not that of finding theoretical solutions. Perhaps we shall never reach a solution that will convince all parties. There will always be those who stress the urgency and the originality of proclamation, and those who defend the dignity and the proper status of dialogue. Such being the case, what is needed is not so much theoretical solutions as multiple experiments. When the day comes that the praxis of mission and dialogue is widespread and effective there will be no lack of guidelines, originating from these experiences, to bring about a correct theological approach to the problems. Perhaps what is required is Christians who, in a prophetic manner, live out meaningful experiences of inter-religious dialogue, and are capable of reflecting on them. Dialogue ought to be lived in the Church as a charism, a gift from on high. The actual living out of the charism ought to become a shining lamp for the protagonists of dialogue themselves, for the Church and for the adherents of the religions. In the mission of the Church the charism and the ministry of dialogue must be ever more clearly delineated. There must be those who make dialogue the aim of their service to the Church and their fellows. If that does not come about, no matter how many publications are printed or demands are made, dialogue will always remain no more than an exercise in theological discussion.
With this I do not intend to make any unreasonable claim for the supremacy of praxis. There is still the problem of formulating a theology that will serve as a sure guide for dialogue so that it may be carried out as a charism and a ministry within the Church and thus be well founded in fidelity to the faith.
7. Theology of Dialogue and Theology of the Cross
I mentioned earlier that the greatest stumbling block is the absoluteness of Christ, the Christian paradox: We proclaim Christ crucified, a stumbling block to Jews and foolishness to Gentiles (¼ ). I resolved to know nothing while I was with you except Jesus Christ, and him crucified (1Cor 1:23; 2:2). An investigation should be made into the link between Christology (and, in particular, of the most Christological and paradoxical of all theologies, the theology of the Cross) and the theology of inter-religious dialogue. It would seem that the theology of the Cross was for a long time either neglected by the theology of dialogue, or considered only in contrast with it. A link between the theology of the Cross (the bulwark of Christology) and the theology of dialogue is now needed. This would prevent the theology of dialogue from debarring Christology and so, in the long run, emptying the Christian faith of its fundamental mystery. On the other hand it would prevent the theology of the Cross from falling into the “Christological Straits”, an expression used by H. Von Balthasar in his critical synthesis of the thought of K. Barth.(13) In Barth’s interpretation, the catchword ‘solo Christo, sola scriptura, sola fide’ leads inevitably to the elimination of all other religious experiences.
But what kind of link can be forged between the theology of the Cross and the theology of dialogue? This question will be dealt with in part two of this paper.
Part II: Theology of the Cross and theology of inter-religious dialogue
8. Theology of the Cross as Christian Theology
The theology of the Cross can be understood in such a way as to present the Christian message in a one-sided or biased manner. The theology of the Cross, or of the Crucifix or of Christ Crucified and Forsaken,(14) to which I am referring cannot be understood except in conjunction with the resurrection. The centre-point of Christian faith is best expressed in the words of the kerygma of the New Testament: God has made him both Lord and Christ, this Jesus whom you crucified (Acts 2:36). The theology of the Cross, as I understand it, moves from the kerygma of the primitive Church. Moreover, the Cross makes known to us the depths of the love of the Trinity(15) so that the theology of the Cross is at the heart of Christian theology.
9. God’s forbearance
The Cross of Jesus makes it impossible to create an image of God that is simply in accordance with our own ideas: No one has ever seen God. The only Son, who is in the bosom of the Father, has revealed him (Jn 1: 18). The New Testament bears witness that the revelation of God as Father came about substantively on the Cross. In the Gospel of St. John, the Cross is seen as the glorification of the Father, ‘Abba’ (Jn 17:1-6) as he is called by Jesus. The Christological canticles of Paul (Col 1:15; Eph 1:3) explain further this profound relationship between the crucified Jesus and the Father. God the Father (1Tim 1:2) wishes that everyone be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth (1Tim 2:4). Indeed the Epistle goes on to say that Jesus Christ gave himself as a ransom for all (1Tim 2:6). Now the universal salvific will of God cannot be considered theologically as anything but efficacious. How should this efficacy be judged? Y. Raguin states: “God in the person of Jesus appeared at a relatively late stage in the history of humankind, at least so it seems to our way of thinking. Every nation had its own patriarchs and prophets. When Christ came among us he did not rush headlong in all directions, as though there was no time to lose. In fact he had ample time, and never gave the impression that the salvation of the world depended on his frantic activity. Yet he was aware that he was bringing salvation.(16) His followers, too, are invited to live their lives and mission with the same sense of freedom and the same gratuitous service. Dialogue is an expression of that gratuitousness and freedom which Jesus first employed. Only God knows the times and the seasons. The document issued by the Secretariat for Non-Christians in 1984 defines the times in which salvation will be efficaciously brought about as “the times of the forbearance of God (... ), since no-one can oblige God to act more hurriedly than He chooses."(17)
The theme of God’s forbearance, which was already figured in the Old Testament, is developed in a special manner by the authors of the New Testament. They take up the theme of God's forbearance and expound it more deeply, in the light of the death and resurrection of Christ. These two events, insofar as they initiate the final stage of human history, are considered the objective towards which the forbearance of God was directed. At the same time, insofar as they mark the beginning of a new era of waiting, they are presented as the starting point of a new manifestation of God’s forbearance.(18)
There are two types New Testament passages which speak of God’s forbearance. Some refer to the period before Christ (Rom 2:3-5; 3:25-16; 9:22-24; 1Pet 3: 9-15). The second type tries to assign a theological value to the delaying of the Parousia. During this period of delay the Lord exercises forbearance, not wishing that any should perish (2Pet 3:9). Therefore, consider the patience of the Lord as salvation (2Pet 3:14). The time of this forbearance is the time of salvation (Cf. 2Pet 3:9-15). Now the fruit of God’s forbearance is that patience which the believer in turn exercises towards all (Cf. 1Thess 5:14). According to Hebrew (6:11-15) patience is the same as faith, the faith exercised during the time until the promise is fulfilled. In the letter of James (5:7-11) patience is depicted as a virtue at the core of Christian life: Be patient therefore, brothers, until the coming of the Lord. See how the farmer waits for the precious fruit of the earth, being patient with it until it receives the early and the late rains. You also be patient. (... ) Indeed we call blessed those who have persevered with patience. You have heard of the patience of Job, and you have seen the purpose of the Lord, because the Lord is compassionate and merciful. In this weighty text of James the forbearance of God is shown as synonymous with mercy and compassion.
The Biblical theme of God’s forbearance sheds special light on theological reflection on inter-religious dialogue. The patience, mercy and compassion shown by God when passing judgment on history and on human affairs, become the patience, mercy and compassion exercised by the believer. Forbearance, therefore, is not a lightweight virtue. On the contrary, it is a virtue which calls for a deep spiritual maturity which enable one to penetrate, so to speak, into God’s own way of thinking. Dialogue, first of all, requires forbearance to enable us to approach the spiritual identity of those with whom we dialogue. Dialogue, to use a powerful and suffered expression coined by P. Monchanin, calls for a geological patience.(19) Patience requires that we die to ourselves, and be detached from our own timetables, deadlines and programs, while awaiting the early and the late rains. Patience means surrounding oneself completely to the Father, the only Lord of history, and the only one who knows the ways of salvation. Indeed, the crucified Christ gives us the most sublime and exemplary manifestation of patience. On the Cross, he renounced his desire to comprehend the mystery, abandoning himself instead to the times and ways decreed by the Father. In a word, the theological value of the patience of God and of the believer is revealed to us in all its fullness by Jesus on the Cross, our supreme model of patience.
10. The Messianic Secret
The ‘messianic secret’ deeply marks the Gospel of Mark. The true identity of Jesus, the meaning of his mission, the value of his words and miracles will be revealed only on the Cross. The signs and words of Jesus are not self revelatory but are only revealed in their time and profound significance at the supreme moment of the crucifixion. Only at that moment is the ‘messianic secret’ made known. It was not made known, however, to the priests and to the scribes (religious officials), to the passers-by (devoted believers on their way to the Holy City for the Passover) nor to the two criminals condemned with him. All these people challenged Jesus to come down from the Cross. A spectacular gesture which would have provided sensational evidence for them to see and believe. They were prisoners of a religious sense based on outward show, on the spectacular, on force, on victory over others. Jesus had rejected that kind of religiosity. The secret was revealed instead to one who officially was not a religious person, to a Roman centurion, a member of a pagan nation. He had witnessed the darkness which descended on Jesus and on the world which had condemned him as a criminal is condemned. This man, a pagan, heard the cry of Jesus forsaken and dying. Then and then only, in the darkness, a prey to helplessness and in the presence of a man who had died alone and forsaken, this unknown soldier from a far distant, pagan and enemy land, proclaimed the wondrous identity of Jesus: Truly this man was the Son of God (Mk 15:39). This is the crowning point of Mark, the first Gospel.
The Messianic secret is revealed sub contraria specie, in a manner precisely contrary to the religious and human expectations of the priests and scribes, the passers-by and the malefactors condemned with Jesus. It was revealed instead to a man who had no part in established religion. Only the Cross, the scandal of the Cross reveals in unexpected ways and to unexpected persons the messianic secret, the true identity of Jesus. Yet Jesus had, over a long period and with meticulous care, prepared his disciples to come to the knowledge of his mystery. In the second part of Mark’s Gospel (and also in Luke) Jesus no longer works miracles. Instead, he concentrates his attention on teaching his little band of disciples in unequivocal tough language. Yet not even they understood the mystery of the Cross. It was not they who revealed the messianic secret.
Reflection on the messianic secret and on the Cross of Jesus seems particularly fitting when interpreting the figure of Jesus in the context of the theology of inter-religious dialogue. It is only through the Cross that Jesus reveals his identity. It is not possible to reduce Jesus to a religious concept, to any abstract interpretative category. Within the scope of the theology of religions and theology of dialogue, it is not only possible and legitimate but also necessary to speak of Christ the Liberator (preacher of the Kingdom, not of himself) with P. Knitter; of the cosmic Christ with R. Pannikar and T. Balasuriya; of Christ the prolepsis of history with W. Pannenberg; of Christ the critical catalyst with H. Kung; and of Christ the Eternal Word (as distinct from Jesus of Nazareth) with C. Molari.(20) Be that as it may, however, we must never distance ourselves from the Cross as the theological center which reveals to us the identity of Jesus. No manner of theological interpretation of Jesus’ identity can ascribe to him any aspect or function which did not have its origin in the scandal of the Cross. This holds good also for a truly Christian theology of inter-religious dialogue. So let it never happen that, while we are pondering wise solutions, the Cross of Christ be emptied of its meaning (1Cor 1:17).
The theological value of the messianic secret revealed in the Cross stands out in clearer relief when considered in conjunction with the patristic concept of seeds of the word. The word seed has a deep biblical significance. In the synoptic gospels, in various parables, the seed is presented as a synonym of the Word (Lk 8:9), and of the kingdom (Mk 4:31). In John (12:20-24), Jesus describes his destiny, using the figure of the grain of wheat or seed, which can only bear fruit if it dies. In the first epistle of Peter (1:25) the immortal seed which regenerates and remains for ever, is nothing other than the word that has been proclaimed to you. In short, the seed of the New Testament signifies, at various times, the Word of God, the Gospel proclaimed, the kingdom of God or Jesus who dies. In all of these examples the seed is considered as potent and active. The smallest of all seeds is destined to become the largest of all plants. The seed (i.e. the Word, the Gospel, the Kingdom, Jesus himself) though small in its origins, is destined to increase to a great size. The inference here is not merely that of a fragment compared with the whole, of a percentage compared with the totality, the particular compared with the total, of one minute coloured plug conferred with the completed mosaic. No! The seed has the intrinsic dynamic force to devolope, to be reborn, to be transformed and to grow into a plant. The generative force of the seed lies in its dying in order to produce fruit, a reproduction which occurs in spite of, or perhaps precisely because of, the gap between life and death. For this reason Jesus foretells the meaning of his forthcoming death and resurrection using the forceful expression of the “fruit-bearing seed.”
The seeds of the Word scattered throughout the world among peoples and religions should be viewed against this New Testament background. They are not scattered fragments to which it would be difficult to assign any theological significance. They are, rather, an entity which has an inner strength of growth and possesses within itself the power of signifying the logic of the Cross, the Word, the Gospel and even Jesus Christ himself. As seeds of the Word, they are seeds of Christ.
The seeds of the Word are not related merely to human religious research. They rather express an authentic Christology in the religions and, in a certain sense, they denote the presence of the mystery of the Cross in all human affairs and in the various religious experiences and traditions. As Jesus imposes the messianic secret in the Gospel, so the seeds of the Word scattered in the non-Christian world take on the characteristics of concealment and secrecy. The seeds of the Word reveal their secret as signs of Christ’s presence only in the light of the Cross and according to the logic of sub contraria specie. Through the Cross, Jesus experienced, in his own person, the scandal of evil: the betrayal of his friends, the perjury of false witnesses, the hypocrisy of his judges, the torture of the soldiery, the injustice of his condemnation, the mockery of the crowds, the pain of crucifixion, the abandonment not only of his followers but even of God, and also loneliness, helplessness, humiliation. There are no human sufferings that cannot be united to the sufferings of Jesus. Through them Jesus revealed, to the utmost degree, the mutual love of the Blessed Trinity when, from the depths of his abandonment, he offered himself to the Father in full and trusting obedience. Giving his life on the Cross to give life to the world just like the Good Shepherd, Jesus manifested in his total self-giving the greatest love that one could possibly conceive. The seeds of the Word are scattered precisely where individual or communities suffer torment yet place complete trust in God, and are capable of making the ultimate gift of themselves. In the light of the above reflections, we find revealed in the last discourse of Jesus before his passion (a discourse on the final judgment, Mt 25:31-46) a wealth of theological and salvific doctrine of which we would otherwise be unaware. Any exegesis of this discourse based merely on natural ethics would not do justice to its dramatic context, nor adequately explain the reasons for the radical conclusions it draws.
11. The Cross’s critique of Religion
At the foot of the Cross the messianic secret is made known by the Roman centurion, a national enemy, an alien to the official religion. According to the Synoptics, at the very moment of Jesus’ death, the veil of the temple was rent in two (Mk 15:38 and parallel verses). Jesus entered into the place reserved to the high priest and opened up the way into the new sanctuary (Heb 9:8), being the first so to enter in (Heb. 10:19-20). The theologians J. Moltmann and P. Coda have conducted more investigation than others into the theme of the Crucified Jesus ‘cast out’ of the Jewish religion. They show how Jesus, overcoming all religious exclusiveness, embraces everyone. He dies as one cursed by God, made to be sin (2Cor 5:21), outside the gate (Heb 13:12), outside the community of God, outside the Holy City, outside the vineyard which is Israel, outside the encampment consecrated by God. In this way, the crucified Jesus concentrates in himself the divine presence freed from the constricting limits of the Jewish religion. It is thanks to him that the dividing wall of enmity (Eph 2:14) between Jews and Greeks was broken down. Thanks also to him, God’s blessing to Abraham was extended to the whole of humankind (Gal 3:14). Thus Jesus succeeds in reaching from the inside all those outside of Israel and outside the visible structure of the Church. Therefore the starting point of the Christian theology of inter-religious dialogue will be that to which the Epistle to the Hebrews invites us: Let us then go to him outside the camp (Heb 13:13). “Let us go towards the Crucified and forsaken Christ who, far from denying and condemning the religions without any right of appeal, makes of these, instead, so many grounds for theological reflection (loci theologici).”(21)
However, we must bear in mind that in the thinking of the authors of the New Testament for the Cross of Christ to be “outside” signifies “outside” of the Jewish religion. It is only in a subsequent manner that the relationship between the Cross and Judaism can be identified with the relationship between the Cross and religions in general. In my opinion there are two reasons why it is legitimate to apply the essential form of the Cross-Judaism relationship to the Cross-religions relationship.
The first reason is based on the New Testament’s unanimous affirmation that the Cross of Jesus reaches out to all people. The many mentioned in the Synoptics (Mt 26:28 and parallel verses) for whom Jesus gives his life are the multitudes, i.e. all peoples.(22) He has tasted death for everyone (Heb 2:9). God handed his son over for us all (Rm 8:32). He gave himself as ransom for all (1Tim 2:5-6). Lifted up on the Cross, Jesus will draw all people to himself (Jn 12:32). This reaching out and drawing all by means of the Cross is certainly not just a manner of speaking. It must rather be seen as something real, actual and effective. This is what a well known deliberation of the Vatican Council affirms: “We must hold that the Holy Spirit offers to all the possibility of being made partners, in a way known to God, in the paschal mystery” (GS n. 22). It would seem to me that the reflection I propose above does not allow a loose interpretation of the Council’s deliberation, one lacking in practical efficacy. Instead it offers an interpretation which reflects the importance and incisiveness of that deliberation.
The second reason I suggest for extending the form of the Cross-Judaism relationship to the Cross-religions relationship is based on my opinion that the theology of the Cross which is presently developing as a product of this reflection calls religion ‘into scrutiny’. The theology of the Cross makes us rethink the faith-religion relationship in a new and dialectical manner. The crucifixion of Christ, who died outside of the established religion, is a dramatic epilogue of Jesus’ long drawn out and persistent critique of religiosity, and of his mortal conflict with the religious (allied with political) authorities. Jesus resists and unmasks that religious piety which too easily degenerates into unwarranted presumption, such as can be seen, for example, in the episode of the woman who was a sinner in Simon’s house (Lk 7:36-50), or in the parable of the Pharisee and tax collector (Lk 18,:9-14). Jesus sternly criticizes religion when it is reduced to hypocrisy and exhibitionism (Mt 6:1-17), into a credulous search for sensationalism prompted by lack of true faith, into the enslavement to personal or social conventions, into a smug legalistic observance which is an end in itself or which, even worse, harms humanity (Mk 7:1-13 and parallel passages), or into a quest for dominance (Cf. Lk 11:46). Jesus goes on to unmask a religiosity which has become an ideology and which, in the name of God and Law, seeks to justify itself, adhering to the letter of the law rather than to its spirit and seeking to wield power over others, while legitimate religious expectations become bigoted and incapable of adapting to new ideas. In a word, Jesus denounces that excessive religiosity which leads to hardening of the heart (Mk 3:5, 12:13; Lk 6:10). In the Gospels Jesus is consistently seen to be on the side of the victims of religion: sinners, publicans, lepers, prostitutes, the sick, the handicapped, the possessed and children. Hardness of heart brings about the rejection and blacklisting of these who should be made welcome, forgiven and loved. The pervading religious outlook and religious structures played a decisive role in this turmoil in which man loses what he holds most dear: love. Jesus did not meet the messianic expectations of his contemporaries. He was different. Passages of the Gospel which describe episodes of criticism, invective and argument between Jesus and religious groups are neither few nor far between. There were painful rifts that, in the space of a few short months, brought about violent attacks on Jesus and led to his execution.
At the present time, too, all religions, whether Christian or not, run the same risk of becoming ideologies which are opposed to the true welfare of the person. How many examples can be found of this in both Christianity and other religions. Even in the 90s religions have too often become vehicles of suffering and death instead of salvation and life. Today in many parts of the world, the groans of those undergoing hardships caused by religion are rising up before the throne of God, as Nicholas of Cusa stated as far back as 400 years ago.(23) However, I am certainly not unaware that religion also has many positive aspects and qualities. But religiousness, since it is a human phenomenon, is ambiguous and may posses negative qualities. The effects of religious ideology may even be aberrant: The time will come when anyone who kills you will think he is doing a holy duty to God (Jn 16:2).
Violence in and of religion is a topic which neither a Christian theology of inter-religious dialogue nor inter-religious dialogue itself can, with any semblance of decency, avoid. In my estimation, it is precisely the theology of the Cross which can offer a contribution which, though uncomfortable at time, goes to the heart of the matter and is indispensable for dialogue between followers of difference religious. The Cross, on which Jesus was hung as an enemy of religion, transcends any religious particularity. At the same time, it reaches out for and attracts to itself all varieties of religion, to judge them and cleanse them. The Cross has the power to distinguish true faith from religious ambiguity.
12. Dialogue at the foot of the Cross
The theology of the Cross extends an open invitation to those who engage in inter-religious dialogue, to overcome their reticence and to abandon their self-assuredness. We cannot hide ourselves behind our religion, while at the same time standing at the foot of the Cross. We are called upon to leave our encampment and to go out to meet Christ (Heb 13:13), and thus avoid seeking the comfort of a religion that tends to become an ideology. Those who engage in dialogue are invited to look on the one whom they have pierced (Jn 19:39). This requires a continual conversion, a courageous change and a humble openness to criticism.
At the foot of the Cross, dialogue becomes a reciprocal evangelization on account of the cleansing of one’s faith and the increase in the sincerity of one’s actions which it promotes. We do not clearly know what will be ultimately achieved by the dialogue between people of different religions which Jesus arouses by drawing everyone to himself. John Paul II suggests the possibility that “the firm belief of the followers of non-Christian religions (... ) might, somehow, put Christians to shame.”(24) At the foot of the Cross no one is a master, but rather all are disciples, whatever religion they may profess, disciples primarily of Christ, but also of one another.
On the Cross, God revealed in the Crucified Jesus his weak aspect, his vulnerability, his decision to show himself sub contraria specie. At the foot of the Cross dialogue too reveals its limits and weaknesses. Inter-religious dialogue often appears to rest on shaky ground, with motivations which are sometimes ambivalent, mutual acquaintance which is scant or even biased, and aims which are not always clearly defined. Dialogue is often dogged by suspicion and fear, both among these inside and those outside the Church. Inside the Church there is a fear of compromising the truth or of starting a gradual descent into syncretism or indifferentism. Adherents of other religions are sometimes unenthusiastic or fail to take part, or have reservations because of the fear that dialogue may be just a method of proselytism updated to suit the times. Significant and successful attempts at dialogue are indeed rare. For the most part, the attempts are timid and the results fitful, not to say, delusory.
Objectively speaking, dialogue encounters dilemmas which seem to have no solution. The chief of these, in my opinion, is the relationship between the necessity of proclaiming Jesus Christ and the very nature of dialogue. Now I am of the belief that in a very important sense there is an irreconcilable divergence between dialogue and proclamation. Inter-religious dialogue cannot shrink from the judgments put forward by the Cross of Christ nor from the judgment which the Cross of Christ lays down. There is a demarcation line beyond which the Crucified Christ can no longer be engaged in dialogue. The scandal and the foolishness of the Cross take precedence over the claims of dialogue. But this does not denote that the dialogue has terminated or that it is an impossible and useless undertaking. It has merely shown its limits, just as all religious activities and theological discussions have their limits. Dialogue is both possible and necessary, because it is not held between abstract systems and religious theories but among flesh and blood believers. These believers, touched and attracted, more or less consciously, by the Cross of Christ, plunge themselves in the daily round of those who share, as Jesus did, the crucified reality of the people.
13. Dialogue of Liberation
In Jesus Christ, God did not merely become man, he became an infant, the son of simple folk. He knew poverty and made common cause with the poor and oppressed. He was humbled and suffered the shame of the Cross. Jesus is indeed the man of sorrows and his Gospel is the Gospel of the suffering.(25) The scourged Jesus, with his face disfigured by blows and by the crown of thorns, is brought out before his tormentors: Behold the man, says Pilate (Jn 19:5). Indeed, in that unsightly face which they behold, and from which men hide their faces (Is 53:3), there is the face of suffering people, of all those on earth who have been crucified. In that face can be seen the sufferings of the whole of humanity. There is no human suffering which has not been united with Christ crucified, nor is there any human suffering which has not been borne by him. Jesus makes common cause also with those who throughout the course of history have been, so to speak, nailed to the Cross. On that Cross, all disparities between human beings vanish. On the Cross, Christ achieved to the full what he had chosen as his aim in life: to announce the Gospel to the poor, to proclaim liberty to captives and recovery of sight to the blind and to let the oppressed go free (Lk 4:18-19).
At the present time, to follow Jesus bearing our cross means to make the same choice that Jesus made, to throw in our lot with those who, like Jesus, are humbled, downtrodden and put to death. The face of the Crucified One is seen today in those who are nailed to the Cross with Christ, for in the sufferings of those lowly ones Christ is present. It is also certain that even those who have not yet arrived at an explicit knowledge of Christ (Lord, when did we see you hungry¼ cf. Mt 25:3-46) encounter Christ when they show love for the poor and solidarity with the needy, and are judged by Christ with encomium (Crux omnia probat). For it is the crucified Jesus who passes judgement on each one‘s responsibility in one’s dealings with the world, and in one‘s cooperation in evil and in the unspeakable sufferings of so many human beings. It is the Crucifix which brings us face to face with the fearful consequences of sin, of pride, of injustice and of power. The suffering now inflicted on a great part of humanity may, at times, be no less devastating than that borne by Christ himself.
While suffering, on the one hand, reveals the reality of the Cross of Christ and his continuing solidarity with the crucified ones, on the other hand it seems to constitute the overriding problem of humankind and religions alike. Inter-religious dialogue, which does not confront this challenge, and does not heed the cry of the crucified ones nor stand shoulder to shoulder with the poor and downtrodden, is a dialogue that is tragically flawed. It is not even theo-logical nor, for a Christian, is it authentic in its Christianity. The theology of the Cross prevents inter-religious dialogue from becoming merely academic, inconclusive and wrapped up in itself. Instead, the theology of the Cross points out the common ground of inter-religious dialogue in solidarity with the crucified, which will become the theological meeting point for common concerns. In the face of suffering, dialogue is no longer a mere discussion, nor even a summit meeting of religious authorities, but a practical commitment undertaken together as a sign of hope for the liberation of people.
Pope John Paul II himself has stated that “the human person is the primary route that the Church must travel in fulfilling her mission. We are not dealing with the human person in the abstract, but with the real, concrete, historical human person. We are dealing with each and every human person, for each one is included in the mystery of the Redemption.”(26) The inter-religious dialogue that the Holy Father calls for does not aim at doctrinal convergence nor at solutions based on religious syncretism or indifferentism, which he decisively rejects. It aims rather at mutual understanding, respect and esteem which will lead to combined efforts for justice and peace and worldwide reconciliation. The aim of the Assisi meeting - and of those which followed it - was peace, and, whenever he meets followers of other religions, the Holy Father promotes common efforts for the good of humankind.
In this respect liberation theology makes a valuable contribution. It shows that salvation history becomes a concrete reality in the liberation of the people. It expresses the concerns and the engagement of local churches as they come together with people who are struggling for deliverance. Liberation theology and the theology of dialogue make common cause insofar as they demonstrate different aspects of the evangelizing mission of the Church. They collaborate more closely in Asia where they address the fundamental challenges which confront the Asian peoples: poverty and religions.(27) It should be noted that nowadays less is being said about liberation theology, even though the Holy Father himself has stated that this theology is not only legitimate, but even necessary. Unfortunately, less is being said also of the poor and of the Church of the poor. Since communist ideology has ignominiously failed, and Marxist philosophy can no longer defile the minds of Christians who struggle for justice, it is to be hoped that liberation theology will reacquire its dignity and importance in the efforts of all believers to bring about justice and peace. This should be done in conjunction with the believers of all religions and all men and women of good will who have at heart the well-being of humankind.
14. Christ Crucified and the Holy Spirit
At times, in the course of theological debate on inter-religious dialogue, we tend to assign to the Holy Spirit all-embracing attributes, with no barriers or restrictions. This raises the risk of losing theological understanding of the Holy Spirit, who then becomes so abstract and indeterminate that anything may be attributed to him. I shall now try to show the strong bonds which unite the Spirit with Christ: Pneumatology united with Christology and particularly with the theology of the Cross.
In the Gospel of John we read that Jesus on the Cross bowed his head and yielded up the spirit (Jn 19:30). The use of the Greek word paredoken is unusual. It is not used in any other Greek text to denote the idea of expiring. The Synoptics themselves use more common words. According to exegetes, “in using such an unfamiliar word to announce the death of Jesus, John intends to tell us that Jesus’ death had the effect of granting the Holy Spirit to the Community.”(28)
In St. John’s account of the death of Jesus (Jn 19:34), there is another allusion to the Holy Spirit: a soldier thrust his lance into his side, and immediately blood and water flowed out. The water is a symbol of the Spirit and recalls the words of Jesus (Jn 7:38-39): Whoever believes in me, as scripture says, Rivers of living water will flow from within him! He said this in reference to the Spirit which those who came to believe in Him were to receive. There was of course, no spirit yet, because Jesus had not yet been glorified. The moment of glory in John’s Gospel is the moment of the Cross and Resurrection. The true outpouring of the Spirit was the work of Jesus crucified and risen again. The Spirit comes with the breathing of the risen Christ, and our thoughts turn to the Cross from which flowed forth the water of the Spirit. If the outpouring of the Spirit began from the Cross, the Spirit is radically bound up with the death of Jesus, and bears the signs of the paschal mystery.
A further reflection leads us to the conclusion that the action of the Holy Spirit is the same as that of Jesus on the Cross. The outpouring of the Holy Spirit the Comforter was pre-announced by Jesus during the Last Supper on two occasions.
The first is Jn 15:26-27: When the Advocate comes whom I will send you from the Father, the Spirit of Truth that proceeds from the Father, he will testify on my behalf. And you also are to testify because you have been with me from the beginning. The Holy Spirit Paraclete, sent not to the world but to the disciples, is called upon to take part as a crucial witness in that great trial between Jesus and the world, which forms the background against which the whole life of Jesus is set. This trial leads to the condemnation of the world and to the exaltation of Jesus on the Cross. The Spirit’s role is to testify to the fickleness of the world and to help in safeguarding the faith of the disciples.
A little later, John returns to the same theme: It is better for you that I go. For if I do not go, the Paraclete will not come to you. But if I go, I will send him to you. And when he comes he will convict the world in regard to sin and righteousness and condemnation (Jn 16:7-8). Here again we see that the role of the Spirit in this great trial, which is contested in the full light of human history, is to bear witness for Jesus against the world by revealing the world’s guilt, its empty pride and its inconsistency. Exegetes have difficulty in clearly defining the terms: sin, righteousness and condemnation. But it is clear that the presence of the Spirit in the process corroborates what was achieved on the Cross: the triumph of Jesus and the exposure of the falsity and injustice of the world which obstinately rejects him. The work of the Spirit is carried on in total continuity with the work of justice and judgement achieved on the Cross. Later statements in John’s Gospel do no more than confirm the perfect communion between Jesus and the Spirit. The teaching of the Spirit will be that of Jesus, who will not speak on his own, but will speak what he hears (16:13-15). Moreover the subject of the Spirit’s teaching will be Jesus: He will glorify me, because he will take from me what is mine and declare it to you (Jn 16:14). Finally, the Spirit will guide the disciples to and into the fullness of truth (Jn 16:13). This, according to B. Maggioni, is the exact meaning of the Greek expression hodogesei eis: towards and into the fullness of truth. According to exegetes, in this revelation of the Holy Spirit we do not look for new truths, but for a progressive deepening of our knowledge by working from the exterior towards the interior, into the centre which is Jesus.
This analysis of the role of the Holy Spirit does not intend to exhaust all the aspects that may be developed in Biblical or Johannine Pneumatology. What is intended here is to establish the point that the Holy Spirit’s role is never separated from that of the crucified and risen Christ. There can be no divergence or alternativity between Logos and Spirit, as some theologians of inter-religious dialogue would seem to suggest.(29) Opinions which consider the Holy Spirit as engaged in a role that either distances him from the role of Jesus, or is mutually exclusive of the role of Jesus crucified, or in which attempts are made gradually to abandon the concrete, historical fact of the Cross of Jesus in favour of a cosmic view of Christ, are all definitely groundless. On the contrary, it is precisely the Holy Spirit, who was gifted to us from Christ’s death on the Cross, who guarantees the identity between the crucified Jesus and the risen Jesus, between the crucified Jesus and Christ Pantocrator. “When the Holy Spirit leads us onwards it is always, in effect, a leading us back to Jesus.”(30)
We should always bear in mind the intimate link between Jesus and the Spirit when, in the light of the same Holy Spirit, we read of the signs which foreshadow the Gospel (preparatio evangelica). These signs may be the influence of the Spirit on the founders of religions, on the drawing up of the sacred texts of the various religious, and also on the prayer experiences and schools of prayer in the various religious traditions. The Spirit makes it possible for us to accept the non-Christian religious world, not in spite of Christ, but exactly starting from the crucified and risen Christ, and in sight of him.
The salvation which, even in the non- Christian world, comes as a gift through the mediation of Christ, finds “the transcendental-theological condition for its realization”(31) in a theology which conceives the Holy Spirit as a gift of Christ crucified and risen. The special bond between the Spirit and the crucified Jesus suggests that there is an additional route through which salvation can reach every single human being. “It is the history of suffering in the world. Ever since the Cross of Christ was first raised on earth there has been no human suffering which has not in some measure been touched by the Holy Spirit and united with Christ’s Cross.”(32)
Even prayer as part of inter-religious dialogue must be subjected to scrutiny. Is it right to pray together? How should we pray? When organizing the Assisi meeting - and other meetings which followed -, this problem was raised. The Spirit comes to the aid of our weakness; for we do not know how to pray as we ought, but the Spirit itself intercedes with inexpressible groaning. And the one who searches the heart knows the intentions of the Spirit for the Spirit intercedes for the holy ones according to God‘s will ” (Rom 8: 26-27). I am of the opinion that no other passage from Scripture sheds greater light than this on the question of prayer in inter-religious dialogue. The Holy Spirit himself urges us to adopt an attitude of trust. Notwithstanding our dullness of understanding and uncertainly, during our prayers the Holy Spirit may awaken certain words and desires that not even we ourselves can fully comprehend but that are nevertheless the work of the Holy Spirit. It is quite right, therefore, that prayer should be considered one of the foremost experiences of inter-religious dialogue. It may, moreover, be said that, so far, the principal experiences of inter-religious meetings have been prayers in common for peace.
We can, furthermore, without hesitation, pinpoint the moment of prayer in common as a goal in the meetings of the followers of the various religions. Their reciprocal dialogue is the fruit of that dialogue which together they establish with God under the assistant and unutterable action of the Spirit. Prayer guarantees that the nature of the dialogue is spiritual, and prevents it from becoming an instrument of power and predominance over others. And it is, in all probability, thanks to the unsuspected fruits of our weak and spasmodic prayer, bolstered by the Spirit who searches the heart, that God’s designs may, somehow, lighten the path of believers, since all things work together for the good for those who love God (Rom 8:28).
15. Three brief thoughts in conclusion
The reflections presented above lead to the consideration that, when participating in an inter-religious dialogue, there must be no relinquishing nor deflating of one’s personal identity. Such a manner of acting could give rise to a sense of personal insecurity and even of insecurity regarding what one has to offer. It could even result in an inability to receive fully what others offer. Dialogue presupposes humility and a deep awareness of one’s own faith.
Christ crucified is not an inconvenient and embarrassing obstacle to be overcome by ridding ourselves of Christ-centred theologies. On the contrary, while revealing to us the Triune face of God, the crucified Lord also reveals clearly the foundation, the terms of reference and the objectives of our dialogue with people of all religions. The theology of the Cross declares unequivocally that the doctrine of the Triune God cannot be pared down. God is God and the human is the human. This bears out the conviction that, for the purpose of engaging in dialogue, it is by no means necessary to betray one’s faith, nor to hold it in abeyance, nor to consider it as having merely a relative and not an absolute value. Instead, it is necessary to acknowledge humbly that the ways of God toward humankind are not always known and understood by humanity.
Concern for the afflicted, for the liberation of the poor and for reconciliation among people is the principal aim of inter-religious dialogue at the present time. The spiritual nature of dialogue is highlighted and safeguarded by prayer is common.