第二十八卷 (2007年)
基督宗教 (天主教) 与儒家人文价值的新机 新纪元与基督信仰 The Human Person and the Incranate Word in Light o  
第二十八卷 (2007年) 基督宗教 (天主教) 与儒家人文价值的新机

1. 导言

1.1 「中国价值要扬威西方」1

1.2 「澳门未来社会水平堪忧」2

1.3 「中共定和谐强国保证」4









2. 价值的意义

2.1 《哲学大辞典》(上海辞书出版社)
2.1.1 价值(value)

2.1.2 价值观

2.2 《剑桥哲学辞典》(台湾猫头鹰出版社)

指某物之所值。哲学家们已经区分出以下这几种主要的形式:内在的(intrinsic)、工具的(instrumental)、固有的(inherent)和关系的(relational)价值。内在的价值被认为是基本的,许多其他的价值要根据它来界定。在许多详细解说内在价值概念的尝试中,有些主要是处理价值的根源,而另一些则将某种情绪和欲望的「合宜性」(fittingness)或「适切性」(appropriateness)的概念应用在价值上。穆尔(Moore)赞同第一种,而布伦塔诺(Brentano)则赞同第二种。支持第一种观点的人认为,X的内在价值是只有X依赖其内在本质才拥有的价值。因此,若某事态──例如史密斯感受到快乐──具有内在的价值的话,其主要的根源只能来自于内在的本质。第二种观点的追随者则根据适合一个事物「在己和为己」(in and for itself;或者说为了自身的缘故〔for its own sake〕)的各种情绪和欲望来解释内在的价值。因此,若且唯若X在己且为己地值得欲求,或者说,任何人在己且为己地喜爱X本身是合宜的或者适当的,就可以说X具有内在的价值(或者X本质上是好的)。因而,只要史密斯感受到快乐的事态在本质上是有价值的,那么这个事态是由于它自己的缘故,或是任何人在己且为己地喜爱那种事态是合宜地这一点而值得欲求的。

关于其他价值的形式,我们可以说,若且唯若X对某个具有内在价值的事物而言是一种手段,或者在因果关系上导致了该事物,那么X即具有工具性的价值(instrumental value)。而洗个热水澡是使他达到快乐目的的手段,或者在因果关系上使他产生快乐,那么洗热水澡具有工具性的价值,或者「具有作为一种手段的价值」。同样,如果健康是内在地有价值的话,而运动是获得健康的一种手段,那么运动具有工具性的价值。若且唯若对于X的体验、知觉或默观具有内在的价值,则X具有固有的价值(inherent value)。如果对一幕绚丽晚霞的经验是内在地有价值的话,那么这幕绚丽的晚霞就具有固有的价值。若且唯若X是某个整体W的一部份,而X对于W的价值有所贡献,那么X具有贡献的价值(contributory value)。如果W是由史密斯满意与布朗满意的事实构成的整体,那么史密斯满意的这个事实对W的价值产生贡献,因而史密斯的满意就具有贡献价值。我们的例子说明了,某事物可能具有贡献价值却没有工具价值,因为史密斯满意不是构成W的一种手段,严格说,它不引致或者在因果关系上对W产生贡献。由于工具价值和贡献价值之间的区分,我们可以说某种经验和活动如果内在地是有价值的生活的一部分,而且对生活的价值有贡献的话,那么它们能具有贡献价值,即使它们不是达成生活价值的手段。最后,若且唯若X藉由其与另一事物的某种关系而拥有价值,我们可以说X具有关系的价值(relational value)。工具价值(Instrumental)、固有价值(inherent),与贡献价值(contributory value)等都可以被解释为关系价值的一种形式。然而,我们还可以接受其他形式的关系价值,譬如,我们或许可以认为,X藉由被S所欲求,或者假设S「得到充分的资讯」(fully informed)并且「是理性的」(rational),S就会欲求X,因而X对S有价值。


2.3 《探索生命的价值》(台湾天下远见出版社)









2.3.1 非实在性:价值并不像桌子、椅子一样是客观实在的物体,它是某些经验的性质。譬如:我今天在车上让座给一位老太太,这是一个经验。这个经验有一种性质,因而就有价值。换句话说,价值是在行为选择之后所出现的一种性质。……

2.3.2 两极性:任何价值一定有正反两端,不可能有中立立场。譬如:有善必有恶、有美必有丑等。这都说明了价值的评断必有两极性。一般习惯将价值做正负的区分,因为如果价值没有正负的区分,就等于作任何选择都没有压力,因为根本没什么太大的差别。譬如:与孝相对的就是不孝,不可能有人既不孝也无不孝,如此将无法让人理解。……

2.3.3 层级性:价值有优劣、好坏的先后顺序,就像爬楼梯一样。譬如:好之上还有更好,更好之上还有最好;美也是一样,美之上还有更美,更美之上有最美。这就是价值的层级性。12

2.4 综合反思


2.4.1 肉体性:人的活动始终是肉体性、物理性、物质性的,它所有的表达(生命、知识、意志、语言、文化、劳动)都要通过物质性的器官发展,在可以被感官察觉的结果中显现。(感性价值和生命价值)

2.4.2 精神性:除肉体性外,人的活动的独特尤其在于它充满了精神性:在知识、意志、话语、文化、技术中,始终有什么东西是不属于物质领域的。(精神价值:包括理智价值、审美价值、伦理价值)

2.4.3 优越性:人的活动通过思想、意志、语言、文化、技术等方面太大。甚至是无限地优越于动物活动。(社会价值)

2.4.4 超越性:在人的活动中有一个持续的要求不断超出已经实现的结果的张力,也就是一个超越、向前的冲动,一个指向最高水平的意志。(宗教价值)




林和立著,「中国价值要扬威西方」,香港 苹果日报论坛A22 2006年8月10日。

赵玲著,「澳门未来社会水平堪忧」,澳门 巿民日报澳闻第4版2006年8月11日。

邓耀祖著,「澳门繁荣.三地代价」,香港 明报论坛A32 2006年10月20日(星期五)。

明报中国评论,「中共定和谐强国保证」,香港 明报要闻A24 2006年10月12日(星期四)。
(1) 构建和谐社会6原则:
.坚持以人为本  .坚持民主法治
.坚持科学发展  .坚持正确处理改革发展稳定关系
.坚持改革开放  .坚持在中共的领导下全社会共同建设
(2) 构建和谐社会5项具体部署
(3) 到2020年构建和谐社会9任务

余英时著,「价值荒原上的儒家幽灵」,香港 明报世纪(人文、关怀、视野)D4 2006年9月4日(星期一)。


费孝通著,「我为什么研究『文化自觉』问题?」,香港 明报世纪D4 2002年12月17日(星期二)。

余英时著,「价值荒原上的儒家幽灵」,香港 明报世纪(人文、关怀、视野)D4 2006年9月4日(星期一)。

冯契主编,《哲学大辞典》,上海 上海辞书出版社 2001 619 修订本。

冯契主编,《哲学大辞典》,上海 上海辞书出版社 2001 619 修订本。

罗伯特.奥迪(Robert Audi)著,《剑桥哲学辞典》(The Cambridge Dictionary of Philosophy),台湾 猫头鹰出版社 2002 1271-1272。

傅佩荣著,《探索生命的价值》,台湾 天下远见出版股份有限公司 2003 176-183。

邬昆如著,《哲学概论》,台北 五南图书出版公司 1994 344-345。

巴蒂斯塔.莫迪恩著,李树琴∕段素荣译,《哲学人类学》,哈尔滨 黑龙江人民出版社 2005 155-156。

李震著,《理性与信仰──追求完美的双翼》,台北 辅仁大学出版社 1999 208。

唐君毅著,《人生之体验》,台北 台湾学生书局 1980(民69)修订版 161。

沉清松著,《物理之后──形上学的发展》,台北 牛顿出版社1987 153-154。

3. 从「一、真、善、美、圣」谈基督宗教(天主教)的教理精神






3.1 信仰只有一个和教会是唯一的




3.2 生活在真理中为真理作证和蒙召享真福




3.3 善的展现:爱你的近人如你自己和心灵净化

在基督信仰内,爱的价值是无比尊高的,最有爱心的人被视为最肖似无限的奥迹,显然在信仰团体中也有不少人把其他价值置于「爱心」上,如守规矩、争权位等,有时为减少麻烦,避免牺牲吃苦而息事宁人维持表面的和谐。23 但教会在耶稣基督的领导下,清楚地指出「爱永垂不朽」,且永远是最重要的。耶稣对门徒说:「你们该彼此相爱,如同我爱了你们一样。」(若13:34)


3.4 新天新地的希望和充实之美




3.5 至圣的教会在显扬主名





3.6 综合反思




《天主教教理》,香港 公教真理学会出版 1996年10月初版 15。

沉清松著,「第六章 儒学与基督宗教的会通」,《传统的再生》,台北 业强出版社 1992 137。




谷寒松著,《神学中的人学》,台湾 光启出版社 1991(民80年)再版 304。



「论教会在现代世界牧职宪章」,梵蒂岗第二届《大公会议文献》,台湾 中国主教团秘书处出版 1975 240。




亚兰.施勒克(Alan Schreck)著,刘德松译,《信仰的宝藏──天主教的传承与教导》,台北 光启文化事业出版社 2004 97。

杨绍南著,《宗教哲学概论》,台北 商务印书馆 1969年初版24。

李震著,《理性与信仰──追求完美的双翼》,台北 辅仁大学出版社 1999 452-454。


4. 儒家的人文价值及其当代的启发


到孟子时,以「仁义礼智根于心」的心性思想发展出的性善论,肯定了人的生存价值和尊贵在于「善」,要求人依循形上的基础与天相应:「尽心 → 知性 → 知天」;人在上回向的探索中,也当下回向的落实于存养心性以事天:「存心 → 养性 → 事天」。(孟子.尽心上)





我们从宗教角度了解儒家思想的起源在于孔子之立人道和承天道的关系,即孔子自觉天就是天之道,且以仁道来说明天道,其后的发展更以人道与天道视作同一的仁道,能立人道便能继天道以达通天人合德之境。然而,我们若从人的具体生活上说立人道,就是从「事实判断」中看人的究竟「是如何展开」,落实于理智所追求的真伪判断。若我们从人的理想生活上说继天道,那就是从「价值判断」中看人的究竟「如何展开」;其要探求的是人的本性的内在性的善恶肯定,以追寻「一、真、善、美、圣」的价值。中庸篇中所言的「诚者,天之道也;诚之者,人之道也」,可以作为参考反思。因此,我们尝试以事实判断和价值判断来探讨孟荀的人性论,从中了解孟荀的共通性皆从具体的生活中作观察和反思,却皆不在讨论「性善」与「性恶」的事实判断上,其重点毅然地投向价值的判断;为孟子来说,这价值的开显是「尽心 → 知性 → 知天」;为荀子来说,则言「明于天人之分 → 形具而神生 → 制天命而用之」,其本意要人明白:若违反自然法则或行为怠惰,会遭受不幸;其目的要人向圣人学习,好能化性起伪。可见孟荀在人性探讨上有互补相通的一面,在价值取向上呈现出深层的相通性和相同性:-







4.1 有其教化的意义:强调心灵的教化观过知仁,明善诚身,规范人心和正人心,重德性修养。

4.2 有其自由平等的生命尊重:不失心灵的尊重:以民为本的人文精神诉说,虽有亲疏之别,却无贵贱之分,以和为贵,善与人同与和而不同的互相接纳。

4.3 使人不断地开创自己崭新的生命,以「定静安虑得」的反思过程作「荀日新,日日新,又日新」的新人,注重心灵的更新。

4.4 有其生命一致性的目标:心灵的目标,扬善抑恶而成圣的理想,达到「仁者不忧、智者不惑、勇者不惧」的至善,好能以德配天。

4.5 有其生命自觉投向超越的至善之境;心灵的超越,依人者之仁以通天地,天人合德,保合太和的心灵自由,展现极高明而致博厚的宗教精神。42

五. 结论言新机

5.1 宗教信仰与人文信仰的相遇:改造人心


5.1.1 宗教信仰使人有超越精神:世界上各大正信宗教莫不追求超脱尘俗的精神,使人在短暂的生命中,寻求永恒的价值。这包括以上天、上帝为造物主及人生终极目的的犹太教、天主教、基督教、印度教、回教、道教、中国三代以来敬事上帝的传统信仰和先秦儒家以修身立命为本的道德性准宗教,以及建立在人性、佛性基础上的自力宗教,即佛教各宗派,莫不强调此超越原理的紧要性,这使信徒心中认定,那些以人性和天命为基础的道德戒律是神圣不可侵犯的,人若明知故意地去违反,必为天理所不容。此一超越精神成为提升生命的力量,使人在遭受诱惑、挫折、打击、痛苦的时候,仍能坚忍不拔,奋力向善,体会自己是一个自由的、道德性的主体,而不是一个只求满足占有欲望的自私存在。

5.1.2 宗教信仰给人抵抗人间邪恶的力量:有宗教信仰的人相信、投靠一个绝对的神性存在,即我们祖先所敬事的至上神或上帝,并肯定神才是一切真理、美善及价值的根源。此一信仰给他无比的信心及耐力,去与人间的邪恶,仇恨博斗。在个人生活中,一个全心信赖、投靠并甘心为绝对真理服务的人,在神的指引下,不会轻易向人间的恶势力及罪恶的诱惑妥协和投降。

5.1.3 宗教信仰助人谦虚而勇于认错:一个宗教信徒,比别人更清自己的限度、软弱及可怜的一面,面对邪恶的诱惑及考验,他一样会失足、犯罪和堕落。但是他比一般人对于罪恶的可怕、良心的警告及指责更为敏感,易于受教,他更能勇敢认错与悔改,而真诚的忏悔与改革不但容易获得别人的同情与谅解,也更会使他从上天获得宽恕及重新向善的力量。

5.1.4 宗教信仰使人有安定感:宗教信仰藉天人或人神关系的建立与发展,推动人关怀生命的终极意义,带领他在变幻无常的万事万物中,寻求一个不变的,绝对真实的本根或天命之所在。再从天意、天志、天心的永恒光辉中,回过头来看世界与人生,便不难发现生命之可贵,正因为它分享了神性的美善。为此合理的人神关系会带给人安定感,因为在终极目标的指引下,暂世的罪恶与灾祸不是不能理解的,更不是不能克服的。

5.1.5 宗教使人心中有爱:宗教莫不以仁爱之道教人。儒、道、墨三家皆重传统敬天爱人的大道理。孔子肯定上天仁民爱物,人应法天之德,实行仁爱,于是倡导仁道。孔子给『仁』下的最好定义即『仁者爱人』。老子讲慈:『我有三宝,持而保之。一曰慈……天将救之,以慈卫之。』(老子,六十七)墨子讲兼爱:『若使天下兼相爱,爱人若爱其身,犹有不孝者乎?』(兼爱上第十四)『爱人若爱其身』一句,让我们想到耶稣的『爱人如己』。天主教给神下的定义是:『天主是爱』(若一4:8)佛教讲慈悲,讲普渡众生。一个宗教信徒的生命充满活力,不断扩大爱的圈子,去为更多的人服务。当他不断付出爱心的时候,不会疲惫,因为他藉天人合德的功夫,以人心上接天心,在上帝那里找到爱心与活力的泉源。他能不断地再出发去为别人、社会、国家及人类服务。透过仁爱的实践,他不但自己活出生命的尊严,也乐于帮助别人活出生命的尊严。」43



5.2 基督信仰的开放性与儒家人文价值的融通性





5.3 日用粮的新机






5.4 「和谐社会论」不讲宗教是否缺失?







沉清松著,《传统的再生》,台北 业强出版社 1992 91-93。

唐君毅著,《中国人文精神之发展》,台湾 学生书局 1974(民国63) 24。

唐君毅著,《中国人文精神之发展》,台湾 学生书局 1974(民国63) 25, 40。

李震著,《理性与信仰──追求完美的双翼》,台北 辅仁大学出版社 1999 316-317。

唐君毅著,《中国文化之精神价值》,台湾 正中书局 1960(民国49)台再版 32。


魏义霞著,《七子视界──先秦哲学研究》,中国社会科学出版社 2005年12月1版 440-441。

唐君毅著,《中国文化之精神价值》,台湾 正中书局 1960(民国49)台再版 344。

唐君毅著,《中国人文精神之发展》,台湾 学生书局 1974(民国63) 395。

李震著,《理性与信仰──追求完善的双翼》,台北 辅仁大学出版社1999 371-374。

罗光著,《中国哲学的精神》,台湾 学生书局 1990(民国79) 101, 119。

李震著,《理性与信仰──追求完善的双翼》,台北 辅仁大学出版社 1999 374。

王逢吉著,《文学心灵与传统》,台北 康桥出版事业公司 1984(民国74) 22-23。

方东美著,《生生之德》,台北 黎明文化事业公司 1985(民国74)323-324。


余英时著,《现代儒学的回顾与展望》,北京 三联书店 2004 182。

阮纪宏著(明报驻京记者),《宗教活动也是投资环境》京港快讯 港闻A18,香港 明报 2006年10月29日(星期日)。 

李震著,《理性与信仰──追求完美的只翼》,辅仁大学出版社1999 439-440。

唐君毅著,《人生之体验续编》,台湾 学生书局 1996(民国85) 64。
第二十八卷 (2007年) 新纪元与基督信仰


1. 互联网的新纪元



新纪元的思想在互联网上散播1,而很多网页也跟新纪元有关。新纪元和互联网两者亦因着同为后现代的主要工具和表达方式而联系起来。新纪元和互联网都是网络中的网络,都是跟不同的事物无止境地联系着的网。新纪元作者玛丽琳.弗格森(Marilyn Ferguson)所描述的新纪元跟描述互联网力量极之相似:「一个没有领导但充满力量的网络正为世界带来彻底的改变……这网络是一个没有政治教条,或者任何宣言的联盟。2」前联合国助理秘书长及着名的新纪元作者穆勒(Robert Muller)为网络的影响力添上哲学上的重要性,这点对新纪元和互联网来说是共通的:「透过思想、透过行动、透过爱、透过灵性互联起来。你就是网络的中心。你是自由的,极为有力的生命之源….网络是新的自由、新的民主、快乐的新形式。3」

2. 多变的新纪元世界


新纪元的内容既广泛亦模糊,把不同的信仰、习惯和生活模式奇怪地融合一起,互不排斥。把传统东方信仰如印度教、佛教和道教的元素跟基督教和犹太思想的元素放在一起。其中充当重要角色的还有诺斯替派(Gnostic)的思想、和其他较新的宗教团体如科学论派(Scientology)、合一教派(Unity)、新思想(New Thought)、宗教科学(Religious Science),还有各样不同的神秘教派如神智学(Theosophy)7、人智学(Anthroposophy)8,蔷薇十字主义(Rosicrucianism)9,心灵学(spiritism)10。有些新纪元的支持者接受千禧主义、占星术,还有前基督(pre-Christian)的教义如塞尔特族的、德鲁依族的、马雅族的、美洲土着的神话和传统民间传说。新纪元圈子所认同的行为也很广泛:由传统的禅和瑜珈的冥想,到身体训练及放松治疗,当中包括节食、催眠、功夫等等。管理训练、启蒙以及提升意识研讨会、性格轴心类分法11(enneagram)、观想(visualization)以及正面思维都非常流行。上述最后两个基于一个假设,就是思想可以创造和完成个人所相信他能做得到的。新纪元声称能经验奇异的现象例如神魂超拔(astral dreaming)、心灵感应(mental telepathy)、治愈(healing)、浮游空中(levitation)、超感视觉(clairvoyance)、自动书写(automatic writing)、唱颂(chanting)、与及能量通流(energy channelling)。还有迦勒底人的(Chaldeans)、埃及人的(Egyptians)、巴比伦人的(Babylonians)、及其他古时的人的习惯;占星术(horoscopes)、读掌纹(palm reading)、水晶球探视(crystal ball gazing)、占卜水源(water divining)、锤摆(pendulum)、占卜杖(divining rod)、塔罗牌(tarot cards)、读茶叶(tea leaves reading)、预言(divination)、命理(numerology)、色光分析(aura readings)、虹膜学(iridology)、手相术(palmistry)、维根仪式(Wiccan rituals)、研究动物内脏(study of animal entrails)等等都在新纪元中找到。非传统的故事如受到不明飞行物体绑架、来自外星的探访、回到前生、灵魂再生、精神愈合等等都是新纪元着作或聚会的普遍话题。


大部分新的宗教都会认同一些领袖、教义、「受启发」的经文、特有的习惯,对成员也有非常严密的管理,但新纪元既没有一定的架构,也不会有中央管理。它没有总部,没有正式的教义,没有宗教习俗,或者正式的领袖。新纪元中有组织的宗教团体如Church of Spiritual Healing, the Church of Ageless Wisdom, Radiant Light Interfaith Church, the Church of the Earth Nation, the New Age communes等的发展全都不及新纪元本身成功。而透过研讨会、通灵训练和一些没有明显宗教人物的启蒙课程,来散布新纪元概念和习惯的中心和大师,都比较成功。



在1997年,在美国的新纪元书店超过5000间。在香港,至少有一间「新纪元商店」,它位于中环,当中有一大堆新纪元活动可供选择,例如「全人生活」(holistic living)研讨会、冥想、公开讲座、「能量通流」(energy channelling)课程等等……13。一位在港的全人健康顾问向本地一份杂志说:「我聆听没有歌词扰乱我思维的柔和音乐,这对右脑是有益的……我以游泳去感受,去想像自己回到母亲的胎中。我们都需要学习放弃负面思想。」该文章继续说:「她由冥想去接触自己内在的声音,向一超越的能力祷告,她宽松地定义这能力为神、宇宙、或她自己,但她说这跟以宗教为力量是有分别的」14。

3. 新纪元的两个流派


3.1 人文主义的流派



新纪元的人民主义流派认为人类正开始经验一个新的心灵醒悟,这将会带领人类迈向一个新时代,一个受了启蒙的精神人道主义的时代。作家如海文赫斯(Hermann Hesse),李察巴哈(Richard Bach),和保罗科尔贺(Paulo Coelho)便是这方面的代表。

3.2 神秘流派

新纪元神秘流派包括各样异乎寻常的事物:前基督信仰、治疗能量的通流(channelling of healing energy)、与灵魂的主宰(spiritual master)接触、灵媒、接受精神导师或大师的启发、离开身体的经验、飞越灵界(astral travel)、不明飞行物体的绑架、占星术、塔罗牌、色光分析、宝石和水晶、萨满教的传统(shamanistic tradition)、前哥伦比亚人的神谕(pre-Colombian oracles)、魔术、巫术(在某些北方的国家,巫术目前被正式承认为一种宗教)、和魔法(sorcery)。

虽然一般都假定新纪元并不是一个有组织的力量,但有些保守的基督徒认为新纪元的扩大是有一「特定」的计画,透过贝利(Alice Bailey)的传播,这计画包括向政府、传媒、学校、和教会渗透,目的是建立一个新世界秩序(a New World Order)、一个新世界政府(a New World Government),和一个新世界宗教(a New World Religion)。

而一些新教和天主教的护教者例如M. Basilea Schlink15, Constance Cumbay16, Ed Decker17, Randall Baers18, Carl Raschke19, Douglas Groothuis20, John P. Newport21和Cornelia R. Ferreira22等人警告,新纪元有一黑暗面,当中包括黑魔法和魔鬼崇拜。从大卫史宾加(David Spangler)这位新纪元领袖和由Anton LeVey于1966年在三藩市建立的撒旦教会(the Church of Satan)所举行的活动中经常提及「撒旦(Lucifer)」,可见魔鬼崇拜的种种迹象。Anton LeVey曾启发由波兰斯基(Roman Polansky)执导,美亚花路(Mai Farrow)主演的恐怖魔鬼崇拜电影「魔鬼怪婴」(Rosemary's Baby 1968),并在片中出现。神秘主义组织声称希特拉熟识神秘教义,如神秘主义者布拉亚兹基(Helena Blavatsky)和撒旦教派的艾利斯达(Aleister Crowler)所说的教义。

4. 新纪元的前身

新纪元运动的神秘流派近代的根源可以追溯到创立于纽约(1875)的神智会(Theosophical Society),创立人为俄国出生的神秘主义者布拉亚兹基(Helena Petrovna Blavatsky 1831-1891)。神智学是一泛神宗教系统。他的信奉者相信全世界的宗教都有基本共同的真理,超越他们之间的差异。布拉亚兹基教导人们接触存在于精神领域的高等精神个体-智慧的主宰(Master of Wisdom)。

贝利(Alice A. Bailey 1880-1949)是一位移居美国的英国妇人,她是把秘教部分从神智会中脱离出来的其中一个重要人物。1923年贝利离开神智会创立通神会(Arcane Society)。她跟丈夫科士达.贝利(Foster Bailey)在1922年成立了”Lucifer”出版社,1923年改名为”Lucis”出版社。她声称能接收由一位来自西藏,名叫Djwal Khul的智慧主宰的信息。他是「白光兄弟团」(Great White Brotherhood)中的“优越”(ascended brother)兄弟,他们定居于一神秘领域叫Shambala。
有人认为贝利和布拉亚兹基是新纪元运动的始创者23。神智会于1907年至1933年的主席贝桑特(Annie Besant)是一位女权主义及神秘主义者,她曾公开说未来的世界导师(World Teacher)将会是名为弥勒(Lord Maitreya)的精神大师。

史达纳博士(Dr. Rudolf Steiner),奥地利人,曾是神智会的活跃成员。他在1912年离开神智会并创立人智会(Anthroposophical Society)。在下一节会再详述史达纳的「宇宙」基督论。


1. 新纪元作为后现代宗教



新纪元广泛壮大地传播,将神和信仰化约为神话,其背后的主要力量来自对现代现世人道主义(modern secular humanism)的失望。现世人道主义和现代共产主义及纳粹主义的意识形态的失败,为后现代的男女带来精神上的真空。

对于迷失的后现代人来说,新纪元提出了「范型的转移」(paradigm shift),那就是一个新的全人的角度,万事万物之间的互相关连和整全的概念。作为科学方法的基础,那以理性、分析和批判得来的知识,退让给由非理性经验而来的直觉知识。运用理性无法再影响新纪元跟随者,他们认为依赖逻辑和理性是缺乏启迪(enlightenment)的。


后现代与新纪元两者都假设信仰比经验次要;它们的存在基于它们是否有用,是一种选择而不是真理,两者价值相等。后现代人隔绝和孤单地处于这既困难又复杂的社会,他们已准备接受向内在找寻解决方法的想法。这世界在「危机」当中,新纪元提出「从自己内在」找寻解决方法,根据他们的说法「唯一的出路在内在」(the only way out is in)。




1.1 新纪元作为后现代的诺斯替主义(Gnosticism)26



基督诺斯替派的人相信基督的人性只是一种幻觉。基督看似死了,但实际上没有死。基督属于半神性存有一类(名为aeon,意即永久),位于神与人性之间。基督诺斯替派认为物质是邪恶的,而在旧约中创造物质宇宙的天主是邪恶的。而依照基督所教导,新约中的天主才是爱。救赎是透过神秘知识而来,只会给予那些受教者,耶稣自己也是透过启蒙(initiation)才获得「基督性」(Christhood):他是「伟大的受教者」(Great Initiate)。

新纪元认为人性的耶稣透过提高他的「基督意识」(Christ-consciousness)来得到「基督性」,将自己「调适」为宇宙基督(Cosmic Christ)。新纪元信徒像诺斯替派一样,用了基督教的名词与标记,但所教导的内容却跟传统基督教条不相符。

2. 新纪元的宗教信仰

米高霍斯(Michael Fuss)总结新纪元宗教信仰为四个元素的相互作用29。首先是犹太基督宗教传统,新纪元从这传统取得所用名词并以成为其替代者为目标。第二个元素是科学,在其反西方、反物质和反机械的形式中:量子科学、实体就是能量(reality as energy)。第三个元素是秘教的(esoteric)、超自然的、诺斯替传统。第四个元素包括宗教多元主义(religious pluralism)、混合主义(syncretism)、和相对主义(relativism)。


2.1 万有归一
「科学」与宗教的全人论(holism / wholism)是新纪元的基本教条。创造与受造的现实、人与自然、神与受造物,全部无须有所分别,他们之间的分别只是幻象。新纪元的神是非位格的最终统一原理(Ultimate Principle),一个神秘的「一」,跟宇宙是一致的。宇宙是生命的源头,拥有智慧去引领和指导万事万物。神是意识,或者是无位格的能量。由量子物理学的理论扩充开来,新纪元认为现实就是能量。基于卡巴(Fritjof Capra)所倡导的量子物理学,宇宙是一个生命体,并不是由物质和机械的定律所控制,而是由能量的联系所统涉。在新纪元的着作中,这能量以不同的名称出现:百那(prana),曼那(mana)、力量、奥高(orgone)能量、圣灵、气、心灵、治愈能力、灵气(reiki)30。能量有治愈的能力,可以被释放出来,透过不同形式的冥想、身体疗法、和魔法仪式互相通流,《能力与你一起》便是新纪元其中一本书的名字。对于新纪元信徒来说,个人的转变就是跟宇宙去经验那「一」的神秘过程。
全人论其实是一元论的更新版,这世界观视一切存在的整体为那最终的「一」的反映。那最终的原理,或者那高层次的我(higher self),可以装扮成为在历史上出现的各种不同的具体物质面貌。这些在历史上出现的面貌,即所谓低层次的我(lower self),而不是那「真我」(real self),只是虚幻的现象,只有象征性的价值。宗教的结论就是历史没法有真确的启示。历史上所有宗教的表现,其价值只是有限的和不明确的。

2.2 万物都是神

由于神隐藏在我们内,因着无知(不是罪,罪是不存在的)我们不知道自己的神圣真相。如果整体包含在它每一部分之中,那每一部分就是整体。「你永不知道你是何等美丽,因为你从未真正看到你自己是如何的,你想看看神是怎样的?去对着镜子,你便正面看到神。」奈特(Judith Hampton-J.Z. Knight)在她的网址中,对达至知识的科学和超级意识的灵性训练和实习指引,提供了一个解释。她公开说:「神就在我们内,人除了明确地了解自己的神性之外,并无他法可得到救赎。」32她提到的题目还有死亡与升天、创造与进化、轮回、及生存的目的。同样,根据新纪元,人所需要的是透过冥想和其他灵性的训练,来扩展自己的意识,由此去发现和发展他/她的神圣性。

2.3 意识33
正如上面也提到,意识这概念,是明白新纪元的宗教转化的重要概念。人要用新的意识去克服误解与无知。他/她的意识必须有所改变才能明白我们不是被限定的。人要透过意识的扩张去找出他「更高的自我」(Higher Self)。人被无知和各种不利的文化条件所阻碍。罪恶是人为的因素或者因果定律所做成的结果。

这观点并不包括圣经或基督教中罪的(sin)观念,即罪是可悲的但实在是人的自由和责任的结果。这观点也排斥救赎的必要性,并把恩宠和信德化为无意思的信条。神性就在人自己之内,只要你把无知的面纱移除,对自己的真我有所顿悟,便能体会内在的神性。冥想、通灵、接受启蒙等方法都可带领人对高级的我(superior Self)有高层次的认知(superior knowledge)。

2.4 再生转世和因果34

2.5 通灵和灵界接触
通灵,意即与灵体接触,当中包括天使35。通灵容许人成为「通灵者」及精神讯息的传递者,而跟灵界接触在新纪元运动中获得很大的成功。接触亡者灵魂的做法在一些秘教组织已施行了150年,新纪元的灵界接触其实是这做法的发展和更新。那些信息都是来自充满爱的灵体,他帮助人透过灵性的进化而达致完美。灵媒奈特(J.Z. Knight / Judith Hampton)自称是蓝沙(Ramtha)的通灵者,他是一个「有至高权力的灵体」(Sovereign Entity),已生活在世上35,000多年,亦已提升至高层次的意识,可以教导人去重新发现「活在你内的神」36。透过灵气(Reiki)的练习,被启蒙的人便可成为灵气力量的媒介。

2.6 新纪元与宗教多元主义
根据新纪元的多元主义,所有大宗教的启导者如耶稣、佛陀、克里修那、老子、穆罕默德、琐罗亚斯德等等,所教的都是同一个「一」的经验。有很多途径可走向那唯一真理,很多方法与「一」合一。所有的分别都只是外在和表面的。真理可透过不同的途径和媒介来揭示。没有一个人、团体、或者教会拥有通往真理的唯一道路,这态度与后现代的思想是共通的。保罗科尔贺(Paulo Coelho)在他的小说中写道:



2.7 新纪元光辉的未来
新纪元从占星术推演出对宇宙有一个乐观的看法,这论说基于进化的发展以至最后达至奥米加点(Omega point)。我们正在一个新纪元曙光初现的时候,其特征是「人类意识集体的开悟」。有些甚至预测一个「更伟大的基督」(Greater Christ)、一个新的默西亚、一个新的艾华达(Avatar)将会出现38,他会带人去领会宇宙的和谐和幸福。

2.8 对盖雅(Gaia)的崇拜

盖雅也是卢夫乐(James Lovelock)的科学假设的名称。简单来说,盖雅假设相信所有在地球上的生物是一个单一的有机体,而人类就是这有生命的地球的神经系统。39

2.9 伟大的母亲
保罗科尔贺(Paulo Coelho)对「伟大的母亲」的崇拜有一套天主教的说法,这说法可能回应了一位巴西的神学家波夫(Leonardo Boff)所提出的假设40。科尔贺提出可考虑以「童贞」玛利亚为天主的女性的一面。她是天主的女性化身,正如耶稣是天主的男性化身。

「地球,她是宇宙的新娘,她对天堂开放并容许自己丰饶。……她让天主降临地上,而她转化为伟大的母亲。她是天主女性的一面。她有自己的神圣性……这女人、女神、童贞玛利亚、住所(the Shechinah)、伟大的母亲、爱西斯(Isis)、索菲亚(Sofia)、奴隶及女主人,在世上每一宗教都会出现。她曾被遗忘、被禁止、被隐藏,但对她的崇拜却延续千万年,延续到现在…….在每一宗教、每一传统,她以不同的面貌呈现。由于我是天主教徒,我理解她为童贞玛利亚。」41


第三部分 新纪元的耶稣基督

1. 耶稣走到东方44

莎莉麦莲(Shirley MacLaine)在Out on a Limb一书中详细地叙述她与朋友的一段对话:

这个游历东方的耶稣成为新纪元信徒揭露的「主要秘密」之一。这些全由一位俄国战争的特派员,名叫尼古拉(Nicolas Notovitch)所写的一本书《基督未为人知的生活》(The Unknown Life of Christ)开始。他声称在1887年到访印度北部的一所喇嘛寺院(Lama Monastery of Himis),在那里他认识了一位名叫依沙(Issa)的大喇嘛。依沙的年史写在卷轴上,放在寺院内。透过翻译,这位俄国旅者得知耶稣曾流浪至印度和西藏,以一个年轻人的身分修读佛陀的法理。最后,梵天(Brahma)的僧侣向他教授吠陀,又教他医治、教导、传教、和驱魔。依沙基督成为这神圣着作的完美传释者。经过在各个国家漫长的游历,依沙基督回到以色列向世人传播他所学的一切。

最早于1894年,牛津大学东方学者穆拉(Max Muller)在一本名为《十九世纪》(The Nineteenth Century) 的学术评论中对Notovitch荒诞的故事作出谴责,虽然部分是为了东方教义多于为了基督宗教。46

印度亚格拉政府书院(Gonvernment College of Agra)的一位教授J. Archibald Douglas曾于1895年到过位于Himis的寺院,也否定这个故事47。

不过Notovitch的书,名为《圣依沙的生平》(The Life of Saint Issa),于1926年出版。自此,也有其他作者反对Notovitch的说法,当中包括Edgar J. Goodspeed48和 Per Beskow49, Joseph Gaer50, Philip J. Swihart51, Anne Read52, Tal Brooke53,以及上面曾提过的Douglas Groothuis和Ron Rhodes。但有些神秘社团的会员例如Elizabeth Clare Prophet54, Nicholas Roerich55, Holger Kersten56, David Spangler57, Janet Block58,还有其他,他们出版了好几本书,为使这故事永存不朽。而Elizabeth Clare Prophet的《耶稣失去的岁月》(The Lost Years of Jesus)甚至在2001年被制作成电影。


2.见Ferguson, M. The Aquarian Conspiracy. Los Angeles: J.B. Tarcher, 1980. Michael Fuss 转述于“The New Age.” In Towards the Jubilee of the Year 2000: New Forms of Religiosity, Challenges for Evangelization, 9. Rome: Pontifical Missionary Union, 1999.

3.见Muller, R. “Decide to Network.” In A Sourcebook for the Earth's Community of Religious, edited by J. Beversluis, 302. Mich.: Grand Rapids, 1995. Fuss转述于 The New Age, 9.



6.见Introvigne, M. New Age & Next Age. Casale Monferrato: Piemme, 2000. Barbiellini Amidei, G. New Age-Next Age. Casale Monferrato: Piemme, 1998.

7.见Sellon, E. B. and R. Weber. “Theosophy and the Theosophical Society.” In Modern Esoteric Spirituality, edited by A. Faivre and J. Needleman, 311-329. New York: Crossroad, 1995.

8.见Mcdermott, R. A. “Rudolf Steiner and Anthroposophy.” In Modern Esoteric Spirituality, edited by A. Faivre and J. Needleman, 288-310.

9.见Edighoffer, R. “Rosicrucianism: From the Seventeenth to the Twentieth Century.” In Modern Esoteric Spirituality, edited by A. Faivre and J. Needleman, 186-209.

10.见Homer, M. W. Lo Spiritismo. Torino: Elle Di Ci, Leumann, 1999; Faivre, A. Esoterismo e tradizione. Torino: Elle Di Ci, Leumann 1999.

11.性格轴心类分法是一种古老的个性分类法,在基督教圈子也受取用。见Ferrari-Gianni, S. and Trapletti, F. “L'enneagramma: alcune domande per un dibattito.” In Religioni e Sette and Mondo, #.5, 94-118. Bologna: Gris,1996.

12.统计由Barnia, G.报导。见The Index of Leading Spiritual Indicators. Dallas, TX: World Publishing, 1996;亦见于Ontario Consultants on Religious Tolerance, religioustolerance.org.

13.一分名叫New Age News的期刊提供各类在香港的新纪元活动的资料。

14.见Hong Kong Magazine, April 30, 1999, p.10.

15.Basilea Schlink, M. New Age From a Biblical Viewpoint. Harts, England, n.d.: Evangelic Sisters of Mary.

16.Cumbey, Constance E. The Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow, The New Age Movement and Our Coming Age of Barbarism. Shreveport, Lousiana: Huntington House, 1983

17.Decker, Ed. Race Toward Judgement, The New Age Movement. saintsalive.com, 1999.

18.Baers, Randall N. Inside the New Age Nightmare. Merlin, OR: Walter Publishing, 1989.

19.Raschke, Carl A. Painted Black. San Francisco: Harper & Row, 1990.

20.Groothuis, D. Confronting the New Age. Downers Groves, Ill.: InterVarsity Press, 1988.

21.Newport, John P. The New Age Movement and the Biblical Worldview. Conflict and Dialogue. Grand Rapids / MI, U.K.: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company / Cambridge, 1998.

22.见Ferreira, Cornelia R. The New Age Movement: the Kingdom of Satan on Earth. Scarborough, Ontario: Canisius Books, 1991; “The One-World Church Emerges.” In Homiletic and Pastoral Review (January 1999) 6-18.

23.可参考如Herrmann, Robert A. 的“A Scientific Analysis of the Writings of Alice A. Bailey and their Applications,” March 2001, serve.com/herrmann.

24.有关后现代可参阅本人的文章 “The Postmodern Condition and the Enduring Good News of the Gospel.” In Theological Annual (1999) 57-102; Wickeri, Philip L., ed. “Mission in Postmodern Times.”, In The People of God Among All God’s Peoples: Frontiers in Christian Mission, 183-203. Hong Kong-London: Christian Conference of Asia & The Council for World Mission, 2000。也可参阅Aldo Natale Terrin, New Age, La del Postmoderno. Bologna: Dehoniane, 1992.

25.见Fuss, The New Age, p.3

26.见Porcarelli, A. “II New Age: una forma di Gnosticismo moderno.” In Religioni e Sette nel Mondo, # 6 (1996) 51-57.

27.部分文献于1924年在位于埃及北部的拿戈汉马地(Nag Hammadi)被发现,这批手稿于四世纪以莎草纸写成,成为诺斯替派文库的一部份。当中包括若望伪经(Apocryphon of John), 菲理伯福音(the Gospel of Philip), 多默福音(the Gospel of Thomas), 保禄默示录(the Apocalypse of Paul),玛达肋纳福音(the Gospel of Mary)。

28.见Layton, B. ed. The Gnostic Scriptures. Garden City: Doubleday 7 Co., 1987.

29.见Fuss, The New Age, p.4.

30.有关灵气,可参考:Mauro Roventi Beccari, “Rei-ki, energia che guarisce.” In Religione e Sette nel mondo, # 6, pp.78-114.

31.通灵者(Transchanneller)奈特(J. Z. Knight), 原名Judith Darlene Hampton. 可参考她的网址:seekersway.org; ramtha.com.


33.见Vernette, J. “Dai cambiamenti nella coscienza e nel cervello al risveglio interiore.” In Religione e Sette nel mondo, # 5, pp.57-70.

34.见Ries, J. “New Age e Reincarnazione.” In Religioni e Sette nel mondo, # 5, pp.45-56.

35.见Gagnon, D. “Gli Angeli e il New Age.” In Religioni e Sette nel mondo, # 6, pp. 115-131.

36.看seekersway.org; ramtha.com.

37.保罗科尔贺(Paulo Coelho)《我坐在琵卓河畔哭泣》(By the River Piedra I Sat Down and Wept), 90. London: Harper Collins, 1996.


39.见Brown, David L. “A Brief Dictionary of New Age Terminology”, logosresourcepages.org.

40.‘圣神把她(玛利亚)作为祂的圣殿,至圣所及圣体柜,这是那样的真实,因而她可被具体地视为与天主圣三的第三位结合一起'见 Boff, L. “The Material Face of God.” In The Feminine and Its Religious Expressions, 93. San Francisco: Harper & Row, 1987.

41.见科尔贺<我坐在琵卓河畔哭泣>,66-67, 69。



44.关于「耶稣走到东方」的故事,见Rhodes, R. The Counterfeit Christ of the New Age Movement. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books, 1990; 也可看Rhodes, R.在网上的文章 “The Jesus of the New Age Movement” In Reasoning From the Scriptures Ministries,一个基督教的护教网页, home.earthlink.net/~ronrhodes;还有Romarheim, A. The Aquarian Christ, Jesus Christ as Portrayed by New Religious Movements. Hong Kong: Good Tidings, 1992.

45.莎莉麦莲(MacLaine, S.)Out on a Limb, 233-234. New York: Bantam Books, 1984.

46.Muller, M. “The Alleged Sojourn of China in India.” In The Nineteenth Century, # 36 (October 1894) 515ff。在各论点中,Muller, M.断言如果有一份这样的古老文献,必定包括在Kandjur及Tandjur书录当中,因它们记录了有所有西藏的文献。Muller, M.亦曾引述一位曾到过Himis寺院的房客的话,他曾询问有关Notovitch,但原来从未有俄国人到过那里,而整个故事只是谎言。

47.见Douglas, J. A. “The Chief Lama of Himis on the Alleged Unknown Life of Christ.” In The Nineteenth Century, # 39 (April 1896) 667-678 .

48.见Goodspeed, E. Strange New Gospels. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1931; Modern Aporypha. Boston: Beacon Press, 1956.

49.见Beskow, P. Strange Tales About Jesus: A Survey of Unfamiliar Gospels. Philadelphia: Fortress, 1983.

50.见Gaer, J. The Lore of the New Testament. Boston : Little Brown and Co., 1952.

51.见Swihart, Philip J. Reincarnation, Edgar Cayce, and the Bible. Downers Groves, Ill.: InterVarsity Press, 1978.

52.见Read, A. Edgar Cayce: On Jesus and His Church. New York: Warner Books, 1970.

53.见Brooke, T. When the World Will Be as One. Eugene, OR: Harvest House Publishers, 1989.

54.见Prophet, E. C. The Lost Years of Jesus. Livingston, MT: Summit University Press, 1984; Prophet, M. L., and E. C. Prophet. The Lost Teachings of Jesus. Livingston, MT: Summit University Press, 1988.

55.见Roerich, N. Himalaya. New York: Brentano's, 1926.

56.见Kersten, H. Jesus Lived in India. Longmead, England: Element Book, 1986.

57.见Spangler, D. The Laws of Manifestation. Forres, Scotland: Findhorn Publication, 1981.

58.见Block, J. The Jesus Mystery: Of Lost Years and Unknown Travel. Los Angeles: Aura Books, 1980.

2. 亚加识记录(The Akashic Records)

「耶稣走到东方」这故事主要来自一位名叫利维(Levi Dowling 1844-1911)的神秘学者的「耶稣基督宝瓶年代的福音」(The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ59)。这部「福音」抄录自「天主的记忆册」(Book of God’s Remembrances),名为亚加识记录。根据神秘学者,亚加沙(Akasha)是一个围绕地球的心灵领域,其中每个人的词、思想或行动都刻在不朽的记录中,名为亚加识记录。利维的福音发展了耶稣游历的故事:在游历过印度和西藏之后,耶稣到了埃及,在那里他通过了七层的启蒙直到他达到基督性(Christhood)。其他神秘学者,例如基斯(Edgar Cayce 1877-1945),就是依据着亚加识记录的路线,他们声称在昏睡状态中读到这记录。

3. 新纪元的基督60

新纪元对基督的为人和工作的从新理解根自19世纪末的神秘思想。美国的形上学家昆比(Phineas Parkhurst Quimby 1802-1866 61)在新纪元基督论中扮演了重要的角色。他提出肉体的痊愈源自心灵,身体上的疾病来自错误的思想或者不正确的信念,这些都可以让「基督」来纠正。昆比把耶稣和基督清楚地分开,他认为耶稣可以发现真理,把他提升至高于世上任何其他的人。昆比的想法深深地影响了基督科学论的创始者玛莉比加爱迪(Mary Baker Eddy)。

昆比也启发了一些在1890年代冒起的内聚形上团体,这些团体通常被称为「新思想」(New Thought)。这些团体视基督为无位格的神圣性质或原理(impersonal Divine Nature or Principle)。他们相信耶稣比任何人更体现了基督原理,完全实现了基督性质。耶稣不是一个救世者,他只是一个「路途指示者」(way-shower)。

新思想的基督论的成功和散播带来不同的支派例如由查理及蔓桃费尔摩(Charles and Myrtle Fillmore 1845-1931及1854-1948)于1891年创立的基督教统一学院(Unity School of Christianity);以及由贺斯(Ernest Holmes 1887-1960)于1926年创立的宗教科学联合教会(The United Church of Religious Science)。

佳玛(Swinburne Clymer 1878-1966)是一位蔷薇十字会员(Rosicrucian)62,他期待新纪元的泛神启示。根据这位曾写过多本有关基督的书的作者,每一个生命都是一个火花,一个神圣性质的胚芽,这火花隐藏着潜在的基督。

布拉亚兹基(Helena Blavatsky)认为至高的世界导师也就是「基督」,他进入了一个门徒身上去指引人类灵性的进化63。每一次「基督」的「降生为人」便是神向人多一点的揭示。基督五次降生为人,分别为佛陀(在印度)、汉密斯(Hermes)(在埃及)、琐罗亚斯德(Zoroaster)(在波斯)、奥菲斯(Orpheus)(在希腊),和耶稣。同样,贝桑特(Annie Besant)认为基督需要一个人的形态,他并没有死在十字架上。救赎实际上来自灵性的进化,并需要经过连续的降生为人,这样使每个人都有潜能成为「基督」64。

史达纳(Rudolf Steiner),却跟贝桑特争辩,坚持耶稣之死跟人类的救赎有点关系。史丹拿的基督论基于亚加识记录,他认为基督降生为耶稣便是人类进化的中心事件,并把人类回复到精神领域。耶稣基督在十字架上流的血流到世上,并经过一个精气化(etherisation)的过程。在他死的一刻,基督离开耶稣的身体,化身(incarnate)到这个苍穹大地(etheric world),为了救赎的原故,现在寻求在人类中「大量化身」(mass incarnate)。基督现在属于全世界,可以进入所有人的灵魂,不论国籍和宗教,这才是他「第二次来临」(second coming)的真正意义。65

对于大卫史宾加(David Spangler)来说,基督是「宇宙的基督,普世的基督,新纪元的基督」66。他是宇宙的原理,运用了耶稣的身体,「是一精神存有,其属性依不同的方式灌注并呈现在所有提升人类的宗教和哲学中。67」透过他的复活、透过基督的能量由苍穹大地的流溢,和人类基督意识的提升,这宇宙基督成为救世者,因为他已进入进化的过程。

贝利(Alice Bailey)跟史达纳的看法不同,她认为基督的第二次降临会是一个化身(Avatar),而不是临到所有人当中。基督再来时将不会再有任何宗教、社会或意识形态的区分。他「是世界的导师而不是一个基督教的导师」68。

盖和厄娜巴肋(Guy and Edna Ballard)这两位神学家选择相信「卓越大师」(Ascended Master)。耶稣便是其中一位「卓越大师」69,这些大师,他们的灵性意识已经达到最高层,而且成为人类灵性进化的指导者。

在1958年马克波法兹(Mark Prophet 1918-1973)创立了普世得胜教会,现在由他的遗孀伊丽莎伯(Elizabeth Clare Prophet)领导。他们所相信的包括由那些指导人类灵性进化的「卓越大师」而来的启示。他们抗拒因着耶稣的死而得到的救赎这信条。耶稣得到基督性,就跟其他「卓越大师」一样70。

秘教和新纪元作家罗拉戴维斯(Lola Davis)确信新纪元基督存在于不同的意识层面。「基督」是灵性大师阶级组织中(Spiritual Hierarchy of Masters)的领袖的名字71。

新纪元作家 M.S. Princess 和海伦舒敏(Helen Schucman 1909-1981)支持基督本来就存在于人之中,我们要重新发现我们的基督性是很重要的72。

新纪元信徒利费伯(Peter Liefhebber)和葛替玛(Hilton Hotema)对于基督的理解更进一步。在论述基督时,他们提出神秘传说中的人物亚普罗尼斯(Appolonius)和弥勒(Maitreya),两者具有基督的真理,并会在基督第二次再来时具体化成为他73。

着名的新纪元作家甘美(Benjamin Creme)将有关弥勒(Maitreya)的理论以独特的方式加以发展。弥勒(Maitreya)原本是佛教的人物,被认为是每个宗教所期待的人。他是基督教所期待的再来的基督,是犹太教所等待的默西亚(Messiah),是印度教所盼望的克利修那(Krishna),是佛教所期待的弥勒菩萨(Maitreya Buddha),回教的麦迪或救世主。为一切人来说,他就是一切。74

第四部分 基督徒对新纪元的反应

1. 新纪元的耶稣



2. 基督的化身(The Jesus Avatar)

在中国传教的历史中,有学问的朋友常常问传道者一些问题,似乎预计到要接受唯一的耶稣基督的困难。在中国晚明时代,艾儒略(Jesuit Giulio Aleni 1582-1649)的朋友周孝廉(音译Zhou Xiaolian)曾提出以下的建议:把天主教与佛教和老子的教导合并起来。76

艾儒略另外一个有学问的朋友,叶向皋(音译Ye Xianggao)断言耶稣可能「只是世上一个伟大的圣人,就如儒家的孔子、道家的老子、佛教的释迦牟尼等等,他可能不是真正的天主。77」在另一地方,这位朋友这样写道:「在上层领域中的皇实在曾多次在东方降生为人,成为尧、逊、孔子,还有其他其他….。因此,他可能也在欧洲降生为人,成为教会中神长们说的耶稣。对于中国人来说,很明显欧洲的耶稣也不过像孔子,或者中国的其他智者一般而已。78」

3. 与新纪元一致的宗教多元主义

霍斯(Matthew Fox79)的神学明显有神秘的方向,使他忽略了历史性的耶稣,而转向专注追求一个宇宙基督,一个「联系的模式」80(the pattern that connects)。霍斯要求一个「深层的普世教会主义」(a deep ecumenism),他的意思是要把各种宗教的各种人汇聚在一神秘的层次,追随着宇宙基督这位先驱者。虽然霍斯不认为自己属于新纪元,他说这是有钱人的东西,但他对宇宙基督的描述却与新纪元的宇宙基督不谋而合。

天主教的神父Diarmuid O'Murchu',他也是量子神学(Quantum Theology)的作者,他邀请读者用以下的方式做神学:「请倾尽你一切的想像力、直觉感知能力、创造力、和能够惊讶的能力。也请带同你的野性的一面、你心深处娇柔的一面、你受屈的孩童、你受伤的双亲、最重要的是你那浮夸的艺术家。81」

O' Murchu'的神学与新纪元宗教的纲领相似得令人吃惊。在他的书中,天主和神性(用甚么词语都无关重要,因为它们都只是人所编造的)都是创造的能量。每一宗教都是神性启示的特殊结晶。启示是一个持续的过程,并不能够纳入任何一个宗教。圣三论是人类尝试去解释神基本的相对关系,罪恶是人和各系统之间共谋的破坏。最大的罪是人以为自己是神之下最终的生命模式,而因此有权成为其他创造物的主宰。我们生存的世界无始无终,已离世者其实在我们周围,活在另一维度之中。复活或轮回再生并不是事实,只是精神/心灵的创作82。O' Murchu'对宇宙基督的描述被新纪元宣传者全盘接受。「基督教神学家倾向主张,如果宇宙基督与那独特、历史上的基督分开的话,便变成毫无意义。……这便是量子神学彻底不同的地方。它认为宇宙基督……是原始奥秘,由此我们得到含有神性的人性和形象。各个宗教之中的神的形态,包括基督教,都是源自这宇宙源头。83」

Raimundo Panikkar也曾对宇宙基督和历史基督提出明确的分别。他的看法跟卡尔拉耐(Karl Rahner)的「匿名基督徒」理论相同,对宗教多元论抱包容的态度84,Panikkar逐渐肯定耶稣与基督间是不相符合的。「基督」是一个超级名称,当中包括很多名称,而耶稣是其中之一。基督徒可以继续认为耶稣是基督,但不是基督就是耶稣,或者唯有耶稣是基督,Panikkar肯定这样的理解,是为了要超越了西方对基督的了解85。

4. 宇宙基督

以「基督意识」(Christ Consciousness)或者非人格的宇宙基督来把耶稣基督去人格化(depersonalisation),是我接触新纪元基督论中发现的最大问题。与其说耶稣是天主子降生为人,是「唯一从天赐下的名字」,正如基督徒所承认的,新纪元会说耶稣只是众多可能的化身之一,众多的基督之一。




我的理解是这样的,基督启示的普世性一定要从一个救赎的历史角度去看。创世的教条显示了创造的行动是天主的自我沟通,也即是启示。由于创世的行动构成了历史,因此人类的历史也反映了这启示。所有民族都以某种方式从天主中接受。再者,耶稣基督透过降生为人而跟世界和世界上每一个人结合在一起。(若望保禄二世,人类救主,n.37 Redemptoris Hominis);因此,人类的历史事实上是天主显示其启示的场所。耶稣降生为人、受难、复活表达了基督教特性中,其不可化约的历史性和具体性。这些事情的意义也是普世性的。他跨越了文化和民族,为的是要拥抱他们。我们存在于历史中,我们对天主的经验也是历史性的。这样的一个普世的启示只会如此这般地存在于这特定及唯一的历史事件之中。这事件就是耶稣基督,这事件是不能被忽视或取消的。天主,这不可见的「一」,只能透过可见的、历史性的、实质的事情去了解。基督启示的「实质性」是不能被忽略的。


5. 新纪元的传教挑战








早期教会的回应,便是无畏地把基督论定义有系统地陈述,还有由无数高洁的传导者和勇敢的殉道者以信德真实地作见证。今日基督的门徒也像昔日的基督徒一样被召叫做同样的见证---「去成为地上的盐和世界的光」。跟随基督未必使你每天的经验都是刺激的,或为你带来意识的变更。作为基督徒,他们的心不是被变更(alter),而是被天主的恩宠转化(tranform)。基督信仰并不是对人类心灵期望的简单宗教答案,也不是人类的需要(an answer to human needs)的答案(唯一及原始的)。人类的问题不会高于或重要过天主白白给予人类的恩宠,祂主动地去爱我们,来到我们中间,所用的方法可能跟我们所期待的相反。


新纪元有一份突出的个人利己主义的特性。在某程度上,它是成功人士、有魅力者、富有人的宗教,实践它可花费不少。基督徒应重新揭发解放神学(Theology of Liberation)的正面教导,同时跟从基督山中圣训的福音,使宗教走向非资产阶级的路上,尤其在所谓经济发达的国家中。教会的传教任务跟耶稣的一样:向贫穷的人传播福音。


正如保禄六世所提到,个人的、真诚的见证对后现代人来说是宝贵的。经验在现今的宗教世界里似乎成为唯一「有权威性」权威(authoritative authority)。基督的门徒和传导者应该提出对基督徒信德一套既合乎理性,又跨越理性的论说。他们要透过与耶稣的个人关系而经验到满足、目标和欢愉。把这种生活中的沟通与分享放在基督的奥秘中,会由经验中证实耶稣是无可代替的。


1. 新纪元的书
新纪元有它的作家。宗座的文件(2003)提及13本书:包括威廉布鲁的《新纪元之精华作品集》(William Bloom, The New Age. An Anthology of Essential Writing, London, Rider, 1991); 卡巴(Fritjof Capra) 写的两本书,倡导新纪元科学:《道的物理学:探究现代物理和东方神秘主义之间的异同》The Tao of Physics: An Exploration of Parallels between Modern Physics and Eastern Mysticism, Berkeley, Shambhala, 1975; 《转捩点》The Turning Point: Science, Society and the Rising Culture, Toronto (Bantam)1983。以下作者发展新纪元的宗教层面:甘美(Benjamin Creme)的《基督的再临与智慧大师》(The Reappearance of Christ and the Masters of Wisdom, London, Tara Press, 1979);还有弗格森那本有影响力的书《宝瓶同谋》(The Aquarian Conspiracy: Personal and Social Transformation in Our Time, Los Angeles Tarcher 1980;基思(Chris Griscom)的《狂热就是新的频率》(Ecstasy is a New Frequency: Teachings of the Light Institute, New York, Simon & Schuster 1897);汤玛斯(Thomas Kuhn)的《科学革命的结构》(The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1970)大卫史宾加(David Spangler)写的五本书:《新纪元的远景》(The New Age Vision, Forres, Findhorn Publications, 1980),《启示:新纪元的诞生》(Revelation: The Birth of a New Age, San Francisco, Rainbow Bridge, 1976),《向着星际的远景》(Towards a Planetary Vision, Forres, Findhorn Publication, 1977),《新纪元》(The New Age, Issaquah, The Morningtown Press, 1988)《神圣的重生》(The Rebirth of the Sacred, London, Gateway Books, 1988)

在上列的名单之上,我想加上以下的人和书:达斯(Baba Ram Dass, born Richard Alphert),一位哈佛的心理学教授,他曾写过一些非常流行的书,在70年代的美国开创了新纪元,其中有《现在这里》(Be Here Now, Hanuman Foundation Santa Fe, NM 1971);《唯一的舞蹈在这》(The Only Dance There Is, Bantam Books, Doubleday Dell, New York, NY 1973);《磨坊的谷物》(Grist for the Mill, Unity Press, Santa Cruz, CA 1977);《醒悟的旅途》(Journey of the Awakening, Bantam Books, New York, NY 1978);《爱的奇迹》(Miracle of Love, Hanuman Foundation, Santa Fe, NM 1979)。海伦舒敏(Helen Schucman)写的新纪元教科书有:《奇迹的课程》(A Course in Miracles, Foundation for Inner Peace, CA 1976)。莎莉麦莲(Shirley MacLaine)的《险境》(Out on a Limb 1984,也是一套电影)和《光下共舞》(Dancing in the Light 1986)是最为人所见的新纪元信仰的传播者。其他新纪元作家还有左治(George Leonard)、珍休斯顿(Jean Houston)、芭芭拉(Barbara Marx Hubbard)、诺文(Norman Shealy)、森建(Sam Keen)和提莫泰(Timothy Leary)。

在20世纪的前半,着名的作家已料到有不少的主题和情感是新纪元文学所喜爱的:例如海文赫斯(Hermann Hesse)着名的《释赫发》(Siddhartha 1919),《那西赛斯与高密特》(Narcissus and Goldmund 1930),还有《东方之旅》(Journey to the East)。李察巴哈(Richard Bach)跟他非常成功的《天地一沙鸥》(Jonathan Livingstone Seagull 1970),李察曾为Silva Mind Control89的学生,他也曾解释精神进化的神话。我认为那位非常成功的巴西的小说家保罗科尔贺也是一位新纪元作家,为新纪元的主要概念提出文学上与道德上的价值90。他的书有《朝圣》(The Pilgrimage 1987)、《炼金术师》(The Alchemist 1988)、《斐琪瑞》(The Valkyries 1992),《我坐在琵卓河畔哭泣》(By the River Piedra I Sat Down and Wept 1994)、《薇若莉卡看不开》(Veronika Decides to Die 1998)、《爱的十一分钟》(Eleven Minutes 2003)。

赛伦新纪元中心(The Salem New Age Center)(salemetr.com)列出最畅销的新纪元书籍。单看书的名称就能让人知道新纪元的焦点和兴趣。有趣的是,大部分的作家都是女性。书名如下:《与主对话》(Conversation with God);《治疗所有疾病》(Cure For All Diseases);《爱在世上》(Love Is In The Earth);《七种致胜的精神法则》(Seven Spiritual Laws of Success);《你唯一需要的占星书》(The Only Astrology Book You’ll Ever Need);《动物能量》(Animal Energies);《零点的醒悟》(Awakening To Zero Point);《治愈你的身体》(Heal Your Body);《巫师之道》(Way Of The Wizard);《无限的心灵》(Infinite Mind);《光明之手》(Hands of Light);《神圣的空间》(Sacred Space);《女巫年鉴》(Witches Almanac);《人类心灵的炼金术》(Kryon Alchemy of The Human Spirit);《你能治疗你的生命》(You Can Heal Your Life);《你将变成星际人类》(You Are Becoming A Galactic Human);《风水-入门指南》(Feng Shui:A Layman’s Guide);《灵气》(Reiki);《治愈的接触》(The Healing Touch);《香油香熏完全手册》(Complete Book of Oils and Aromatherapy);《让心灵使者和天使作精神治疗》(Psychic Healing With Spirit Guides and Angels);《天堂的预言》(Celestine Prophecy);《经验的指引》(An Experiential Guide);《走入无时间的国度》(Into A Timeless Realm);《放松》(Relax);《天主话事》(God Is In Charge);《维加:对孤独开业者的指南》(Wicca: A Guide For The Solitary Practitioner);《女性就是药物》(All Women Are Healer);《和平战士之路》(Way of Peaceful Warrior);《多少生命、多少大师》(Many Lives, Many Masters);《向成功之路开启心灵》(Open Your Mind to Prosperity);《被光拥抱》(Embraced By The Light);《创意视象化》(Creative Visualization);《完全升天手册》(The Complete Ascension Manual)。


2. 新纪元的音乐


新纪元的成分来自电子音乐,「新的听觉上的」器乐曲(new acoustic instrumental music),治疗音乐、精选的神圣风格(selected sacred styles)、塞尔特音乐(Celtic music),还有其他不同的组合。新纪元音乐通常是平静的、梦幻的、柔和的、召唤的,有几分灵性和神秘的,为了帮助营造气氛和控制情绪。主要的顾客是「优皮」一族、年轻的、成功的单身人士。

有不少有名的艺人都曾制作类似新纪元的音乐,当中包括:Brian Eno, Enigma, Paul Winter, Peter Gabriel和Secret Garden。塞尔特音乐尤其成功,它在1988年一位名叫Enya的爱尔兰歌手的初次登台中出现时,已别树一帜。凭那传统爱尔兰乐器所奏出的轻妙、萦绕心灵的音乐,便能辨认得出赛尔特式的新纪元音乐。随此之外,Clannad, Loreena McKennitt都是在这音乐范畴中有名的艺人。
David Arkenstone所表演的音乐如在银河漫游,而George Winston所作的曲却充满诗意。其他新纪元音乐家有Philip Aaberg和Adiemus。

3. 新纪元电影和电视剧


新纪元的扩大在加州尤其显着,那里有很多新纪元中心、领袖、赞同者和支持者。结果它不单影响电子媒体工业,也影响娱乐世界。电影工业(特别在荷里活)曾制作大量电影,其主题跟新纪元的信念有关,虽然他们并不经常明确地承认这点。以新纪元模式中的现实和时间为主题的电影有:20世纪杀人网络(Matrix);半梦半醒的人生(Waking Life);缘分两面睇(Sliding Doors);回到未来(Back To The Future);时光倒流七十年(Somewhere in Times);隔世救未来(Frequency)和偷天情缘(Groundhog Day)。讲述视觉幻影经验的受欢迎电影有大魔域(The Never Ending Story);星球大战(Star Wars);法柜奇兵(Raiders of the Lost Ark); Splash: Mr. Peabody;第六感女神(The Muse);美人鱼(The Mermaid)。以死后生命为题材的有:鬼眼(Sixth Sense);人鬼情未了(Ghost);梦田园(Field of Dream);情约今生(Meet Joe Black);重生(After Life)等等都很流行。还有无数提及与外星人接触的电影,如:天煞-地球反击战(Independence Day), E.T.;第三类接触(Close Encounters of the Third Kind);超时空接触(Contact);天茧回归(Cocoon)等。以下的电影宣扬增强能力和感觉能力:不一样的本能(Phenomenon);灵异骇客(Stir of Echoes);生死奇迹(Resurrection);闪电奇迹(Powder);魅影奇侠(The Shadow);变形博士(Altered States);大惊小怪(Brainstorm)。以天使为主角的电影有天使多情(City of Angels);欲望之翼(Wings of Desire and Michael)。制作跟魔鬼相关的电影的数目也日渐增加。

莎莉麦莲(Shirley Maclaine)可能是目前最有名的新纪元人物,她自己也曾在电视迷你剧集Out on a Limb 中演出,当中说出她加入新纪元的路程。

在1994年Michael Tolkin导演了一部电影叫〝新纪元〞(The New Age),以批评讽刺的手法描述美国的新纪元世界。

新纪元的思想和信念在电视节目中更为明显,在电视节目中,对于现实、虚幻、怪异、魔法、超自然等之间的分界是含糊的。最受欢迎的节目中有Twin Peaks, Ally McBeal, X-档案等。

59.利维(Dowling, L). The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ, 1st ed. London: L.N. Fowler & Co., 1947.

60.对不同作者有关新纪元基督论的摘要,有很感激Rhodes, R.的The Christ of the New Age Movement。也可参考Pennesi, A.O. II Cristo del New Age. Indagine Critica. Vatican City: Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 1999.有关新纪元的基督,除了上述的各篇文章,也可看Tuner, Elizabeth Sand. What Unity Teaches. Lee’s Summit, MO, n.d.: Unity School of Christianity ; Holmes, E. What Religious Science Teaches. Los Angeles: Science of Mind Publications, 1975.

61.Quimby, Phineas P. The Quimby Manuscripts, edited by Horatio W. Dresser. New Hyde Park, NY: University Books, 1961.

62.蔷薇十字主义是一种神秘崇拜,应该源自埃及的「神秘学校」(Mystery School).

63.见Blavatsky, Helena P. The Secret Doctrine. Wheaton, Ill.: Theosophical Publishing House, 1966.

64.见Besant, A. Esoteric Christianity. Wheaton, Ill.: Theosophical Publishing House, 1953.

65.见Steiner, R. The Reappearance of the Christ in the Etheric. Spring Valley, NY: Anthroposophic Press, 1983; Jesus and Christ. Spring Valley, NY: Anthroposophic Press, 1976; The Four Sacrifices of Christ. Spring Valley, NY: Anthroposophic Press, 1944.

66.见Spangler, D. Reflections on the Christ, p.107.

67.见Spangler, D. Conversation with John, 5. Middleton, WI: Lorian Press, 1983, 也可参考Spangler, D. Revelation: The Birth of a New Age. Middleton, WI: Lorian Press, 1976.

68.见Bailey, A. The Reappearance of the Christ. New York: Lucis Publishing Co., 1979; The Externalization of the Hierarchy. New York: Lucis Publishing Co., 1957.

69.见G.W. and Donald Ballard. Purpose of the Ascended Master “I AM” Activity. Chicago: Saint Germain Press, 1942.

70.见 Prophet, M., and E. Prophet, Climb the Highest Mountain. Los Angeles: Summit University Press, 1974.

71.Davis, L. 的书 Toward a World Religion for a New Age 经常在新纪元的网页中出现,但我找不到有关出版的地点和年分的资料。

72.Princess, M.S. Step By Step We Climb. 引述于The Christ of The New Age, Let Us Reason, 一个基督教的护教网址www.letusreason.

73.见Liefhebber, P. Jesus of Nazareth and Maitreya the Christ. Hilton Hotema, Mystery Man, Snowbowl, Missoula, MT, n.d.: Lucis Publishing Co.

74.见Creme, B. The Reappearance of the Christ and the Masters of Wisdom. North Hollywood, C: Tara Centre, 1980.

75.见Sire, J.W. Scripture Twisting. Downers Groves, Ill.: InterVarsity Press, 1980; Newport. The New Age Movement; Van Vander, L. and K. De Haan. What’s the Appeal of the New Age Movement? Grand Rapids, MI: RBC Ministries, 1990; Groothuis, D. Confronting the New Age; Goodspeed, E.J. Strange New Gospels; Romarheim. The Aquarian Christ; Beskow, Per. Strange Tales About Jesus; Rhodes. The Counterfeit Christ.

76.见Criveller, G. “Dialogues on Jesus in China (13): Dialogue versus Syncretism”. Tripod # 129 (2003) 41-44.

77.见Criveller, G. “Dialogues on Jesus in China (11): Jesus, Buddha and Religious Pluralism.” Tripod #127 (2003) 50-53.

78.见Criveller, G. “Dialogues on Jesus in China (10): Is Jesus a Sage like Confucius and Mencius and Other Chinese Sages?” Tripod # 126 (2003) 57-60.

79.见Fox, M. The Coming of the Cosmic Christ. San Francisco: Harper & Row, 1988.

80.同上 pp. 133-135。

81.见O'Murchu’, D. Quantum Theology, Spiritual Implication of the New Physics, 5. New York: Crossroad, 1998.

82.同上 pp. 197-203。

83.同上 p. 178 。

84.Panikkar, R. The Hidden Christ of Hinduism, revised ed. Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books, 1981.

85.见 Panikkar, R.的The Hidden Christ of Hinduism后期的版本的序言。我指向的是义大利文版本, II Cristo sconosciuto dell’Induismo, 19-23. Milano: Vita e Pensiero, 1967. 在序言中Panikkar承认自己无情地批评原初版本。

86.见Fuss, The New Age, p.5.

87.见Macari, C. “La “mistica cosmica” del New Age.” Religioni e Sette nel Mondo # 6, pp.16-6。以下的基督教作家提议与新纪元交谈:Maloney, George A. Mysticism and the New Age. Christic Consciousness in the New Creation. New York : Alba House, 1991; Poupard, P. “Editoriale.” Religioni e Sette nel mondo # 5, pp.7-13; Poupard, P. “Editoriale.” Religioni e Sette nel mondo # 6, pp.7-14; Maccari, C. La New Age di fronte alla fede cristiana. Torino: Elle Di Ci, Leumann, 1994; Danneels, G. Le Christ ou le Verseau. Malines-Bruxelles,1990; Quillo, R. Companions in Consciousness: the Bible and the New Age Movement. Liguori, MO: Liguori Publications, 1994; Catholic Answers to Questions About the New Age Movement. Liguori, MO: Liguori Publication, 1995; Bergeron, R. “II New Age nel .” Religioni e Sette nel mondo, # 6, pp. 71-93.

88.见Chandler, R. Understanding the New Age, 19. Milton Keynes, England : Word Publishing, 1989.

89.Silva Mind Control于1944年由一位墨西哥天主教徒创立,他宣称自己受到耶稣新的启示。他用的方法目的在提高意识,以达到符合新纪元思想的定位。见Fuss, The New Age, pp. 11-12.

90.见Castelli, F. “L' Alchimista di Paulo Coelho, cammina sui sentieri del New Age.” La Cattolica # 1 (1997) 227-238.
第二十八卷 (2007年) The Human Person and the Incranate Word in Light o
by MOK Wing Kee, Alex

The Human Person and the Incarnate Word in
Light of Contemporary Cosmology 1

1. Introduction

Ever since the dawn of civilization, human beings have been searching for their origins and their destinies. Philosophy, science, religions and even superstitions are part of the human quest for existential meanings and truth. Certain crucial questions about human life have preoccupied our ancestors: How did life begin? What is the purpose of life? What is the best kind of life? Does God exist? Do other kinds of life exist in the universe? Why must we suffer? Can we be immortal? What is the good? What is the essence of justice? What is human dignity? The human identity and the fulfillment of the human person are actually the primary concern of these intellectual questions that have challenged the greatest minds2.
In the quest for human origin, modern science has given us a partial answer – Human beings are part of nature incorporating a long dynamic evolutionary process governed by law and chance. This evolutionary worldview should be integrated with our religious beliefs so that we can acquire a deeper understanding about humanity and our relationship with God and nature. In fact, theology is faith seeking understanding and therefore, as with science, its contents should be reexamined whenever there is new supportive or incongruous knowledge. The exploratory nature of any theological investigations should always allow us to find new descriptions about the Christian faith as well as the reality and experiences of human beings. Although Christian theology is necessarily founded on historical revelation and religious experience, many scholars hold that it should be consistent with the physical reality discovered by scientists. The universe is a creation of God and what we find in nature should reflect the wisdom and the beauty of the same God who communicates with us through the incarnate Logos. St. Paul says plainly, “Ever since the creation of the world his invisible nature, namely, his eternal power and deity, has been clearly perceived in the things that have been made. So they are without excuse.” (Rom 1:20) In this paper, we will first show that the concept of the human person in the Bible is largely consistent with the findings of contemporary science. We will then investigate the basic ideas in the anthropic cosmological principle, a seemingly new design argument for the existence of God, and explore its implications for the theology of creation. We will illustrate that this modern anthropic principle is coherent with the doctrine of the Logos. In the light of the new discoveries in science, we will explore the possibility of the existence of extraterrestrial intelligence and its theological implications, trying to give a coherent picture of the evolving cosmos in the end. We will also attempt to reformulate the doctrine of original sin in the language of evolutionary biology, as an example to demonstrate the possible integration of modern science and Christian faith. Finally, we will discuss the role of the cosmic Christ in God's creation and the fulfillment of human life in our new cosmic picture. We will point out that creation and salvation are two interrelated concepts in the Bible. Jesus Christ, the Logos, is the manifestation of the divine creative work and the incarnation can be considered as part of the cosmic evolution that involves the direct participation of the Creator. The salvation of Jesus Christ is the continuous creation of God in the evolutionary perspective. Our participation in the creation leading to a new stage of evolution is part of the fulfillment of the divine creative work.

2. The Biblical View of Human Nature
In the Bible, particularly in Genesis, we can trace four features of the concept of human nature3, as outlined below4.

2.1 A unitary person, not a body-soul dualism
The Hebrew word  (usually translated as soul) in the Old Testament and the corresponding Greek word  in the New Testament refer to the inner self or the life principle in accordance with the whole person and they do not mean the immortal separable soul.5 The bible looks upon body and soul as different aspects of the same personal unity. Joel Green states clearly, “It is axiomatic in Old Testament scholarship today that human beings must be understood in their fully integrated, embodied existence. Humans do not possess a body and soul, but are human only as body and soul.”6 According to Oscar Cullmann, “the Jewish and Christian interpretation of the creation excludes the whole Greek dualism of body and soul.”7 In the Bible, there is no actual dichotomy between body and soul. The person is always regarded as an integrated embodied self. Lynn de Silva writes:

Biblical scholarship has established quite conclusively that there is no dichotomous concept of man in the Bible, such as is found in Greek and Hindu thought. The biblical view of man is holistic, not dualistic. The notion of the soul as an immortal entity which enters the body at birth and leaves it at death is quite foreign to the biblical view of man. The biblical view is that man is a unity; he is a unity of soul, body, flesh, mind, etc., all together constituting the whole man.8

In 1 Corinthians 15:38-58, Paul stresses the resurrection of the total person, but not of the immortal soul separate from a body. He affirms, however, the transformation of the body in the future life, which he describes as “the spiritual body” (1 Cor 15:44).

2.2 A Unique Creature in Nature
The first creation account in Genesis 1:1-2:4a clearly depicts humanity as part of nature, shaped with limitedness not unlike other creatures. All living things are related to one another, forming an interdependent life matrix. As the divine creation is good, the natural world has its own inherent value which is independent of human beings. Nevertheless, the Priestly tradition also asserts that only humanity is created in the image of God (Imago Dei):

Then God said, ‘Let us make man in our image, after our likeness; and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps upon the earth.’ So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. (Gen 1:26-27)

Of all the creatures, only man is able to know and love his creator. He alone is called to share in God's own life9. This is the fundamental reason that humanity is unique within the natural world and each human individual possesses the dignity of the person. Humans alone are free moral beings who can choose between good and evil and be responsible for their choices. They not only have the command over all the creatures but also have the privilege of speaking directly to God. They are responsible selves integrated with moral and spiritual capacities and bodily instincts. Although the biblical authors divided the creation of God into six days or periods10, they certainly did not intend to portray an evolutionary worldview to their readers. Nevertheless, the biblical descriptions of the similarities and differences between the human species and all the other creations are largely coherent with contemporary scientific findings.

2.3 The Social Self
“It is not good that the man should be alone.” (Gen 2:18)
As Green argues11, the biblical anthropology emphasizes the holistic and social character of human beings. For the Israelites, God’s covenant that created the unity of their nation was with one people, but not with a sequence of individuals. Moreover, in the Scriptures, individuals were always placed in the context of a community which has its own traditional anthology of sacred stories and rituals. God is concerned not only with the motives and actions of each individual but also with the integrity of the life of the community. Human beings are not independent individuals, but are related to one another as members of a family, citizens of a nation and children of the same personal God.'

The nature of the human person in the Gospel of Luke hinges on the understanding of Jesus' salvific ministry, which is essentially the major theme of Luke's writing. Luke's concept of salvation implicitly leads us to the meaning of authentic human existence. In Luke's narrative of Jesus'healing of the woman suffering from the hemorrhage (Lk 8:42b - 48)12, we can find a vivid depiction of a holistic and social anthropology. The healing of the woman whose sickness was socially distressing13 involves not only reversal of her physical malady, but also restoration of her place in the society as well as provision of new relations in the community of Go's people. This conception of the holistic and social character of the human person can also be found in other Synoptic writings. For example, in the Gospel of Matthew, cleansing a man with leprosy offers him new access to God and to the community (Mt 8:1-4, Lev 13-14); healing a paralytic is equivalent to forgiving his sins (Mt 9:2-8); extending the grace of God to tax collectors and sinners exhibits the work of Jesus as a healer (Mt 9:9-13); and restoring the sight of two blind men is linked to the manifestation of their faith (Mt 9:27-31). Similar accounts abound in the Synoptic Gospels, “where spiritual, social and physical needs are simply regarded as human needs.”14

2.4 The Image of God and the Fall
As mentioned earlier, humanity is created in God's own image. But what exactly is this image? And how much has man lost this image since Adam's fall? Although human beings as God's image have dominion over all other creatures, the meaning of the divine image should reflect the true nature of humanity but not just the wardenship of the natural world. In fact, the dominion of humanity over the creation on God's behalf should be exercised in a way that would reveal God's purposes for his creation. Moreover, being in the image of God the human individual is capable of entering into communion with other people, who as a family are called by grace to a covenant with God15. The nature of humanity therefore emanates from their relatedness to God as Creator. “The concept of the Imago Dei, then, is fundamentally relational, and takes as its ground and focus the graciousness of God's own covenantal relations with humanity and the rest of creation.”16

It is a well-known biblical story that Adam and Eve committed the first human sin by eating the fruit “from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil” (Gen 2:9). This story symbolizes the abuse of freedom and our first parents’ disobedience toward God, resulting in a break-up of the original harmonious relationship between them and their Creator. One of the tragic consequences of the first sin is the loss of the grace of the original holiness and justice that was a free gift of God. “Adam and Eve transmitted to their descendents human nature wounded by their own first sin and hence deprived of original holiness and justice; this deprivation is called the original sin.”17 By this first sin, “Death makes its entrance into human history” (Rom 5:12) and “human nature is weakened in its powers; subject to ignorance, suffering, and the domination of death; and inclined to sin.”18 All men and women are now born in a deteriorated state deprived of the original holiness and justice. Like a chain reaction, the descendents of Adam and Eve continued to sin19 and each person is affected by the sins of his or her predecessors and commits his or her own sinful acts. In other words, we are effectively exposed to “the sin of the world” (Jn 1:29) and we are all prone to sin and evil.

The fall of Adam and Eve affects us all by infecting us with this original sin, resulting in a loss of the image of God. The only cure to this inherited disease of human nature is baptism instituted by the new Adam, Jesus Christ, who has conquered death and is the only way to the eternal life of God. “Baptism, by imparting the life of Christ’s grace, erases original sin and turns a man back toward God.”20 The grace of baptism is another free gift of God superseding that of Adam and Eve. Through the first sacrament we express our recognition of the love and the presence of God. It is a symbolic action that reflects our acceptance of God's grace that has existed in our lives, even before we realize it. The washing and the cleansing by the waters of baptism symbolize the new life out of death, when one turns away from sin and evil and follows the Christian way of living. “As one man’s trespass led to condemnation for all men, so one man’s act of righteousness leads to acquittal and life for all men” (Rom 5:18). If one nonetheless is to ask why God did not prevent us from sinning, the best answer might be that “where sin increased, grace abounded all the more” (Rom 5:20)21.

The Yahwist creation narratives in Gen 2:4-3:24 reveal to us a great perception of the human condition that is actually an authentic experience for each of us. The fall story only provides a mythological reason for the current sinful human condition. It should be noted that the Yahwist, however, does not portray sin as something that is inherited or illustrate a doctrine of original sin. The second creation story cannot be understood in isolation and it must be grasped with other stories in the Scriptures. The ultimate meaning of the creation story or the fall of Adam and Eve can only be appreciated in the light of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. “The doctrine of original sin is, so to speak, the reverse side of the Good News that Jesus is the Saviour of all men, that all need salvation, and that salvation is offered to all through Christ.”22

The four features of human nature outlined above are to a great extent in harmony with the findings of modern science. In particular, current studies in neuroscience tend to support the view of nonreductive physicalism – the metaphysical position that “the person is a physical organism whose complex functioning, both in society and in relation to God, gives rise to higher human capacities such as morality and spirituality.”23 In his classic book on science and religion, Ian Barbour offers a nice summary:

It would be consistent with both the scientific and the biblical outlook to understand the person as a multileveled unity who is both a biological organism and a responsible self. We can escape both dualism and materialism if we assume a holistic view of persons with a hierarchy of levels. Some of these levels we share with all matter, some we share with all living things, some with all animal life, while some seem to be uniquely human. The person can be represented by the concept of the self, conceived not as a separate entity but as the individual in the unified activity of thinking, willing, feeling, and acting. The self is best described, not in terms of static substances, but in terms of dynamic activities at various levels of organization and functioning. In the biblical view, it is this integral being whose whole life is of concern to God.24

The new coherent understanding is that the human person is a multileveled unity emerging from the basic elements of the material world, participating in social activities with other persons, and being able to share in the eternal life of God.

3. The Anthropic Cosmological Principle 25
Before we delve into the creation concepts in the Scriptures, let us take a look at the modern cosmological theory that might be relevant to the creation ideas. In contemporary cosmology, the Big Bang is the most firmly founded model26 that describes the evolution of the cosmos from its early history to the present observable universe. In this model, the universe began about 14 billion years ago27 with a gargantuan explosion, from which all matter, energy, space and time came into being. Today scientists do not yet know how this explosion occurred. The scientific explanation of the Big Bang28 itself might require a complete marriage of the two most fundamental physical theories – general relativity and quantum mechanics. The unification of these two theories29 has actually been the final dream of many physicists30 since three quarters of a century ago. Without a complete theory, scientists can only give us some details about the evolving universe after it was about 10-43 seconds old31. In the Big Bang scenario, the universe has been expanding and its temperature has been falling ever since the extremely hot primordial explosion. One of the consequences of the cooling process is that matter was formed out of the hot radiation. Some of this matter later evolved into galaxies, stars, planets and even life and consciousness that we observe today in compliance with the laws of nature.32

For a long time, many great thinkers such as Thomas Aquinas (1227-1274) with his “Five Ways” have been trying to demonstrate the existence of God in a rational way. Surprisingly, modern cosmology points to an apparently new teleological argument and offers a great deal of evidence indicating that the universe has to be “fine-tuned” in order that life and consciousness can exist. The evolution of life depends on the laws of nature as well as the fundamental physical constants33 governing the interactions in the cosmos. Over the past few decades, scientists have discovered that the existence of life and consciousness is extremely sensitive to the delicate balance of these natural laws and physical constants. A slight change in the properties of elementary particles and the laws of nature would result in a lifeless universe34. Therefore there is an intimate link between the nature of the universe and our own existence. This so-called anthropic principle35 certainly has a profound philosophical implication for the biblical creation ideas.

The most frequently discussed scientific explanation for the many remarkable coincidences in the universe leading to the evolution of intelligent life is the multiple-universes idea, in which many universes could exist simultaneously or successively with different natural laws and values for the physical constants. Most of these universes are uninhabitable because of the inappropriate laws or physical constants. But a few out of many of them might harbor life because of the appropriate conditions. So it is not very surprising that we find our universe having some very special laws and physical constants because our universe is just the one with the favorable conditions, out of the many unsuccessful ones. There could still be a winner for the next lottery although the odds are extremely small. Nevertheless, I maintain that one might still imagine the existence of numerous universes, all of which have no life at all because there could be an infinite number of possible sets of physical laws and constants that are hostile to the existence of life. Large number of universes might not guarantee the existence of life. There could indeed be no winner for the next lottery if the odds approach zero.

Furthermore, as argued by John Leslie, the many-universes hypotheses are highly speculative and without any scientific evidence36. In fact, the major philosophical problem about the multiverse idea is that all these other universes are in principle unverifiable and hence non-falsifiable. The multiverse is indeed as elusive as God.

It seems more appealing to believe in a universe designed by a supreme creator whose existence is palpably supported by the religious experience in the human history. Does it follow that the anthropic principle provides evidence for the existence of God? This is not necessarily so. Our belief is not based on any scientific proof, but it is based on the revelation of God, as the New Testament emphasizes. However, one can contend that the new cosmology is consistent with the theistic worldview. Modern science shows that not only our universe is contingent, but also it has a high degree of rationality. Einstein said it well: “the most incomprehensible thing about the world is that it is comprehensible.”

4. The New Cosmology and the Logos
It is worth noting here that the Scriptures were written with an old cosmological conception. In fact, the cosmological view of the biblical authors was more influenced by their theological thinking than the natural observations in their times. The earth itself was already the whole static material universe. Above it were the stars and the heaven governed by God and below it were the abysses and the hell resided by the devils. In the age of science and technology, however, we should reformulate some of the theological contents in the Scriptures in light of the new scientific understandings about the cosmos. Biblical themes such as the creation, the providence and the salvation of God should be correlated with modern cosmological ideas that may bring new theological insights.

Contrary to the seven-day creation story in the Old Testament (Gen 1.1-2.3), cosmologists tell us that our solar system was formed out of the solar nebula about 4.6 billion years ago. The most primitive life on earth appeared about 3.8 billion years ago and later evolved into the diversity of life that we observe today.37 Homo sapiens were latecomers and first appeared about 400,000 years ago, following the Homo erectus that had their origins in Africa about two million years ago. Molecular biology and fossil discoveries have found that human beings and the modern African apes share 99% of their DNA, indicating that both species are descended from common ancestors38 who appeared about four to six million years ago. We are indisputably part of nature and, more significantly, have a long cosmic and biological evolutionary history. To develop a theology of nature that is compatible with the discoveries of modern science, the idea of the Logos is particularly important as it encloses the cosmic dimension of the incarnate Christ.

Rationality of the universe is the fundamental principle for science, without which scientific investigation becomes impossible. In the Prologue of the Fourth Gospel, John39 particularly speaks of the origin of Jesus to a cosmological extent. The parallel of the use of language between the Prologue and Genesis in the introductory verses is obvious and it connects the cosmic dimension of Jesus Christ, the Word made flesh, to the foundation of the divine creation. Jesus was with God in the beginning, before God’s creation and therefore before the existence of time, space and matter40. John commemorates Jesus as the Logos, or the Word of God, accentuating the hearing tradition of the Jewish community as well as the Johannine community: What we hear, see and experience now is the revelation of God. The Word that made the heavens and the earth is the foundation of all creation, as Paul has also proclaimed: “All things were created through him and for him. He is before all things and in him all things hold together” (Col 1:16-17). With a richer and deeper meaning than Genesis, John declares that Jesus not only is the source of all creation, but is the underlying rational principle of all existing things as well. In Greek, the term Logos also means the logic or the rational principle underlying the fundamental reality of the universe41. In terms of the Greek language, therefore, the creation and the rational principle in the creation were self-expressions of God who now reveals Himself as the Word, in whom we can find the true meaning of the divine creation.

The integration of the dual meanings of the term Logos clearly connects the Jewish creation ideas to the Greek philosophical conceptions about the ultimate operational rules of the universe at the time of the Johannine community. Moreover, it is significant that John identifies the Logos with God: “the Word was God” and personalizes the Logos with Jesus, as witnessed by John the Baptist and the Johannine community. The use of this special word Logos in the Prologue remarkably conveys to the readers the idea that Jesus was the divine creator who now brings salvation to his creation. In this respect, salvation may be regarded as a continuing process of the divine creation. In other words, creation and salvation are the same activity of God. For the Johannine community, God's creation had never stopped but had been continuing since the beginning of the cosmic history, particularly through the death and resurrection of Jesus and the receiving of the Holy Spirit that they had experienced. Jesus plainly said, “my Father is working still, and I am working” (Jn 5:17). Creation is not a one-time action but an on-going activity of God42.

5. The Rational and the Anthropic Principles
Does it follow that the anthropic principle is one of the self-expressions of the Logos? Scientists and theologians have not arrived at a conclusive answer to this question. On the one hand, one has to be cautious of taking too seriously the possible theological implications of the contemporary cosmological theories because scientific theories or hypothesis are by nature provisional. As mentioned earlier, we do not yet have a unified theory about the universe. In fact, according to Karl Popper43, we can never be sure about obtaining such a complete theory. If the current theory is to be replaced by a future one, we may then have to rethink our theological inferences.

On the other hand, what is philosophically significant is that our cosmos44 is rational and unified, whether we can eventually find a complete theory or not. The work of scientists is after all to study the natural laws reflecting the rational and unified beauty of the universe. Indisputably, the anthropic principle shows us the wonder of our cosmos. This aesthetic experience of scientific exploration was also the conviction of the Greeks or the Stoics in the first century.

Nevertheless, the Stoic philosophical view about the rational principle is static, and impersonal, whereas the Johannine experience of the Logos is dynamic and personal. John celebrates the pre-existent Logos as the life-giver and the light of the world. All things exist in him and through him. The Logos is the light that enlightens people and gives power to all his believers to become the children of God (Jn 1:12). In the beginning he was with God and now he becomes flesh and blood and tabernacles among us (Jn 1:14). The incarnation of the Logos brings glory to God and raises all existing things to a new stage of creation. In John's writings, the glory is always associated with the love of God; this is the “glory which thou hast given me in thy love for me before the foundation of the world” (Jn 17:24).

According to John, to be in unity and in love with God is embedded in the nature of creation.45 The incarnation of the Logos effectively marks a new level of existence for the creation. This is a new vision for the nature of the created cosmos that has been evolving from pure radiation46 to the complexity of life and intelligence.

6. Extraterrestrial Life
Before we turn to the discussion of the human condition in the evolutionary framework, let us now investigate the possibility of the existence of other intelligent beings in the universe in a scientific way. It is because the existence of extraterrestrial life will give us a new perspective on human nature within a cosmic context. The quest for the presence of intelligent life beyond the earth has its roots stretched back into antiquity47 and has a strong influence on both the scientific and the religious communities, serving as a good meeting point for the dialogue between them in the modern time. Christian theology should be implicitly involved in this ancient quest because it will naturally provoke us to ponder the relation between God and humanity and, in particular, the mystery of the incarnation of the Logos.

6.1 The Drake Equation
In the scientific context, the American astronomer Frank Drake48 proposed in 1961 his famous equation, N = R* x fp x ne x f1 x fi x fc x L , for estimating the number of technologically advanced civilizations in our galaxy that are presently capable of communicating with us (N). This so-called Drake equation contains a series of factors representing the probability of some major steps in the evolution of such civilizations. These factors are the average rate of formation of suitable stars in our galaxy (R*), the fraction of stars having planetary systems (fp), the average number of habitable planets per planetary system (ne), the fraction of those habitable planets on which life actually arises (f1), the fraction of such life-bearing planets on which intelligence develops (fi), the fraction of those intelligent-life planets that develop electromagnetic communications technology (fc) and, finally, the average lifetime of these communicating civilizations (L).

Scientists, however, do not have sufficient information and knowledge to determine, even approximately, some of these factors that have remained highly speculative ever since they were proposed. The actual value for N may be any number from zero to billions49. The contemporary advocates for a large value of N are mostly astronomers and physicists including Carl Sagan, Frank Drake and Philip Morrison50 who are very optimistic about the two biological factors f1 and fi whose values are simply taken to be one. Many leading evolutionary biologists such as Theodosius Dobzhansky, George Gaylord Simpson, Jacob Francois, Francisco Ayala and Ernst Mayr51 have opposed this oversimplification and argued that the development of intelligent life is extremely improbable even in the primate lineage. The evolutionist Owen Lovejoy explains clearly:

The evolution of cognition is the product of a variety of influences and preadaptive capacities, the absence of any one of which would have completely negated the process, and most of which are unique attributes of primates and/or homonids. Specific dietary shifts, bipedal locomotion, manual dexterity, control of differentiated muscles of facial expression, vocalization, intense social and parenting behaviour (of specific kinds), keen stereoscopic vision, and even specialized forms of sexual behaviour, all qualify as irreplaceable elements. It is evident that the evolution of cognition is neither the result of an evolutionary trend nor an event of even the lowest calculable probability, but rather the result of a series of highly specific evolutionary events whose ultimate cause is traceable to selection for unrelated factors such as locomotion and diet52.

The general consensus among evolutionists is that the emergence of intelligent beings involves a reasonably large number of improbable evolutionary steps53 that will make fi (and hence N) practically equal to zero and therefore the earth may be the only planet that harbors intelligent life in our galaxy or even in the entire universe. Consequently, as intelligent life actually exists on our planet, life of lower forms ought to be statistically plentiful in the universe. Although these different kinds of extraterrestrial life should expand exponentially within their environmental limits54, none of them may give rise to intelligence according to modern evolutionary theory. It is therefore not very surprising that astronomers will discover other primitive life forms in the solar system and other extrasolar systems in the future.

6.2 Carter's Argument
Based on the Copernican Principle55 one may still dispute that as intelligent life could actually develop on this planet in spite of the improbability in evolution, it should also happen again on other extrasolar planets that may be numerous in the universe56. To respond to this question, it is important to note that the observation of intelligence on earth is necessarily restricted by the weak anthropic principle57 (WAP) – what we observe in nature must satisfy the conditions required for our existence, otherwise we would not be here to discuss it. In other words, whether intelligence is everywhere or nowhere in this universe with the immensity of space and time58, we must find ourselves on this planet now. This is actually a consequence of the so-called ‘selection effect’. In fact, as first suggested by Brandon Carter59 in 1983, WAP supports the viewpoint of the evolutionists that the emergence of intelligence on a habitable planet is extremely improbable.

The basic idea in Carter's argument is to define three different time periods: tav (unknown) is the average time needed to evolve ‘intelligent observers’ on an earth-like planet, te ( 4x109 years) is the actual time taken for evolution to produce intelligent beings on earth, and tms ( 1010 years) is the lifetime of the sun which is classified as a G2 main sequence star60. Although we do not know tav, we would expect a priori that tav should belong to one of these three cases: (1) tav << tms , (2) tav tms and (3) tav >> tms. The second case should be statistically ruled out because it represents a very narrow part of the entire hypothesis space and there exists no physical relationship between the average time for evolution of intelligence and the lifetime of a main sequence star. Nevertheless, both case 1 and case 3 are not consistent with the observed fact that te tms (to within a factor of 2.5). This means that the actual observed time to evolve intelligence on earth (te) does not draw near to the average time needed to evolve intelligence on an earth-like planet (tav). Now if the first case, tav << tms, were true, we could have observed te tav with high probability. Therefore, combined with WAP, the observation that te tms implies strongly that tav >> tms and hence tav>> te. The fact that we observe te < tms is a necessary outcome of the WAP selection effect in spite of its minimal likelihood of occurrence. We must evolve successfully before the sun depletes its hydrogen fuel in the core, or else no observation could be made. In short, WAP inevitably leads us to conclude that the third case, tav >> tms, is most likely. This conclusion also implies that the existence of extraterrestrial intelligent life is highly improbable.

6.3 The Fermi Paradox
In their controversial book, Barrow and Tipler also develop the so-called space-travel argument against the existence of extraterrestrial intelligent life and come to the conclusion that
the probability of the evolution of creatures with the technological capability of interstellar communication within five billion years after the development of life on an earthlike planet is less than10-10, and thus it is very likely that we are the only intelligent species now existing in our galaxy.61

The basic idea of their argument, also known as the Fermi paradox62, is straightforward: If extraterrestrial intelligent beings exist and they possess a modest amount of rocket technology, they would colonize the entire galaxy for various reasons63 in less than 300 million years64 and should therefore have visited the solar system. Since we have not found them here on earth, this implies that they do not exist. The absence of evidence would actually be the evidence of absence.

6.4 Scientific Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence
The discussions above are consistent with the null results (up till now) of over a hundred scientific projects in different parts of the world on searching for extraterrestrial intelligent life65. For example, Project Phoenix66, carried out during the late 1990s, was the most sensitive and comprehensive search for extraterrestrial civilizations. Using large radio telescopes, it scrutinized radio signals67 originating from the vicinities of about one thousand sun-like stars within a distance of two hundred light years from the earth. Yet no meaningful signals have been received. In fact, our earth has been broadcasting radio signals into space ever since the advent of radio and television technologies. The radio radiation from the earth is now more intense than that from the sun as seen by a distant observer in space. These terrestrial signals have reached a distance of 70 to 80 light years from the earth, revealing our presence to more than a thousand stars. As we have not received any responses thus far, we may conclude that no extraterrestrial civilizations exist within a distance of 35 to 40 light years, or if they exist they are not interested in replying to our signals.

As mentioned before, the existence of other intelligent beings beyond the earth would raise some interesting theological questions, especially in connection with Christology: Do extraterrestrial beings have original sin even though they are not descendants of Adam and Eve? Would there be multiple incarnations of the Logos in the other worlds?68 These questions unavoidably compel us to reexamine the doctrine of original sin and the meaning of the incarnation of the Logos, in particular with respect to the evolutionary worldview.

  A short version of this paper was published in the fourth issue of the Australian Ejournal of Theology. The website of this journal is http://dlibrary.acu.edu.au/research/theology/ejournal.

On 15 June 2006, the world-renowned physicist Stephen Hawking delivered an inaugural lecture for the Institute for Advanced Study at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology on “The Origin of the Universe”. At the beginning of his wide-ranging lecture, Hawking introduced his theme by asking two big questions: Why are we here? Where did we come from?

Eichrodt, W. Man in the Old Testament, translated by K. and R. Gregor Smith. London:SCM Press, 1951; Frederick Grant. An Introduction to New Testament Thought, 160-170. Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1950.

There may be other ways of analyzing the various dimensions of the human person. For example, in his article “Artificial Insemination: Ethical Considerations” (Louvain Studies (1980), pp. 3-29), Louis Janssens suggests that there are eight fundamental dimensions of the human person, namely, (1) a subject, (2) an embodied subject, (3) part of the material world, (4) interrelational with other persons, (5) an interdependent social being, (6) historical, (7) equal but unique, and (8) called to know and worship God. Our emphasis, however, is placed on the biblical interpretations.

Porteous, N. W. “Soul.” In Interpreter’s Dictionary of the Bible, vol. 4, 428. Nashville: Abingdon, 1962.

Green, J. B. ‘“Bodies—That is, Human Lives”: A Re-Examination of Human Nature in the Bible.’ In Whatever Happened to the Soul? Scientific and Theological Portraits of Human Nature, edited by W. S. Brown, N. Murphy, and H. N. Malony, 158. Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 1998.

Cullmann, O. Immortality of the Soul or Resurrection of the Dead? 30. New York: MacMillan, 1958.

de Silva, L. The Problem of Self in Buddhism and Christianity, 75. London: MacMillan, 1979.

Catechism of the Catholic Church, 356.

In Gen 1:3-31, the Priestly writers divide the strophes into two parallel sections. Each section has three parts which emphasize on the separation of different objects such as the light and the darkness, the heavenly water and the earthly water, the seas and the land, the day and the night, the birds and the fish, and the man and all other creatures.

Green, J. B. “Restoring the Human Person: New Testament Voices for a Wholistic and Social Anthropology.” In Neuroscience and the Person: Scientific Perspectives on Divine Action, edited by R. J. Russell, N. Murphy, T. C. Meyering, and M. A. Arbib, eds., 3-22. Vatican City State: Vatican Observatory, 1999.

This story is also depicted in Mark’s Gospel (Mk: 5: 25-34) and Matthew’s Gospel (Mt 9: 20-22).

Lev 15: 25-30 “If a woman has a discharge of blood for many days, not at the time of her impurity, or if she has a discharge beyond the time of her impurity, all the days of the discharge she shall continue in uncleanness; as in the days of her impurity, she shall be unclean. Every bed on which she lies, all the days of her discharge, shall be to her as the bed of her impurity; and everything on which she sits shall be unclean, as in the uncleanness of her impurity. And whoever touches these things shall be unclean, and shall wash his clothes, and bathe himself in water, and be unclean until the evening. But if she is cleansed of her discharge, she shall count for herself seven days, and after that she shall be clean. And on the eighth day she shall take two turtledoves or two young pigeons, and bring them to the priest, to the door of the tent of meeting. And the priest shall offer one for a sin offering and the other for a burnt offering; and the priest shall make atonement for her before the Lord for her unclean discharge.”

Green. “Restoring the Human Person,” 14.

Catechism of the Catholic Church, 357.

Green. “Restoring the Human Person”, 7.

Catechism of the Catholic Church, 417.

Catechism of the Catholic Church, 418.

For example, Cain’s murder of his brother Abel. The story of the flood and Noah’s ark further symbolizes the widespread of evil.

Catechism of the Catholic Church, 405.

The Easter Proclamation (the Exultet) of the liturgy for the Easter Vigil has such a joyful verse: “O happy fault… which gained for us so great a Redeemer!”

Catechism of the Catholic Church, 389.

This definition is given by Nancey Murphy who advocates a nonreductive physicalist account of human nature. Murphy, N. “Human Nature: Historical, Scientific, and Religious Issues.” In Whatever Happened to the Soul? Scientific and Theological Portraits of Human Nature, 25, edited by W. S. Brown, N. Murphy, and H. N. Malony. Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 1998.

Barbour, I. G. Religion and Science: Historical and Contemporary Issues, 272. New York: HarperSanFrancisco, 1997.

The anthropic principle was first proposed by astrophysicist Brandon Carter in Poland in 1973, during a special meeting commemorating Copernicus’s 500th birthday.

The 2006 Nobel Prize in Physics has been awarded to two American scientists, John C. Mather and George F. Smoot, for their work that offered increased support for the Big Bang theory of the universe.

According to the latest astronomical findings, the universe is 13.6 + 0.2 billion years old (Science News, vol. 166 (July 31, 2004), 69).

Still, scientists cannot answer the limit questions: Why is there a Big Bang? Or why does the universe exist?

Currently, the most promising unified theory is the superstring theory, in which the most fundamental ingredients of the universe are vibrating strands of energy, known as strings, which make up all the constituents of nature including all the force carriers such as gravitons and photons, and all the elementary particles such as electrons and quarks.

For example, Stephen Hawking and Albert Einstein. Einstein, however, did not like quantum mechanics owing to its statistical nature. His unsuccessful unified theory only incorporated the gravitational force and the electromagnetic force and did not take into account the two nuclear forces, namely, the weak force and the strong force.

This is a ten-million-billion-billion-billion-billionth of a second from the beginning.

For a more comprehensive description of modern cosmology and the anthropic principle, see Russell, R. J., N. Murphy, and C. J. Isham, eds. Quantum Cosmology and the Laws of Physics. Vatican City State: Vatican Observatory, 1996; Barrow, J. D., and F. J. Tipler. The Anthropic Cosmological Principle. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1986.

There are about a dozen physical constants whose values have to be determined from experiments. For example, the electron mass is equal to 9.1093826 (16) x 10-31kg.

For example, if the ratio of proton to electron mass (1.836 x 103) were very slightly varied, DNA replication would become impossible.

As stated by Barrow and Tipler, there are three primary versions of the anthropic principle: (1) Weak Anthropic Principle (WAP): “The observed values of all physical and cosmological quantities are not equally probable but they take on values restricted by the requirement that there exist sites where carbon-based life can evolve and by the requirements that the Universe be old enough for it to have already done so.” (2) Strong Anthropic Principle (SAP): “The Universe must have those properties which allow life to develop within it at some stage in its history.” (3) Final Anthropic Principle (FAP): “Intelligent information-processing must come into existence in the Universe, and, once it comes into existence, it will never die out.” Barrow and Tipler, The Anthropic Cosmological Principle, 15-23. In this paper, we will focus on WAP which is the most acceptable version.

Leslie, J. Universes. London and New York: Routledge, 1989.

The discoveries from paleontology indicate that more than 99% of the species of life have developed and become extinct in the evolutionary history.

For example, the Australopithecus Africanus (the southern ape from Africa).

Although there is uncertainty about the identity of the author of the Fourth Gospel, we will simply name him as John, following the tradition of Irenaeus (130-200 C.E.).

This is hard to define the meaning of the temporal word “before” here, as time itself did not exist before the creation. St. Augustine answered well the question: “What was God doing before He made heaven and earth?” His answer was “God was preparing hell to those who pry into mysteries.” Augustine, Confessions, XI.xiii.14.

The emphasis of the Logos in the Johannine Prologue has been well explained by many authors. See, for example, Morris, L. The Gospel According to John, rev. ed., 102-111. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1995. Schnackenburg, R. The Gospel According to St. John, vol. 1. London: Burns & Oates, 1968; and Brown, R. E. The Gospel According to John, vol. 1. New York: Doubleday & Co., 1966.

In addition to the concept of creation-out-of-nothing (Creatio ex Nihilo), this idea of continuing creation (Creatio Continua) can also be found in the Hebrew writings, for example, Psalm 104.

Popper, K. R. The Logic of Scientific Discovery. New York: Basic Books, 1959.

In Greek, cosmos means orderliness.

This is interesting to note that in Hebrew, the words God and Nature have the same numerical value, and so do the two words love and one. Therefore, some modern scholars argue that to love implies being in one with God.

Light is one kind of electromagnetic radiation. In scientific terms, the phrase in Genesis, “let there be light”, can be interpreted as “let there be radiation”! Gerald Schroeder gives an interesting scientific analysis on Genesis in his book Genesis and the Big Bang. New York: Bantam Books, 1990.

Two fine books on the historical studies of extraterrestrial life are Dick, S. Plurality of Worlds: The Origins of the Extraterrestrial life Debate from Democritus to Kant. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1982; and Crowe, M. The Extraterrestrial Life Debate, 1750-1900. Mineola: Dover, 1999. For a short historical review, see Crowe, M. “A History of the Extraterrestrial Life Debate.” In Zygon 32 # 2 (June 1997) 147-162.

Drake, F. “Project Ozma.” In Physics Today 14 (April 1961) 40-46.

Drake’s original calculation gave N=100,000.

Barrow and Tipler. The Anthropic Cosmological Principle, 576.

Barrow and Tipler. The Anthropic Cosmological Principle, 133.

Lovejoy, C. O. “Evolution of man and its implications for general principles of the evolution of intelligent life.” In Life in the Universe, edited by J. Billingham, 326. Cambridge: MIT Press, 1981.

The Human Genome Project, completed in 2003, found that the number of genes in the human genome is about 30,000 and each contains an average of 3000 nucleotide bases (A, C, T and G), of which about 10% are immutable for building proteins. The probability against assembling the human genome spontaneously is then , (4-3000x0.1)30000 10-5000000,an exceedingly small number.

Simpson, G. G. The Meaning of Evolution, 512. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1967.

The Copernican Principle states that we do not occupy a special position in the universe.

As of 16 October 2007, astronomers have discovered 255 extrasolar planets in 218 separate extrasolar systems – 192 single-planet systems and 26 multiple-planet systems. All of these planets except one (named PSR 1257+12 b) are more massive than earth. NASA's proposed Kepler mission, scheduled for launch in February 2009, will search for earth-sized planets around 100,000 sun-like stars over a period of 4 years. It is expected that several hundreds of terrestrial planets in the habitable zone (where liquid water can exist on the planets) will then be detected. But if Kepler fails to find any terrestrial planets, then such planets must be rare and life might be uncommon in the universe.

See footnote 35.

The vastness of space is no waste because of our own presence. Our universe must be old enough for the stellar production of heavy elements necessary for the evolution of life and consciousness. But an old expanding universe has to be very huge. This is another example of the anthropic principle.

Carter, B. “The Anthropic Principle and Its Implications for Biological Evolution,” Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London A 310 (1983) 347-363.

A G2 star has a surface temperature of about 6000°C while a main sequence star burns its hydrogen fuel in the core in a stable state. A star like our sun will stay on the main sequence for about 10 billion years.

Barrow and Tipler. The Anthropic Cosmological Principle, 576.

One day in 1950 during a mealtime at Los Alamos National Laboratory, when his fellows were discussing the advanced civilizations in the galaxy, the famous physicist Enrico Fermi asked, “So? Where is everybody?” The colloquial saying adopted by most authors is “If they existed, they would be here.”

The motivations for interstellar communication and exploration include information exchange and survival needs. Barrow and Tipler. The Anthropic Cosmological Principle, 590-601.

This is a short period when compared to the age of the galaxy which is more than ten billion years. A more optimistic calculation will give a period of less than 4 million years. Barrow and Tipler. The Anthropic Cosmological Principle, 578-590. See also Tipler. The Physics of Immortality, 54-55. New York: Doubleday, 1994.

Sullivan, W. “Alone in the Universe?” Nature 380 (21 March 1996) 211.

The official website is http://www.seti-inst.edu/Welcome.html.

Two billion channels in the range of 1 to 3 GHz for each target star were simultaneously monitored with a bandwidth of only 1 Hz. This radio range corresponds to the wavelengths of 10cm to 30cm, which, as the astronomers believe, is the best part of the electromagnetic spectrum for interstellar communications.

In his popular book, The Age of Reason, first published in 1793, the deist Thomas Paine rejects Christianity for a number of reasons. He argues that it is ridiculous for him to believe that the Son of God would have to die many times on different planets harboring intelligent beings: “are we to suppose that every world in the boundless creation had an Eve, an apple, a serpent, and a redeemer? In this case, the person who is irreverently called the Son of God, and sometimes God himself, would have nothing else to do than to travel from world to world, in an endless succession of death, with scarcely a momentary interval of life.” Paine, T. “The Age of Reason.” In Thomas Paine; Representative Selections, edited by H. H. Clark, 283. New York: Hill and Wang, 1961.

Teilhard de Chardin, P. The Phenomenon of Man. New York: Harper & Row, 1959.

7. The Human Condition in the Evolutionary Context

In his famous book “the Phenomenon of Man”69, Teilhard de Chardin simply divides the evolution of the universe into three interrelated stages, from matter to life and then to human. Important and critical transitions happened in these evolutionary processes and the entire universe was created with a potential to move from the inanimate stage to the conscious stage. The historical Jesus was the summit of divine creation and was also a new stage of creation that became a perfect model for humankind. According to Teilhard de Chardin, Jesus is a unique symbol of the union of the divine and the created human, which is indeed the goal and fulfillment of the divine creation. The incarnation of Jesus was not primarily to redeem us from the bondage of sins, but essentially to unite us with God through love. In the gospels, the coming of the kingdom of God, a perfect scene in which God reigns with his full intention of creation, is always the central missionary message of Jesus. We are called to authentic existence and to become a perfect image of God full of grace, truth and love70.

The Logos is the empowerment within the emergent universe that drives the evolutionary processes conforming to the laws of nature. He is present in every creation process and he works through the natural laws he has established. In the first transition, order was shaped out of the chaos towards the complexity of life. In the second transition, life evolved through the biological laws towards even greater complexity that brought about the emergence of intelligence and consciousness71. Nevertheless, each phase of evolution possessed a certain degree of “freedom” and therefore the development of complexity was not carried out in a pre-determined way. In the initial inanimate universe, the uncertainty principle in quantum mechanics was the autonomy in the interactions of small particles. Before the advent of intelligence, there were the statistical laws of random mutation and natural selection in biological evolution. There is now the free will for human beings who certainly have a much more profound influence on the course of evolution. Being self-conscious and intelligent, we could actually destroy the long history of evolution by just pressing a nuclear button or contribute to our future development in a constructive way. The evolution is still going on and the current phase becomes more crucial owing to our greater complexity and freedom.

In this crucial phase of evolution, the incarnation of the Logos became necessary for revealing to us the nature of creation so that the present social and cultural evolution might lead us to true humanity. In Philip Hefner's terminology, we have now evolved into a symbiosis of genes and cultures72. Hefner regards original sin as the discrepancy we experience between the information coming from our genes and from our culture and also as the fallibility and limitation that are part of the human evolution. We are fallible in a sense that we move forward only through trial and error. Nevertheless, as emphasized by Denis Edwards, discrepancy and fallibility are not of themselves sins73. Using Karl Rahner's clarification of the theological concept of concupiscence74, Edwards stresses that there are two major disorders associated with original sin. The first kind of disorder comes from the current sinful condition that is a result of the long history of the human rejection of God. We were born and brought up in a sinful world which affects us and which is the framework for making our own decisions. We are more or less shaped by other people and by history. As social and cultural beings, we actualize ourselves in a situation that has been contaminated with the sin of the world. “The sin of others is a universal and permanent part of the human condition from the beginning and is in this sense original.”75

The second kind of disorder is not a result of sin but is intrinsic to us as a spiritual being and simultaneously as a fundamentally physical and limited creature. Owing to our bodiliness and finitude, “we human beings are never fully autonomous, integrated and in control.”76 Nevertheless, Rahner does not think that we can overcome these human characteristics, as they are actually part of the divine creation. This kind of concupiscence is a consequence of our finitude and, as Rahner insists, is morally neutral. It may keep us not only from doing good things but also from doing bad ones. In other words, we are inherently fallible because as finite evolutionary creatures we are subject to our limitations and past evolutionary routes. This is the way that God has created us as free responsible selves. Unfortunately our ancestors did fall and they created a sinful environment for us.

Traditionally, sacraments are regarded as the symbolic instruments for conveying the grace of God to believers. The sacramental rituals are special moments in which the finite humanity encounters the infinite divinity. Jesus Christ is the primordial sacrament of God and the Church, founded by Jesus, is the consequential sacrament of Christ. In the sacrament of baptism we acknowledge Jesus Christ as our savior through the grace of God and we begin our new life in the Christian way. In the evolutionary context, it means that one has to conquer concupiscence by joining the Christian community whose people are witnesses to the perfect life of Jesus and also by making right choices in his or her life within human limitations. Humanity is a new species with the greatest freedom in the evolutionary history and now we can find the meaning of the cosmic evolution in Jesus Christ, the Logos, who will enable us to make the quantum leap. Nevertheless, our own participation in creating ourselves is important because we have become God's “created co-creators”77 who are evolving into a new creation not only through the salvific work of Jesus but also by our own efforts.

8. Jesus Christ in the Evolutionary Perspective

Our being human signifies a new evolutionary step towards the union with the Creator. Before the appearance of human beings, all created entities with their lower levels of freedom are in harmony with each other and they form an ecological system. However, the non-human creations do not have the moral and spiritual capacities that are unique to human beings. Now humanity, as part of nature, has remarkable abilities and potentialities far greater than its pre-human ancestors. We have evolved into self-conscious and spiritual beings with free wills and moral judgments. In the context of evolutionary biology, the fall of Adam can only be a symbolic story for the goodness of the on-going creation. Each level of creation has new challenges directing to the ultimate goals of creation. Using the terminology of Charles Birch and John Cobb, human beings are “falling upward” that “identifies the occurrence of a new level of order and freedom bought at the price of suffering.”78 Adam’s fall denotes not only an authentic experience of every person from being innocent to committing sins, but also the alienation from harmony or the break-up of relationships when the creation moved from the pre-human stage to the human stage. In this perspective, should there be extraterrestrial intelligent beings, they would also have their own fall and inherit their own original sin.

It is important to realize at this point that creation is not a single event in time but is an unfinished continuing process. The concept of continuing creation is not foreign even in the Old Testament, though it may not be one of the central ideas. We, being created, are invited to participate in the continuing creative work of God (Gen 1: 27-28). Like Teilhard de Chardin, Philip Hefner maintains that Jesus is the perfect model of true humanity. Jesus, as fully human and fully divine signifying the unity of the creation and the Creator, denotes a new stage of cosmic evolution and divine self-communication that requires our free decisions and our active involvement. We are called to be in perfect relationship with the cosmos, with others and ourselves as well as with the divine mystery. If “sin, in all its forms, is a violation of relatedness”79, then the salvation of Christ is to help us live out all these relationships to a superb extent. As the Logos placed order out of the chaos in the beginning of the cosmic history, he now places order out of evil and sin in the human history. Like the two faces of a coin, creation and salvation are one plan of God in this cosmic sense.

The grace of God offered to us in the sacraments is therefore part of the continuing creation of God. We are summoned to participate in God's creation by building up qualitative relationships with God, people and nature through the love of God manifest in Jesus the Christ. Grace, as a self-communication of God, is not only individual and communal but also environmental. We live in a world of grace because the universe itself is sacramental.80 The emergence of self-consciousness in the universe is also the gradual awareness of the presence of the divine love in this universe full of grace.

In the incarnation of the Logos, we can discern the nature of the divine creation and the meaning of the human existence. The creation is a long evolutionary process in the light of contemporary cosmology and the historical Jesus is “the continuation and fulfillment of a long cosmic evolution”81. Being the heart of creation, Jesus reveals to us the full meaning of creation. He as a man shares our cosmic evolutionary history that started from the Big Bang, continued in the creation of heavy elements in the stars and supernovae, and evolved from the early life forms to Homo sapiens. As the Logos, Jesus is also the self-expression and the self-revelation of God to creation. He is the origin of all beings in the cosmos as well as the ultimate meaning of the evolving conscious cosmos. The goal of the cosmic evolution may be perceived as the preparation for the incarnation of the Logos who would bring the whole creation into union with God. As a corollary, the assumption of human nature by the Logos implies two possibilities. The first one is that we may be the only intelligent species in the whole universe and the other one is that we may be the intelligent species that has first attained the capacities for making moral judgment and spiritual reflection. This result is consonant with our earlier scientific discussions on the (non-)existence of extraterrestrial intelligent life. To put it another way, the absence of extraterrestrial intelligence conforms to our understanding of the incarnation of the Logos in the evolutionary perspective.

The uniqueness of humankind is in fact a “classical” solution which is now shown to be in agreement with the weak anthropic principle. The stance that only one world existed was taken by Thomas Aquinas when he, following the Aristotelian tradition, tried to refute the many worlds hypothesis put forward by earlier theologians including St. Augustine. Although the plurality of worlds could exhibit the greatness and the glory of the Creator who, being omnipotent and absolutely free, could have created other worlds82, St. Thomas rejected the pluralist model because it seemed to deny the orderly unity of the Creator. In his Summa Theologiae, St. Thomas argues:

The very order of things created by God shows the unity of the world. For this world is called one by the unity of order, whereby some things are ordered to others. But whatever things come from God, have relation of order to each other, and to God Himself... Hence it must be that all things should belong to one world.83

Although the human race might be alone in the universe, we are not the final stage of evolution but we are emerging into a new mode of creation and becoming more like Christ, “the image of the invisible God” (Col 1:15), through the divinizing grace of God. Using the terminology of Teilhard de Chardin, we are in the phase of Christogenesis in which we are creating ourselves with empowerment from the pre-existing and eternal Logos who is the “alpha-point” of all existing things as well as the “omega-point” of the evolutionary cosmos. The human person is more who one becomes than who one is. The ultimate goal of the evolutionary cosmos is the harmony of all creation in the Logos who, as a person, discloses perfect dynamic relationships with God, with humanity and with nature. This is the true humanity for us and this is also the joyful revelation that the Johannine community experienced in the resurrected Jesus. The doctrine of original sin may then be understood as part of the inevitable process for the transcendence of human beings who have a long history of evolutionary legacy. Through the ritual of baptism, the recipient has a new life and becomes a new creation in Christ, as emphasized by St. Paul. In his book on the sacraments of initiation, Kenan Osborne writes:

The Christian does not merely have life without sin, but a wholly new kind of life which is for God and in Christ Jesus… unifying the baptized more strongly with one another, but above all more deeply unifying the believers with Christ, with the Spirit, and with the Father.84

As pre-human ancestors evolved through natural selection and mutation, humanity now evolve through human freedom and decision of accepting the grace of God that has existed ever since the primordial creation and the dawn of consciousness. Rejecting the traditional concept of original sin, the theologian Matthew Fox even writes that Genesis actually portrays the “original blessing” of humanity85 and this should become the new paradigm for our time.

9. Jesus as the Cosmic Savior

Human beings are made in the image of God and we can now say that this image is Jesus Christ who has restored the cosmic order and has transformed the entire creation through His death and resurrection. This character of the image of God is universal and transcendental. In his letter to the Colossians, Paul clearly presents Christ as the creator, the preserver and the savior for the entire creation:

He is the image of the invisible God, the first-born of all creation; for in him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or principalities or authorities – all things were created through him and for him. He is before all things, and in him all things hold together. He is the head of the body, the church; he is the beginning, the first-born from the dead, that in everything he might be pre-eminent. For in him all the fullness of God was pleased to dwell, and through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether on earth or in heaven, making peace by the blood of his cross. (Col 1: 15-20)

It is important to note that Christ’s salvation is for all things, whether on earth or in heaven86. All things, from the elementary particles to the galactic systems, and from the microbes to the intelligent beings, were created by him and for him. This important concept of Paul is consonant with John's conviction that Christ is the alpha and the omega of all creation (Rev 1:8). In the letter to the Romans, Paul emphasizes that the Passover of Jesus is a single historic event, “The death he died, he died to sin once for all.” (Rom 6:10) The incarnation of Jesus Christ is indeed part of the divine creation plan that is scheduled for the appropriate social and cultural settings in human history87. As mentioned earlier, the incarnation in the evolutionary perspective is not primarily for the forgiveness of human sin, but is essentially for the union of the cosmos with its creator. In other words, the salvation of Jesus Christ in this broader sense is a divine creation activity that has made its way into human and cosmic history. The Logos would become human whether we have sinned or not, although our earlier analysis shows that sin may be an inescapable phenomenon in the evolutionary context. It should be pointed out that this concept of incarnation has its root in the scholastic tradition. When Duns Scotus (1266-1308) tried to explain the concept of the unio hypostatica88, he affirmed that it was the intention of God that the world was created for Christ in the very beginning and the world should be united with Christ by the closest possible relationship – the incarnation89.

The cosmic character of the Logos is prominent in Colossians 1:15-20 90. The salvation of Jesus Christ is a once-for-all incident and its efficacy extends not only in time but also in space. This cosmic Christology of Paul is consistent with the conception of evolution that we have so far developed. Teilhard de Chardin even refers the cosmic dimension of Christ as the third nature of Christ91, demonstrating the significance of this idea that has grown from modern cosmology. The universal redemption of Christ essentially applies to all created beings, including any extraterrestrial intelligent life that might exist elsewhere in the universe. Multiple incarnations of the Logos in these other worlds are unnecessary because the earthly once-for-all incarnation of the Logos with the “blood of his cross” has made available the reconciliation of the alien beings with God. In the same way as the Israelites were chosen by God to represent the salvation of God for all nations and peoples in the Old Testament, Homo sapiens are now chosen by God to designate the reconciliation of God with the Christocentric universe. Being the very first intelligent species in the universe, we now take on the mission to bring the good news to the alien civilizations should they exist. This is scientifically feasible on account of the colonization of the galaxy by our own species in less than 300 million years. Applying the space-travel argument to ourselves, we would have colonized the entire galaxy well before other intelligent beings could successfully evolve on their home planets92. Nevertheless, as noted by Giuseppe Tanzella-Nitti, the participation of the Christian redemption, be it earthly or extraterrestrial, must be guided by the Holy Spirit, “who also works in a way which is mostly unknown for us, but certainly the only one able to secure the universality and interiorization of salvation.”93

10. The Fulfillment of Human Life

From the biblical anthropology, a Christian can reflect on the way to fulfill the purpose of human life as created by God. The moral actions that he takes should correspond to the inherent values of the human person. This is the basic concept of morality94. Although an atheist can also be a moral person by recognizing the goodness of creation through natural reason, he may still fall into error by human ignorance95. The true humanity can only be known as it is given to us by the revelation of God as the Creator, especially in the incarnation of Jesus Christ, the Logos. As God himself became one of us in our history, we are assured of the goodness and value of the divine creation and more importantly the ultimate meaning of human existence.

In his book on abortion and euthanasia, Ronald Dworkin maintains that for religious people all human beings are sacred because they are the beloved children of God. He also argues that for the non-religious people every human being is nevertheless sacred because each individual human life is the highest product of natural creation as well as the masterpiece of human creation96. Scholars such as Michael Perry and Robert Grant97 disagree that Dworkin has successfully laid the foundation for the sacredness of human beings in the objective way and therefore they attempt to employ alternative secular justifications for human rights. I propose that one possible response to this opposition is to resort to the new discoveries in modern cosmology. As we have discussed earlier, evolutionary and cosmological scientists today have shown that human beings are the products of some highly improbable evolutionary processes that may happen once and for all in the history of the universe. Moreover, as Teilhard de Chardin pointed out, human beings are significant and precious because we have the greatest complexity and the highest level of organization in the universe98.

As the children of God, we should live a coherent life showing our special status and relationship among ourselves. As repetitively commanded by Jesus in the Fourth Gospel, our response to accepting God’s love is to love our neighbors as ourselves including our enemies and persecutors. In fact, the self-realization of the human person takes place through our moral acts towards other people and ourselves. The Jesuit, Joseph Fuchs, writes nicely, “…believers must translate their living faith, that is, their ‘Christian intentionality,’ into concrete living and manifest it in their lives. This is the reality of the human person…”99 The fulfillment of the human person is simply “that he live as man, that he discover himself and his world as well as their latent possibilities, that he understand them, that he shape and realize himself as genuinely human, as bodily-spiritual being.”100 I believe this is the best response to the recognition of the anthropic principle.

11. Concluding Remarks

In this paper, we have examined our current understandings of the cosmic evolution and the divine creation and presented a possible integration of these two ostensibly contradicting concepts. By investigating specific questions which concern both disciplines, science and theology can contribute to a coherent vision of reality. In particular, our investigation shows that the evolutionary worldview can help us better understand the original plan of the divine creation, the meaning of the human person as the imago Dei, and the salvific universality of the incarnation of the Logos. This is in agreement with the thought of St. Thomas that “nature, philosophy’s proper concern, could contribute to the understanding of divine Revelation.”101 The ultimate goal of scientific research is to discern the work of God and, more importantly, to know God Himself. This is also the conviction of the author of the Book of Wisdom: “From the greatness and beauty of created things comes a corresponding perception of their Creator” (Wis 13:5).

Our free determination to accept God's invitation becomes part of the fulfillment of the divine creative activity in the cosmic Christology. The sacrament of baptism is a symbol of the acceptance of the recipient to the invitation of this cosmic construction through the grace of God. It removes original sin in a sense that it transforms us from the state of concupiscence to a new state of creation with the fulfillment of relationships with God, other people, ourselves and nature. The transcendent and immanent God creates us not only to be the most advanced creatures in the universe but also to be His sons and daughters. This is the salvation that Jesus has brought us. It is actually a great honour for us to be able to participate in the divine creation that has taken place for 14 billion years. Nonetheless it is not an easy task and accordingly Jesus promised to send us the Holy Spirit as our spiritual guidance. God has never rested from his creative work but has been recruiting us to join the construction of His kingdom. The present realization of this kingdom under construction is also the experience of the Johannine community whose people were baptized with water and the Spirit from above. Many scholars hold that this kind of realized eschatology in the Fourth Gospel emphasizes the response of the believer who can experience the fullness of humanity now. In the cosmic Christology, the real Sabbath in the Genesis creation story is established only if the whole creation is consummated in union with the Logos at the end of the cosmic evolutionary history. This is also the time that the kingdom of God genuinely comes upon us who will then become fully the image of God. In his first letter to the Corinthians, Paul concludes with such an evolutionary vision: “Just as we have borne the image of the man of dust, we shall also bear the image of the man of heaven.” (1 Cor 15:49) This is our true humanity.

  In fact, Jesus summarizes his sermon on the mount by asking his followers to “be perfect, as our heavenly Father is perfect” (Mt 5:48).

It is interesting to note that intelligence and consciousness are not vital capacities for the survival of the fittest in nature.

Hefner, P. The Human Factor: Evolution, Culture and Religion, 102. Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 1993.

Edwards, D. The God of Evolution, 65. New York: Paulist Press 1999.

Rahner, K. “The Theological Concept of Concupiscentia.” In Theological Investigations I, 347-382. Baltimore: Helicon Press, 1961.

Edwards. The God of Evolution, 67.

Edwards. The God of Evolution, 65.

Our role as created co-creators is well explored by Philip Hefner in his book The Human Factor.

Birch, C., and J. B. Cobb. The Liberation of Life: From the Cell to the Community, 138. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1981.

Barbour. Religion and Science, 270.

Temple, W. “The Sacramental Universe.” In Nature, Man and God. Macmillan: London, 1934.

Barbour. Religion and Science, 248.

For this reason, the Bishop of Paris, Etienne Tempier, condemned in 1277 the Aristotelian proposition “that the First Cause cannot make many worlds”. Dick. Plurality of Worlds, 28.

Thomas, A. Summa Theologiae I, q. 47, a. 3.

Osborne, K. The Christian Sacraments of Initiation: Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist, 46. New York: Paulist Press, 1987.

Fox, M. Original Blessing, 18-19. New York: Jeremy P. Tarcher/Putnam, 2000.

The words “all things” or “everything” appear seven times in this Pauline passage.

In Mark's Gospel, Jesus began his mission by first proclaiming the fulfillment of time: “The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand; repent, and believe in the gospel.” (Mk 1:15)

The hypostatic union is a theological term asserting the one person subsisting in two natures, the divine and the human, of the incarnate Christ.

Minges, P. “Duns Scotus, Blessed John.” In The Catholic Encyclopedia (online). New York: Appleton, 1907-12; http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/05194a.htm.

See also Eph 1: 3-10.

. Teilhard de Chardin. The Heart of Matter, 93. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1978.

The idea that we might transmit the knowledge of the salvation of the Logos to other planets via radio communication is obviously out of place here.

Tanzella-Nitti, G. “Extraterrestrial Life.” In Interdisciplinary Encyclopaedia of Religion and Science, edited by G. Tanzella-Nitti and Alberto Strumia. (online English version) http://www.disf.org/en.

For Aristotle, morality is to live a virtuous way of life in fulfillment of a moral tradition; for Kant, it is based on reason and freedom; and for utilitarians, a moral action should bring the greatest happiness for human beings.

This is emphasized by Thomas Aquinas, for example, in his Summa Theologiae I, q. i. a. 2.

Dworkin, R. Life’s Dominion: An Argument about Abortion, Euthanasia and Individual Freedom. New York: Knopf, 1993.

Perry, M. J. “Is the Idea of Human Rights Essentially Religious?” In Doctrine and Life 45 (April 1995) 284-296. Grant, R. “Abortion and the Idea of the Sacred.” In Times Literary Supplement, June 18, 1993, 11.

Teilhard de Chardin, The Phenomenon of Man, 226-228.

Fuchs, J. “Is There a Specifically Christian Morality?” In The Distinctiveness of Christian Ethics – Readings in Moral Theology, no. 2, edited by C. E. Curran , and R. A. McCormick, 8. Mahwah: Paulist Press, 1980.

Fuchs, “Is There a Specifically Christian Morality?”, 10.

John Paul II, Encyclical Letter Fides et Ratio (14 September 1998) 43.


Barbour, I. G. Religion and Science: Historical and Contemporary Issues. New York: HarperSanFrancisco, 1997.

Barrow, J. D., and Tipler, F. J. The Anthropic Cosmological Principle. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1986.

Billington, J., ed. Life in the Universe. Cambridge: MIT Press, 1981.

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